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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. s***. Hope the frail fucker gets injured. That will help NUFC a great deal. Keeping him out the team is a good thing tbh. We aint got the quality to supply him leaving him to be largely ineffective.
  2. If his wage cant motivate him then nothing will.
  3. Shit. Hope the frail fucker gets injured.
  4. Good post. It seems people are envious of Wenger's achievements at Arsenal yet don't want to see the same set up implemented here. Strange. Iz becoz we canna parayde dem lyek. If dey not heard of dem den they must be shit innit?!
  5. Hopefully so. Done nothing to deserve it, and, unless he gets his arse in gear it will be his last cap.
  6. Exactly. These are the people who expected Diego, Naldo or Deco to walk through the door. I will say what I said in the summer. We are not an attractive prospect, we have fallen behind (big style). Best way to move forward is with young, hungry players, not big name, big money players (which we could never attract anyway) IMO.
  7. Aye, you'd think so until you notice it's actually Michael Bridges who's changed his name by Deed Poll. so you are happy with signing 17 year old kids, where one out of twenty or something will make the premiership, and are confident we will match the top 4 teams under such a policy I will tell you here and now, you can believe all the hype bollocks, cliches or whatever you have done in the past, but you will NEVER match the top 4 teams unless you have players that they themselves want, and sometimes that means paying top dollar for these despicable "trophy" players. If you disagree, I wait for the response when Keegan makes his first decent money signing. I think the transfer policy so far under Ashley has been an absolute disaster. I agree, for a club with massive ambition and supposedly loads of cash to splash, extremely dissapointing. Who did you expect to come here? As big as our wallet may be, are we really an attractive proposition? Shit, mid table, mediocre. Not good grounds for a move.
  8. Sell him if he wants to go. Only if we have a replacement lined up though..
  9. Smith and Amoeba shouldn't be near the team at all.
  10. All I know is he is an Italy U17 international. We should look at Forrestieri (sp?) of Genoa if we are looking at young Italians, a talent of the future.
  11. Got any translation for that mate? There is no mention of Newcastle in it so prob worthless am i being wooshed...the title of the link says "Juventus Kaloudu nezíská, Brno jedná s Newcastlem [Autor prvního gólu Luboš Kalouda z Brna se raduje v utkání 14. kola první fotbalové ligy proti Spartě Praha 25. listopadu v Brně. Vzadu zklamaný brankář Sparty Praha Tomáš Grigar.] a translation of sorts with some ot the article "WITHIN Kaloudovi nowadays Brandy jednají already solely with superintendence Newcastlu United , whoa up sports within vicemistra svta up 20 wing joined koncem bygone weeks. Brno si allegedly dvacetiletého halfback price list within of more than 130 million top. Didn't read the title Still. Clutching at straws here, right? no .just translating(ish) what somebody linked. wouldn't be surprised if we did nick someone in before midnight or at least tie someone up for the summer. We can hope!
  12. Got any translation for that mate? There is no mention of Newcastle in it so prob worthless am i being wooshed...the title of the link says "Juventus Kaloudu nezíská, Brno jedná s Newcastlem [Autor prvního gólu Luboš Kalouda z Brna se raduje v utkání 14. kola první fotbalové ligy proti Spartě Praha 25. listopadu v Brně. Vzadu zklamaný brankář Sparty Praha Tomáš Grigar.] a translation of sorts with some ot the article "WITHIN Kaloudovi nowadays Brandy jednají already solely with superintendence Newcastlu United , whoa up sports within vicemistra svta up 20 wing joined koncem bygone weeks. Brno si allegedly dvacetiletého halfback price list within of more than 130 million top. Didn't read the title Still. Clutching at straws here, right?
  13. Who says we are going to need wingers? If we played to our strengths we would play 3-5-2.
  14. Got any translation for that mate? There is no mention of Newcastle in it so prob worthless
  15. Aye man, f*** building for the future. Lets hope we secure ourselves in the premiership this season though.
  16. He works for the Chronicle. http://www.britishdelights.com/images/t_B22.JPG The fabled source close to the club?
  17. http://bounddragon.com/__oneclick_uploads/2007/04/ketchup.jpg?
  18. DM RW ST Sell/put down/murder Owen. Bring in someone who can score without needing the quality (we lack) to lay it on a plate for him. We need a young, dynamic, defensive mid to replace an aging Butt. We need a right winger, to provide competition for milner, and try to stop him stagnating.
  19. I don't know what to make of that... Fingers crossed and all that.
  20. Not bothered. Didn't expect anyone in.
  21. The only thing letting him down. An advanced role in the middle would be suited to him IMO.
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