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Everything posted by MW

  1. MW

    The Liverpool Thread

    the sun will probably then track the route the cat probably took to anfield
  2. MW

    The Liverpool Thread

    the owners will definitely have their 15 minutes of fame soon
  3. MW

    Harry Redknapp

    Judge tells jury there's a scenario where they can find Harry Redknapp not guilty and Milan Mandaric guilty. They must not find Redknapp guilty and Mandaric not guilty. Judge says both Redknapp and Mandaric are of 'good character' and tells jury that might mean more likely they should believe their evidence."
  4. MW


    be funny if he is just an idiot and not a mackem
  5. I make what he said lennon sandro parker modric VDV Bale Adebayor
  6. MW


    nail on the head from super hanz what we've all been trying to articulate and he nails it with his first post
  7. so he would have left out modric? or gone 3 at the back?
  8. if its only £7m I imagine all of those teams would find the money
  9. MW

    James Perch

    certainly helps him having a back 4 behind him
  10. MW


    should have made him overhear u thought we could sneak the title race with cissé
  11. I am prepared to dispute this claim. http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8291/iknowthatfeel.jpg
  12. yeh that's all good. though i bought a dual adaptor scart thing so that the dvd player could join sky in the new tv, but it doesnt seem to work
  13. nah its alright now. sometimes it asks me if i want to rescan the channels but i just ignore it. havent watched it anywhere near as much as i thought. i wish that my pwning of dave was intentional
  14. one of my mates has called me a wizard when he saw how quickly i could use the shortcuts and everything. its mostly just for the stuff on here that I haven't got a clue about cos its the only place i use it but yeh i am pretty shit, especially compared to those on here
  15. holy fuck I got it when i read what you meant at first was complete then it clicked
  16. http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/7461/dontsay.jpg
  17. http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/7461/dontsay.jpg then what? that just shows the link to the picture
  18. So those'll be Man U (a), Villa (a) and Spurs (h)? *you dont say smiley* imageshack required registration really need to learn how to import photos the short way
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