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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Where do you look for a loose nut when youre boarding direct from a terminal walkway what? I meant when you walk down the tunnel direct into the plane from the terminal not going outside onto the tarmac boarding
  2. Where do you look for a loose nut when youre boarding direct from a terminal walkway
  3. Yep that's why in any warzone anyone attempting to down a chopper always aims for the tail rotor as take that out and it drops like a stone
  4. All depends upon the impact really there have been plenty of military helicopters went down where the people inside have survived they tend to try and make the rotor blades take the initial impact then roll it
  5. geordiedean

    Lee Charnley

    Something fucking disgracefully fishy about this totally inept glorified secretary being a director of 35 based companies all based at SJP. All for 115k a year just shows how much of a lacy and yes man he is operating them roles for such a paltry salary They won’t be actual job roles. These companies could well have been created especially to syphon off funds from the club by selling off property or summit. They just need a named director and Penfold is perfect for hat job. Yes but a named director also has to be the person that takes the shit or is liable if the company goes tits up. You cannot tell me hes not being compensated for putting his name to something like that. If hes not and hes being set up to be shafted by Mike then hes even more stupid than he looks.
  6. geordiedean

    Lee Charnley

    Something fucking disgracefully fishy about this totally inept glorified secretary being a director of 35 based companies all based at SJP. All for 115k a year just shows how much of a laccy and yes man he is operating them roles for such a paltry salary
  7. Watching the coverage of the events at Leicester has got me thinking if this were to happen to our glorious leader would it be a similar outcome?. The outpouring of grief, would SJP be a bed of flowers and remembrance and books of condolence be open. Would everyone interviewed be singing the guys praises from the rooftops This is the difference between a guy who cares deeply and is intouch with the community and knows what it means and a greedy capitalist bastard who doesn't give a fuck about anything other than his own ego and money. What a shame we ended up with the latter
  8. Who would have thought on that day that in 8 years wed have only beaten them once since
  9. Tragic that people actually think this guy is any good and George Reilly and Pamela Andersson were much better than this spud really
  10. wish people would stop making excuses for him man hes utter fucking garbage and its indicative of how strapped and pathetically ran we are as a top flight club that this fella gets regular games for us Hes one of the worst forwards who have regularly played ive seen us have in over 40 years of watching NUFC, even Shola was a better striker and more of a threat that him
  11. They look a shoe in to go up, imagine if they don’t The thing for me is they have been winning real regularly but still aren't in the top 2. They will hit a blip and other teams will haul them in
  12. Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, josef Stalin and Chairman Mao are light years ahead of Ashley man. Ashley does absolutely nothing like this guy done. Can you honestly see Mike Ashley getting plaudits and praise from players, employees and anyone really he came across. All the guy does is screw people over
  13. Well put Kasper i wonder if any of our players could say similar about Ashley.......absolutely not
  14. Thing is in the next few years championship teams will be paying more for players than our record transfer fee that's when we won't be able too compete at all. Already this season we've been outspent by a good few of them
  15. 1 goal conceded maybe but 0 scored
  16. Id imagine so as the helicopter that crashed into the Clutha pub in Glasgow had a data recorder, a voice recorder is not required in a private aircraft of less than 20 seats I think (commercial aircraft its mandatory)
  17. Having ability helps as well and sadly 99% of the squad are limited with ability also. This is truly the worst top flight team I can remember in 40 years and the worst NUFC side ive seen since the Ossie Ardiles shite of 90-91 ( But at least that side had young prospects who really came good in Clark,Howey,Watson,Thompson,Elliot This one has fuck all about it)
  18. Und ich würde 500 Meile laufen und ich würde 500 mehr laufen
  19. geordiedean

    Andy Cole

    That probably co incided with the incident at Wimbledon with him. Agree that without Pedro alongside him he would have been nowhere near as effective. Staggering to think in 93-94 them 2 scored 66 goals between them, we don't get anywhere near that as a team these days
  20. Running your socks off is not a pre requisite for a premier league footballer
  21. We can't score goals, we'll be lucky to get six points out of those games tops. Going down. At the moment I can see us getting draws against the worst teams in the Premier, that won't be enough to get to 36 points. You can only hope Rondon's inclusion will make a massive difference, although he's only likely to contribute five or six goals at best. Cool we may break Derby's record with this scenario
  22. Our club has not directly been involved with anything like this. Having 2 of our fans affected in a tragic accident that was politically motivated is a very different scenario entirely
  23. TMG should look at forming an alliance with Rangers groups when protesting at SD sites, more exposure to the media from 2 sets of fans he is fucking over and 2 clubs hes absolutely screwing would be more advantageous and debilitating to his business
  24. utter imposter of a footballer championship standard at best. Offers absolutely fuck all 99% of the time and is as weak as a kitten. This guy has been with us for 5 years now and it highlights how absolute shite we are if he is a regular starter. 2nd relegation for this prick is incoming If/when we go down he needs to be one of the first shown the door
  25. Extremely unlikely that a drone would take a helicopter out. Also, drones are a massive no-no at football matches. Don't get why people can't accept that things sometimes break and things sometimes go wrong. People keep trying to invent some nefarious event that caused that helicopter to crash. Pure speculation and completely un-needed during tragedies such as this. Exactly its a machine machines break down and malfunction from time to time. Thousands of people on a daily basis are killed on the roads due to their vehicles having similar issues. People talking about drones and other kinds of plots need to just accept that even with intense safety programs in place that machines will invariably malfunction and unfortunately when its an air based machine the outcome is a tragic nature
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