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Everything posted by MW

  1. I liked it when the whole ground just went dead quiet without the announcer even saying anything before the applause started
  2. Anyone watching totton bristol rovers? Someone in the crowd, clear as day on.the Tele "YOU GINGER TWAT"
  3. They should play those favourite songs of his that was on the extended interview pre match
  4. MW

    Joey Barton

    Llambias = Wireside
  5. imagine if the board sold him above your head on FM, and didn't release any of the funds, you'd go mental
  6. Palace fans were charged 40 odd quid tonight
  7. Really pleased for palace. Il go to their home game, glory hunter that I am
  8. MW

    Newcastle Online App?

    ah i see. il have a look.
  9. MW

    Newcastle Online App?

    just had another go on it, not for me. dont know why wap gets so much grief
  10. MW

    Newcastle Online App?

    is that the little green thing? it was easy to miss
  11. i took it as meaning it would be just the woman singing? think that would be better but I'm happy either way
  12. MW

    Newcastle Online App?

    i tried tapatalk for a few days. just never found that it ran smoothly. didnt really see any particular order the topics were in. something tricky getting to the last post. actually think the wap is fine. apart from viewing pics, but then if im bothered (normally il just ignore them) il just go to view full version. quickly go from page to page, topic to topic, board to board etc. i just thought tapatalk just created more problems
  13. also the season before it came into place
  14. Really don't understand why we would even want him. its coming up too often, hopefully nothing happens
  15. He's gunna be shit. Jews cant play basketball and Koreans cant play football
  16. Aye i have found 4 or 5 people hanging in my time and its bloody awful, now thinking about fidning one of my loved ones in that state blows my mind. Absolutely horrific thing for anyone to go through. what do you do?
  17. MW


    Sir Ricky stuff there
  18. they'll probably just count it as a reduction in the squad wage bill without the "need" to use the wages he'd freed up
  19. Fair comment, away support's always fantastic. Helps that they have local chapters in pretty much every town in the country like, bell ends. iv been to a few, its pretty much impossible to get away tickets. they have about 2k execs who get priority, then the other tens of thousands of ST holders just get put into a ballot. a season ticket holder could apply for every game and be lucky to get 1/2, so i would say a lot of the time its the same people going getting them through the execs, local fans would have no chance without touts
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