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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Good job! Was fair funny and you had me fooled for a minute
  2. Lol. He is fucked. Poor guys career has gone towards the shitter.
  4. Fact. I was about to post this. Look out for Guy Assulin as well Let me guess. You searched "Ass" to get someone with a funny name, and ended up signing one of the best players in the game actually due to a misspelling of his name before the first patch was out typing "gay ass" into the search engine would find him. Hahaha yeah
  5. Better than last year: Martins Ameobi Duff Emre
  6. Got 4 Newcastle players now. Who goes, you decide! (Sorry) I know fixed it lol. Smith out lita in.
  7. http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1564/fantasytnn1.png Updated.
  8. Good call. Derbyshire is top like. My house mate is a Blackburn fan so I see a lot of their games. Good side really.
  9. He went s*** when he cut off all his hair. Fact. http://www.4thegame.com/media/00/03/54/pattison_matty_nufc_profile_2006.jpg Like Samson tbh.
  10. Aye I just noticed that...
  11. How could you!............. James. Is that van nistolroy?
  12. You got a source toontoon? from a mate, hes says four people are having medicals at the club. smith, capaca, drag and someone else His source, another message board I presume, also names the 4th player as Mark 'moped legs' Delaney. Oh no.
  13. James you still think we could see this? (Your prediction of a DLC was right )
  14. Can't see him picking one. I expect a lot of rotation with formation and personnel dependent on opposition. Against slow defenses I expect us to use pacy strikers and against big teams I expect a packed midfield with Viduka holding it up and very little full back attacking involvement. Can't honestly pick one because I just don't see us sticking to one.
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