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Everything posted by MW

  1. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    the goalkeeper? da fuck
  2. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    does the transfer gate close at 11pm tomorrow night?
  3. isnt it just european record?
  4. forgot about uefa cup run too last season. what did they do the year before? dortmund are still pot 4 and went out in the group stage
  5. how are man city up to 2nd pot in the CL draw? they were 4 last year and went out in the group stage
  6. is the league cup draw after wolves tonight? is uefa cup group stage draw tomorrow?
  7. not everyone has the opportunity to. il be saving the days I take as holiday for away ones
  8. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    hmm. i have him in my team. not sure whether this is good news or not
  9. when are the sky games announced to?
  10. you've just ruined the wire for thousands
  11. http://www.wembleyarena.co.uk/artist/gillette-soccer-saturday-live-with-jeff-stelling-tickets could be shit, but i think i'll regret not finding out. if my mates are keen il go
  12. Gameweek 3. 1. 1-1 2. 2-1 3. 3-0 4. 1-2 5. 1-1 6. 4-0 7. 2-1 8. 2-1 9. 0-2
  13. He's definitely in the running like, but stuff like Messi did 'nothing' and 'house on Ronaldo' are a little daft, especially when you're under the impression that Ronaldo scored more than Messi (he didn't). Not sure Messi should be that short either, he was 5/4 last month though so must have been a lot of support for him. Do agree with Tooj though that the amount of goals Messi scored should seal it for him. just went to last post. i thought it was a comparison between d28's successful betting and ronaldo's. bizarre
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