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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. La Parka


    He scored a wicked own goal in france. He is decent. Good backup. Better than Baba.
  2. Good. Glad that mong isn't coming back. At Blackburn he was the star everyone played to his strengths that is why he looked a good player. Off to liverpool where no one gives a crap about the Twat and he can't adapt his game. Thus he fails.
  3. Milner was one of very few who seemed to care we were playing shit.
  4. That's more a criticism of the British footballing culture rather than the Spanish one tbh. Todds long gone tbh.
  5. Given Geremi Taylor Rozenhal Edgar Butt Nobby Barton Milner Martins Viduka
  6. Away: ............Butt........... ....Baton..........Emre Milner.............Martins ...........Viduka......... Home: Milner....Barton...Butt...Duff ...........Owen...Viduka......... ?
  7. Bit plain no trim or anything!
  8. Then she/he has broken their duty of care and will get sacked if anyone finds out.
  9. Well I'll be damned ... Just been on the back pages of one of the papers tomorrow that Manchester United have offered Alan Smith and £4 million for that little toe rag Owen. I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! Exactly as I had presumed (see above). It was so freakin' obvious! Alan Smith has returned from holiday yesterday and voila! I knew once we didn't deny the move for Alan Smith and instead Alan Oliver said we would only get him if Owen/Martins left that Owen would very likely be going to Man U with Alan Smith coming this way. So we potentially have a situation where Owen might be replaced by Smith and Oba martins by Gudjohnsen. What do you guys think about this??? f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f***
  10. 1. Man U 2. Chelsea 3. Liverpool 4. Arsenal 5. Spurs 6. Everton 7. Newcastle 8. Aston Villa 9. Blackburn 10. West Ham 11. Man City 12. Portsmouth 13. Boro 14. Reading 15. Sunderlun 16. Bolton 17. Fulham 18. Birmingham 19. Derby 20. Wigan
  11. £50m to be honest Hes already spent over £8million Brought in ~£6.5m for Parker.
  12. Amazing how his stock has fallen due to about 18 months of injury. henry for 16mlns, aswell as bent, and 15 for forlan...who's the best in this group and proven top goal scorer? Aye when you compare it to the Bent price it really is daylight robbery.
  13. La Parka

    David Rozehnal

    totally agree Edgar deserves more of a chance IMO. He was great against Manure.
  14. Gutted for Arsenal something is going wrong behind the scenes. Wenger to go next closely followed by Fabregas.
  15. I'd love him to come good I really would! Good luck to Sam. Left Striker in 4-3-3 anyone?
  16. Good work!! I will miss Thiery and I think the premiership will miss his presence. Arsenal I feel will struggle to recover from such a loss. My mate being an Arsenal fan is naturally devastated. I predicted this back when he was "injured" with sciatica and my mate has been denying it ever since. Something has gone on behind the scenes IMO.
  17. Be very nice if the two shades of white were the same, I'd have it. Nice!!
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