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Everything posted by MW

  1. its not really an idea though is it? just time zones i thought, cant be kicking off at midnight in russia
  2. had to put a fiver on really after suggesting it, just got 25/1 at skybet. youl feel like shit if you dont
  3. think i agree on that. got a feeling di matteo is destined for the leeds job
  4. MW

    Papiss Cissé

    thought they were playing peru or summit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. MW

    Papiss Cissé

    shola does normally score..
  6. MW

    Papiss Cissé

    he is in the senegal squad for the 29th feb Ba has been left out for some reason. .com reckon tiote doesnt have a match
  7. looking unlikely Having looked at the table, I'd say they are still in a position to be promoted automatically. You never know what could happen, the Sheffield teams could hit a bad run of form between now and the end of the season but we shall see. its possible, i'd say similar chance of us getting champions league though..
  8. text my mate he said "given how much money hes spent on such a massive wage budget and wir still in league one and settling for play offs again. chairmen probably had enough, im not surprised"
  9. MW

    Rangers Newco

    last week last month last year etc
  10. he wont reach the standards giggs has
  11. MW

    The England Thread

  12. MW

    Rangers Newco

    rangers have run out of money, owe money and have gone into administration
  13. mertesacker out for month so probably out for our game
  14. MW


    I dont get it? he finds it funny that kolo and yaya toure were in africa the whole time and didnt even win it
  15. looks like woy is taking ferguson up the arse tbh
  16. i hate how casual you are about those massive amounts. i limit myself to about a fiver a week. probably escalate once i work my way out of my overdraft
  17. MW

    The England Thread

    they hardly play the same position. i'd rather take scholes than barry
  18. MW

    The England Thread

    i think hes looked class since returning tbh
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