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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Sidwell is on a free in the Summer. Surely worth a pop? i thought he signed a new contract I could have missed it I guess. "He only has a year left on his contract and could leave for free in June 2007 if he rejects a contract extension." According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Sidwell Can't find anything on BBC related to a contract extenson either.
  2. Sidwell is on a free in the Summer. Surely worth a pop?
  3. Your favourite ever NUFC player.. is a keeper? Damn reet. I idolised that man when I was a nipper. You and me both! What a f*kin legend!
  4. La Parka

    Pierre Boya

    Anyone know if he is still here?
  5. Great post. Good to have you here. You posts are well thought out. Stick around..
  6. Ramage can say he brung silverware to the toon at least tongue.gif Brought. Sorry. [/Dave] Hehe abit of Yorkshire there.. :oops: Nowt wrong with that
  7. La Parka


    Well the ball went out for a goal kick... that's when Given came off and Pavel came. So it was great reception etc etc... And Pav's first task was to take the goal kick. Placed the ball, whole crowd doing that "ooooohhhhhhhhh" as he prepares himself, runs up.... and slightly miskicks it driving it rather low only as far as Ramage who managed to hook it up the field ... Cut out a cross with a good catch amongst the crowd minutes later though. Oh right. What do you think the reaction would have been like if he had kicked it straight to a spurs player and they scored and then when he went to catch the cross it skimmed off his knuckles and directed itself into an empty net? He isn't steve harper and spurs aint got no Alonso
  8. La Parka


    yeap was a great shame. Some good coverage of him on Football first though... glad that first goal kick he took didnt cost us I didn't see the match, what happened? He caught a cross and took a goal kick. MOTM tbh.
  9. La Parka


    Sad but true: Pav was my favourite player as a kid and I owned that 'orrible black and coloured triangles kit..
  10. La Parka

    Taylor and Ramage.

    I think their love for the club and the fact they are home grown just makes them seem so much more special. Absolutely fantastic as of late. Keep it up lads. Especially Rammage! Keep the faith!
  11. Merry Christmas Les Ried. I can see the Sun Headline: "Les Miserables" With some crap jokes about panto and musicals.
  12. Like we slay our lesser opposition then. *spuds*
  13. La Parka


    Saw him on Goals on Sunday. Didn't even bother to show him on MOTD.
  14. Preparing for the future with another managerial change...? Maybe you should read the f***ing post, deconstruct, and challenge things with facts and figures, instead of getting your f***ing crystal ball out, and giving a manager 'to the end of the transfer window'. Truly the words of someone that doesn't have a f***ing clue, tbh. Honestly, I don't understand what you want from the team at the moment, even despite our current mediocre position, I'm ten times as happy as this time last year, and so should every other fucker. We're a club on the up, but it's going to take time, quite a number of years, at least. Exactly. Well said. On another note... Fuck me. This place is full of ungrateful bastards sometimes. Did anyone look at the shit Souness put us in? Nearly £50m thrown away. A squad pulled limb from limb. Players lacking confidence not helped by a man who thinks man management is critisizing them or using them as a "joke". Roeder has come in and along with Pearson has turned things around. I am delighted by the team spirit, the drive, players look like they give a crap and things look on the up. Amazing how we started to look a better side when the injuries subsided. Jesus, take 14 players out of a Bolton or Everton and I doubt they would do much better than us. Our defensive record despite these injuries is so much better than previous years. I admit, the transfer window was *not* his best achievement. He ingnored some aspects of the teams weakness. But Duff for £5m was a steal. Think about it. Yes we had the Zog, but being offered a proven and highly rated winger for so cheap? I'm sure many other managers would do the same. Just need to let him get properly fit. How anyone can critisize Oba it is beyond me. He is so dangerous and we will struggle to keep hold of him at this rate. Do I even need to mention le Sib? Just dig up the old thread and see how wrong we all were. Roeder has taken players who under Souness were average individuals and now brought them together to form a good team with fight and spirit. He has improved Taylor, Rammage and Oba as players in the little time he has had with them. He lets players fully recover from injuries before throwing them back in too soon. He is not scared to play a youngster. He shows faith in his players and in turn they show faith in him. I really like the guy he is honest and open and never bitches unlike souness.
  15. La Parka


    Shitchenko? Drogshit? Lampturd?
  16. I thought the same, at first he looked like he was hopping around in pain! tit Ditto lol..
  17. Going by his schooling his house is made of Gold tbh. Nah it's made of Brick but has two rubies in the chimney. bluebigrazz.gif Those arn't rubies. Ask your daddy. They will drop one day
  18. London. However im not posh. Who cares where you go to School man. I was brought up in one of the Worst Schools in Nottinghamshire and it never did me no harm. Do the gunshot wounds not count then? Builds character.
  19. Going by his schooling his house is made of Gold tbh.
  20. I fancy 2-1 as long as Dyer + Given play... ...............Jaaskelainen.......... Hunt Ben Haim Faye Gardner? ..................Campo................ ............Nolan....Speed......... Anelka..................Pederson ..................Davies................ Probably. I fancy our chances if we can use the width. Nolan, Speed and Campo are likely to stay narrow so it will be important to keep it wide and not try to force it through a narrow midfield. Hunty will probably line up against Anelka or Diouf so it will be important for Emre to double up on him. Parker will have to watch the three midfielders movement in attacks making sure Speed is picked up in the box and Campo gets no time on the ball outside the area. We just got to watch Anelka and Diouf. This will be a very important game for the defence as the attacks will be coming from 3 forward players. Hopefully Pederson will play as he is less mobile and less likely to give Nobby some gip. Hunty will have to be on the top of his game to keep Diouf quiet. Probably have to have a chat with Emre to track back and stay wide as against spuds he left Hunty exposed on occasion. Butt will have to sit deep and Parker will have to keep Nolan busy. I think the best tactic would be to sit fairly deep and play on the counter using Butt as a pivot point in the attacks spreading the ball wide which then can move the ball into advanced positions to feet allowing Dyer and Oba to run at their slow centerbacks. Good luck lads
  21. London. However im not posh. Who cares where you go to School man. I was brought up in one of the Worst Schools in Nottinghamshire and it never did me no harm.
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