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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. This forum spends an inordinate amount of time laughing at Lee Ryder, now he's bang on the nail?
  2. Remy will offer us an offensive threat for approximately three games, until he becomes Pardewed.
  3. Every complaint frequently voiced last season were in abundant evidence again tonight. Nothing has changed. Bottom 6 all season.
  4. I got the impression the plan was to get rid of the fucker as soon as possible, in any direction!
  5. I will celebrate for days when the news breaks that Pardew's sacked. Should be gone already.
  6. Mr Logic

    Loïc Remy

    Remy + Gomis = (x Pardew = )
  7. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Had my day ruined today. I'd just seen Shola and was grinning to myself that he had flowers in his shopping trolley when I turned into the next aisle and saw Pardew. The smile dropped from my face and I felt something akin to bile rising up my gullet. Never realised how much I detested that man until then. So wanted to tell him to stop being a coward and let the boys play, but it would have just ended in some slanging match. Really killed my mood, just seeing him. The thought of next season rose like a spectre before me.. wanted to spit. Oh!, and he was wearing training gear complete with wonga logo and the initials AP...
  8. Shit, what depressing news to wake up to.. stumbling from one fuck-up appointment to the next.
  9. Mr Logic

    George Caulkin

    Damn, that last article by Caulkin actually rekindled some hope. Battered wives syndrome is something most of us have an inherent understanding of.
  10. Mr Logic

    Papiss Cissé

    Think this is less to do with Wonga and more with Cisse engineering a move to get away from the god-awful service he gets under Pardews instructions. Maybe? And furthermore, if that is even an iota true, it is enough to make you weep as we have so many players suited to playing a different way and making Cisse a happy bunny.
  11. Mr Logic

    Papiss Cissé

    If the question over Wonga is a moral one rather than a religious one, then why is Cisse still the only member of the playing squad to object to wearing the shirt? Unless I've totally missed the point here, surely every NUFC player, Muslim or not, has a right to protest against advertising payday loan companies on the grounds that it can be seen to be exploitative rather than sacrilegious, and yet Cisse is out on his tod. Either Papiss is some sort of selfless humanitarian or he is simply using this whole debacle to further his own interests. There is another option. Cisse is being used, some religous fuckwit offering him bad advice. Perhaps the least likely scenario though.
  12. Not listening, not listening, nah, nah, nah..
  13. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Well everything has settled down for me now, any emotional turmoil I felt with all the latest news has well and truly departed. Can I just go on record and state my position. Pardew is a fucking shit manager. Nothings changed. Only now the neanderthals that support the club will have an excuse for next season. Everything is Joe's fault. Poor Pardew.
  14. Mr Logic

    Graham Carr

    Just imagine that avatar is Mike responding to your statement re apology.
  15. I want to believe this, it's almost nice. I will cling to this with my eyes and ears shut from now on. It's all going to fall apart now, isn't it.
  16. Just shows how little Ashley understands football or football people, if by sitting listening to the gobshites drunken ramblings in the pub about how he, (Kinnear), would sort out all the problems and Ashley buys it hook, line and sinker. Thinks Kinnear is the answer, how spectacularily poor a judge of character does that actually make him? If their conversations went anything like that radio interview then Ashley thinks Kinnear is the true messiah. What crap has he told Ashley over the years?
  17. Mr Logic


    We'll be Wimbledon MK II, only it won't work again and there's no more room for us in Wales, or wherever the fuck they play now.
  18. Thought it was common knowledge that Lambias recommended Pardew to Ashley. Pardew is a man alone now. And Ashley is a fucking psychopath, jobs for drinking buddies and 'off with his head' to anyone that upsets him. We're going to start the season with Kinnear in the dugout at this rate.
  19. Well that can't be true. Joe doesn't have an ego.
  20. Could it be any more machivelian. Ashley sure Pardew will walk if he appoint Kinnear above him. Ashley sure Kinnear's ticker won't stand up to the job for more than a few months.
  21. http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Mike-Ashley.jpg What the fuck have I done now?
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