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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Our fanbase has changed so much to remember the keegan days you need to be 35 plus the robson days 25 plus. Our fans under 25 are just brainwashed sheep fed on a diet of absolute shite and nothingness This kind of shit would not have happened in the 80's.90's or even early 00's
  2. Fail to score and lose again, cant really see where a win will come from tbh
  3. Our team can create as many chances as they want our shower of shit forwards couldn't hit a cows arse with a shovel full of sand Sounds quite difficult, to be fair. Would be quite heavy and difficult to aim without spilling. Something really wrong with you if you have a cows arse a matter of feet infront of you and you cant hit it with a shovel full of sand...no grains at all hit cows said behind
  4. Two wins there since 1964 by my reckoning. Went to both, only games I've been too there n all. Superb timing. I once went there to the old Dell which was our Bogey ground we were winning 1-0 with about 5 minutes to go Lee Clark scored, decided to go for a piss just before FT came back from the bogs and we were losing 3-1
  5. Our team can create as many chances as they want our shower of shit forwards couldn't hit a cows arse with a shovel full of sand
  6. Fat Sam is an absolute shoe in to be the next manager. We will then have the full set of crooks and slimeballs what a fucking grim prospect Sam,Charnley,Ashley,Bishop and Barnes Just burn the whole thing to the ground To be honest about it all id rather Rafa just went now rather than prolong the shite we have to endure. We all know what the inevitability is come May so why go through it Its like staying with a woman who you know is going to fuck off in 6 months time anyway
  7. No way at all after losing the first 5 home games we are now going to need to win around 4 or 5 away from home as well as winning 6+ at home to give us a chance of survival. When is last time we won that many away in the top flight? We lost 18 games last season already this season we have lost 7 out of 9 To even reach 40 points we need a better win rate of 1 in every 3 now We are fucked this season, a bad start kills teams usually and we just don't have the ability in our squad, the goals in our team to win games comfortably. This team is not capable of scoring 4 or even 3 against many teams...if any
  8. 3 teams have lost opening 5 home games in premier league history....All 3 relegated quite comfortably I don't even think the uber shit Mackems lost first 5 home games
  9. Absolute imposter of a footballer tragically shite and has the strength of a small child
  10. I'd happily put 500 quid into a charity of your choice if we stay up. Providing you put the same into one of mine if we go down I'm that confident the likelihood of us winning enough games to survive is absolute zero
  11. These 3 cunts would not be able to sit in the stands if we were an Italian club they would have been lynched or possibly murdered by now. I'm not advocating violence but someone needs to rinse these fuckers and the thumb while they are at it
  12. Absolute certainties to be a Championship team next year, won't win 6 games all year
  13. He's utter utter shite shows how piss poor this squad is when someone as weak and ineffective as him is a regular starter
  14. Not enough and too late This team needs over 150m of investment....just look at how much Everton and West Ham have spent
  15. Absolutely not we had far better players than this lot and we went to Anfield and won This squad is the worst I've seen in any top flight in all of 40 yrars
  16. Won't do a Derby but I'd be amazed if this team gets anywhere near 30 points
  17. Shields finding out life isn't as easy at this level
  18. Reiver is nearly as pathetic as the this Mag twat........... "I'll be honest, I get more sense on here. Some of the Newcastle forums or Facebook groups I've seen are absolutely dreadful. Proper thickies. Despite the rivalry, there's better debate on here. When the subject isn't Newcastle, just football in general this is better. Some absolute dimwits on Newcastle pages. Can't abide it." one of our own Who the fuck is this,,,,mag in peace??
  19. geordiedean

    Nile Ranger

    Don't use the upbringing shit was an excuse. There comes a time in your life that you can't keep using that as a reason for your life being shit. You are responsible for your adult decisions no one else This fella is a waster and it's his fault no fucker else's. End of
  20. 20k a year for a supervisory position WTF how the fuck can you survive on 20k a year in 2018
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