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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    As I said earlier, do you consider manu to have a shite board now, as in the last few years they have gone backwards ?


    Ditto Arsenal since they won the league ?


    The facts are that only 4 clubs have been above us in terms of league position and european qualification, and also that - this summer - we have again been among the top spenders, despite the huge amount our "shite" board spent last year. You say you do figures, so do you not accept this ?




    I've answered the question already about Man U and Arsenal, once is enough.


    In terms of league position since Freddy took over weve been below 4 teams, right, here's the 4.


    Year 1


    Arsenal, Manchester U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Leeds, Blackburn, Aston Villa, West Ham, Derby, Leicester, Coventry, Southampton.


    Year 2


    Manchester, Arsenal, Chelsea, Leeds, West Ham, Aston Villa, Liverpool, Derby, Middlesbrough, Leicester, Tottenham, Sheffield W.


    Year 3


    Manchester, Arsenal, Leeds, Liverpool, Chelsea, Aston Villa, Sunderland, Leicester, West Ham, Tottenham.


    Year 4


    Manchester, Arsenal, Liverpool, Leeds, Ipswich, Chelsea, Sunderland, Aston Villa, Charlton, Southampton.


    Year 5


    Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester U.


    Year 6


    Manchester, Arsenal.


    Year 7


    Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester U, Liverpool.


    Year 8


    Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester U, Everton, Liverpool, Bolton, Middlesbrough, Manchester C, Tottenham, Aston Villa, Charlton, Birmingham, Fulham


    Year 9


    Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur, Blackburn Rovers. 




    It says a lot when we've been below shitty Villa and Doug Ellis 5 seasons out of 9.



    Only 4 teams have a higher average position, and qualifed for europe more than us. Fact. The fact that one club ie Southampton, finished above us twice in the last decade means absolutely sweet FA so far as I can see. Where are they now ? Do they have a shite board or a good board ? And remember - that they were above us for a LONG time when we had our own previous board ....





    Shitty Villa and Doug Ellis have been above us 5 times, the great Freddy has been above them and him 4 times.  The shitty Arsenal and Man U as you call them have never finished below us while we've had Shepherd.


    Before Shepherd arrived only Man U finished above Newcastle, where are we now?


    Its slightly inconcruous, that, though. How many seasons was it only Man Utd above us?




    :lol: you said it not me  :winking:


    It does make me laugh when they say it because i know what they realy wanna say but your right most fans are fickle in there own way, Ive been known to change my opinion from time to time.


    Im backing the manager, Roeder has taken on a massive job after Souness left and people expected him to sort it all out this transfer window on little transfer money. The only thing im slightly disappointed about is the fact that we didnt streghten the full back areas, We got Bernard but that wasnt the player we all were hoping for.

    Jeezus...now the "every Newcastle fans a bad supporter but me" prats are at it.

    If you're happy with this Roeder/Shepherd shambles, that doesn't make you or the other one good supporters, just gullible. :roll:



    Just because he supports Roeder doesn't make him a know it all or a arogent fan. 


    In fact, it makes him the exact opposite.

  3. One things for certain, we are gunna struggle defensively this season, well at least until january, if we had bought a couple of defenders i think everything would be fine and we would all be looking forward to the rest of the campaign, my feeling is that the right players for our club werent available for one reason or another, but i must say i do blame the manager and the chairman for not doing something about our defence sooner, that is the key area on the pitch, always has been and always will be until we start building a team from the back and not the front as we always do.


    If the right players weren't available and we bought no-one defensively, does that mean that Sibierski was the right player for midfield? Because i doubt that very much. Lets stop making excuses for him, Roeder biffed it up.

  4. If anyone still thinks we are a big club, look at who we signed yesterday.


    Pathetic, from Roeder AND Shepherd.


    Still, we'll get our scarves in a bit. Then we can get behind the lads, be the extra man, and cheer us to a top 6 finish.  bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif

  5. goal v Charton - tap in

    goal v Chalton - luckiest goal ever, mishit

    goal v Watford - awful defending, tap in

    goal v Liverpool - mishit cross, awful goalkeeping


    he's a decent enough player, but 4 goals in 3 games is an awfully inaccurate representation



    Striker's goals tbh ;).


    strikers rarely get chances as easy as those, thats all i was saying


    So you intend to ignore all goals scored that are "easy"?


    absolutely not, Van Nistelrooy is one of my favourite players in the world to watch.


    all i'm saying is, his 4 goals cannot be taken seriously as an indication of his strike rate for the season. 2 goals were mishits, the other 2 were as a result of comincal defending.


    ie, predicated on unusual circumstances that he'll probably have to wait moths for


    I hope you treat Shola's (an inferior player to Zamora) goals in a similar manner, then. In the interests of fairness.


    ha! don't get me started on Shola mate


    Preaching to the converted?

  6. goal v Charton - tap in

    goal v Chalton - luckiest goal ever, mishit

    goal v Watford - awful defending, tap in

    goal v Liverpool - mishit cross, awful goalkeeping


    he's a decent enough player, but 4 goals in 3 games is an awfully inaccurate representation



    Striker's goals tbh ;).


    strikers rarely get chances as easy as those, thats all i was saying


    So you intend to ignore all goals scored that are "easy"?


    absolutely not, Van Nistelrooy is one of my favourite players in the world to watch.


    all i'm saying is, his 4 goals cannot be taken seriously as an indication of his strike rate for the season. 2 goals were mishits, the other 2 were as a result of comincal defending.


    ie, predicated on unusual circumstances that he'll probably have to wait moths for


    I hope you treat Shola's (an inferior player to Zamora) goals in a similar manner, then. In the interests of fairness.


