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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Tim Healy Kevin Whately Cardinal Basil Hume RIP Neale Doughty ex grand national winning jockey
  2. too many keegan lovers on this site for christ sake wake up he cost us the league through his tactical ineptness, his childish spoilt brat behaviour has seen him jump ship from us twice and also he has never seen a job out in his life, he disappears into the ground never to be seen again. Other managers who are sacked/resign are still seen around football this cry baby cunt isnt. And to top it off he is trying to take a huge amount of money from the club that he supposedly loves at a time when we can ill afford it and it could seriously jeopardise our promotion campaign WAKE UP Keegan is a grade A cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. agree Smith got sent off for having to bring down bothroyd because of a serious fuck up by colo right at the death..dont be fooled by the mop haired one if he is struggling against the likes of bothroyd and other cloggers in this division he has no hope in the prem
  4. as someone said previously putting the words New York and imminent so close together and especially near Sept 11th...you will have the FBI kicking your front door in i expect
  5. geordiedean

    Our midfield

    I couldnt agree more and honestly think we have started so well because most of the players that are left have found there natural level in the CCC Nolan,Smith,Shola,Taylor,Enrique,Jonas,Butt,Guthrie all good at this level but damn awful in the premier league Colocinni needs to sign for Darlington to realise his level...if we were to go up this squad needs drastic overhaul and huge investment otherwise its straight back down
  6. this is all i can find on it but as someone said earlier must have been bad if they had to stabilise him for half an hour before moving, usually they are very quick to get the injured party off the field of play http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_conf/8234283.stm
  7. Just heard the Gateshead game was abandoned because of a serious injury to our former player Martain Brittain he suffered a broken leg and had to have treatment on the pitch for over 30 mins before leaving by ambulance 30 mins treatment jesus it must have been very serious to take that long and for the match to be abandoned anyone know any more on this??
  8. I for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would neglect there financial investment the way he has, its just ludicrous its like anyone of us buying a house for say 200k and letting it go to wreck and ruin and its value decreasing by 100%..i have come to the conclusion that his business acumen is just piss poor , you just have to look at his other ventures to see that, i think he just got lucky at one stage and everything is falling down around his ears now..i for one hope the fat cunt ends up destitute in a box on leicester square its all he deserves for destroying 17 years of hard work establishing this club as one of the premier leagues main stays...a club that has been runners up twice 3rd twice 4th,5th,6th...the man is a disgrace and deserves to be shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Marlon King..id take him if only the people at NUFC read the freebie classifieds the likes of did hamann michael ball noe pamarot henri camara mauritz volz all appear in there all would walk into our team
  10. geordiedean

    Steve Harper

    Still a pub keeper fat lazy lethargic slow.slows down play to a pace all the time.distribution of the ball very poor..made a few good saves yesterday but his lack of agility is going to cost us at times i dont care what anyone says Krul is a far better keeper than this guy, dominates his box a lot more and a lot more assured in the air
  11. there is no way we will get promoted with the squad we have, i feel this is all a deliberate ploy by fat mike to almost guarantee we dont bounce back straight away..without at least half a dozen new players we will be in this div again next season
  12. Is this lad for real jesus i knew Stoke folk and the naughty 40 hadnt evolved properly yet but thats taking the piss...and as for that game at the Vic in the league cup years back i was at that game and all hell broke loose after the game all because we were kept in after the match and when we got to our coaches all the naughty 40 were waiting for us....they attacked anyone with a black and white shirt on including men with there children cowardice inbred staffordshire fuckwits...only last season it all kicked off in wrekenton with a load of stoke fans while up here...they are truly the scum of the earth
  13. Fuck him...nice to see ESPN get a pundit on who knows fuck all about tactics....wonder if he will see this job out
  14. stabbing someone to sever the femeral artery in the legs is attempting to kill them as if thats cut you will bleed to death very quickly
  15. looks like you have a giant baby bib on
  16. I thought Colocinni was an absolute abomination he doesnt even look championship class...keep this guy in the team he is going to cost us goals very much like he did on many occasions last season..he has the heart of a mouse and makes peter fucking ramage look like franco baresi
  17. Great bit of business always thought this lad was a bit rash his red card against Fulham proved that..and thnk the lad is getting above his station he looked good but only because he was the best centre half amongst shite, you got to remember his last 2 clubs have been relegated while he was at centre half US and METZ More worrying is the amount of money we are clawing in from transfers that is semming to be swallowed up and not re invested in any way Milner,nzogbia,given,martins,bassong....yet nowt spent
  18. there is more chance of us being relegated to league 1 than being promoted i honestly believe that
  19. League one here we come guys i can see nothing other than us going down the leagues further with this idiot owning us he has no interest in doing anything other than destroying our club....the scary facts are that there could be only 1 league separating us and Gateshead next season
  20. I would say so yes, obviously not as successful but a bigger draw..Aye What are you basing that on England are no bigger a draw than Spain France or Holland....jesus are you one of these media folk who think England are the best at everything when in reality they are shite
  21. England are a bigger draw in world football than Germany Italy or Argentina think again
  22. No they fucking don't Seriously how do you come too these conclusions? We can fill a 52,000 seeter stadium while Everton can't even come close to filling a 40,000 seeter stadium but they have a bigger fanbase then us because "you would say they have more fans outside of the region"? Firstly mate that's guess work, secondly its pretty irrelivant. Same thing with Leeds. So you honestly believe we have a bigger fanbase and cachement area than Leeds United too?...i think its time to take off your black and white Blinkers...next you will be saying we are a bigger club than Everton all because SJP holds 52k and Goodison 42k or so..irregardless of the fact we have won jack shit domestically for 55 years a lot of that time spent languishing in the second division..fucking hell it hits home when there are 2 clubs in the same league as Gateshead that have won a major domestic trophy since we last have....wake up we arent a big club in anything other than the size of our stadia
  23. I personally would say that Everton have a lot more fans from the neighbouring counties of Merseyside than we have from outside of our region...jesus its like you saying Leeds dont have a big fanbase just because they dont fill elland road anymore whereas Leeds United have a much bigger fanbase than we do
  24. Everton have only had 2 seasons where their attendance were over 37000 since 1978. Last season was 35600 ish in a stadium which holds 40200, which is around 91% capacity. Care to explain where theres a debate as to how this compares with our fanbase? since when has fanbase been solely about how many arses you get on the seats on a matchday its all about cachement area, history and generations of fans nationwide and now globally
  25. We may have a bigger stadium than Everton but that means jack shit in our current climate and to say we have a bigger fanbase than Everton is open for discussion
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