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Everything posted by MW

  1. Turned over to see the goal, did they even mention the match?
  2. Turned over to barca. Mackems was painful
  3. Who do boro fans dislike more us or them?
  4. Keep an eye out on the advertising boards. Some of them are class
  5. MW

    Harry Redknapp

    perfect picture of him on bbc homepage when he finds out verdict http://www.bbc.co.uk/
  6. MW

    Harry Redknapp

    why would england fail? think his ability to motivate the players could see a massive improvement
  7. MW

    Harry Redknapp

  8. MW

    Harry Redknapp

    do anywhere take bets on the outcome of high profile court cases? i assume not
  9. we had geremi in the championship?
  10. MW

    Harry Redknapp

    don't they all have to agree? so itl be a mistrial if one guy just refuses to accept he's guilty
  11. which games has he played in? no recollection at all
  12. should probably have best in as well then
  13. balotelli has a much better song
  14. Imagine if us, man utd, mackems and everton win. be absolutely ridiculous
  15. nah its alright now. sometimes it asks me if i want to rescan the channels but i just ignore it. havent watched it anywhere near as much as i thought. i wish that my pwning of dave was intentional come to think of it, the signal often fucks up if im walking around nearby it. but once i sit down at a reasonable distance, it works ok, bar the odd fuck up every now n then that lasts a second
  16. MW


    I went on his wikipedia to check. saw a section named alan sugar. never fully believe it to be true but i was slightly baffled
  17. MW


    Even when he baits Owen it's just battle of the cuntiest cunt. Such an insufferable prick. Baiting one of the best England strikers of recent decades just because he played for Spurs and he lucked into discovering the retard population of America find his smug, bullshit patter entertaining ffs. thought you meant owen when u said about best england strikers (which would be valid really) and therefore thought u meant piers morgan played for spurs. complete mindfuck wondered how i never knew that/how it was possible
  18. MW


    should have read the rules
  19. MW


    o no he didnt
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