    He looekd like NOTHING against Fulham.


    HE has looked like NOTHING in pretty much every game he#s played for us.


    He IS nothing to us.


    I'll disagree about the Fulham game, I don't think he's got a future but I still think he was OK before injured, not brilliant but OK.


    He didn't show anything - for me, its all opinion, same as it is for everyone - worthy of note in ANY of his competitive games, to illustrate he was worthy of a place on the bench, never mind the first team.

  8. goal v Charton - tap in

    goal v Chalton - luckiest goal ever, mishit

    goal v Watford - awful defending, tap in

    goal v Liverpool - mishit cross, awful goalkeeping


    he's a decent enough player, but 4 goals in 3 games is an awfully inaccurate representation



    Striker's goals tbh ;).


    strikers rarely get chances as easy as those, thats all i was saying


    So you intend to ignore all goals scored that are "easy"?

  9. So we've never seen Luque on the left? Cos i have, and he was shite.


    He was on the left against Fulham and didn't look shite before he went off, Shearer and Owen should have both scored off balls delivered on a plate by Luque.


    He looekd like NOTHING against Fulham.


    HE has looked like NOTHING in pretty much every game he#s played for us.


    He IS nothing to us.

  10. Would anyone take him from West Ham on a cheap option? Obviously not as our new number nine but he's a decent striker whose had a few moves and could really benefit from a bit of stabality- see also a pre Spurs Robbie Keane.


    Didnt really set the world alight at Spurs but he always looks decent for West Ham and considering they now have Ashton and Harewood as their top two strikers, i think he would be worth a punt, plus may be keen on a move.


    1) Better than anyone we had before Martins.


    2) We needed TWO strikers before Martins came in.


    So yes.

  11. To me Luque is worth holding on to - he is a fraction aaway from getting it right - and I think when he does he'll be quite a player


    I couldnt agree more.


    Couldn't agree less.


    He's only a "fraction" away from gettign right in the same way as Boumsong is a "fraction" away from beinbg one of the best defenders in Europe.

  12. I think we should sell him. Looks like he may want to go back to Spain, and he did mention Real Madrid in his recent interview. It might be worth trying to offer them Luque + extra for Baptista.


    Real???? They're rich, not stupid.


    Some say he nearly went there before. Bollox. They could get hom for a 3rd of what we paid for him, and are they knocking on the door? No, they are not.


  13. Premisership


    Champions : Chelsea

    Runners Up : Red Shite

    Champions League qualifiers : Arsenal, Man Utd

    UEFA Cup Qualifiers : Spurs,  Everton

    Where we'll end up: 9th, at best.

    Relegation : Watford, Sheff Utd, Reading


    FA Cup

    Man Utd


    Carling Cup



    Champions League



    UEFA Cup



  14. I didnt pay £500 on the basis i would be watching shola game in game out, so far the chairman and manager have lied to us, where is this striker? and i dont want any bull about how there is still time.


    Howay the Lads!


    if he scored 20 goals this season will you be complaining?


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif


    And maybe he'll cure AIDS in his spare time.


    He's fucking rubbish, and the sooner we buy proper strikers and drop this uselss pile of donkey shite the better.

  15. Can I just say I think the Toonarama site is perhaps the best Toon site on the web, love it, just like their style and slant on things. Easy reading and enjoyable, top site and the people who run it are canny anarl. Even the design is top notch.


    If you love it so much, why don't you marry it.


    Go on, you want to marry it.

  16. if roeder gets the chop who gets his job then?


    the question has no relevance until we are bottom 3 in march


    having said that, i'm confident hitzfeld will step in and save us by then


    Start a campaign. Thats bound to work.

  17. He should be given time, clearly. But, equally, we NEED to improve on our past few seasons, and if he doesn't have us close to achieving our goal (surely 6th) by the end of the season, he might as well go.


    What i want from Roeder is some transfer action, and less of the rubbish about certain players - we don;t need a managerial equivalent of Ameobi - all bullshit and no ability. Let results do the talking, etc.


    The pre-season is absolutely no indication of how he will do, but he needs to strengthen the first team verey quickly.


    I think Roeder is more than capable of pushing us up the table. Last seasons record under roeder wouldve had us 4th extrapolated across the entire season, not bad considering the injury record and the fact he played 4 of the top 5. But I think more importantly hes sorting out a lasting infrastructure at the club in terms of the academy, decent scouting, etc


    Agreed preseason friendlies mean nowt but the games against Lillestrom were ok considering the difference in preparation time


    And why is it Roeder getting stick for the lack of transfers rather than Shephard?


    No-one is getting stick. Hopefully if Roeder identifies players he wants, we'll get them. The worry is that we have bought/Roeder has expressed an interest in players who shoudl not be on our immediate priorities list. Nice to have them, granted, but we have other priorities. We are a CB and 2 strikers away from being anywhere near good enough to get top 6, and if we want to be comfortable up there, we will need to look at 2 full backs as well.

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