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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The only good thing aboitu him having to have the operation is that he can't play for us, and Roeder/his replacement will have to think about strikers in january.


    My biggest fear is that he comes back after the op, and gets a first team place again. If he's a first team player, then we ARE in the right position in the league.

  2. Zog on the right and Carr and Baba even in the squad??? :lol: Surely a wind up?

    No. Carr has been very good this year and I don't see who else would be LB if not baba.

    Millner is f*cking shite and shouldn't be near our first XI and Solano lacks pace and haven't looked himself since he got back from his injury.


    Carr -  bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif


    Babayaro - ANYONE should be LB, Babayaro is a fucking terrible, terrible player.


    Milner - you, sir, are a bufoon. Milner has done well. Better, on the whole, that players like Duff.

  3. Johnson - better than Martins. And cheaper. Well done Roeder, on another astute buy.


    I bet after his first 10 games in Serie A, Johnson would look worse than Martins.


    Give him a chance to adjust at least.


    Adjusting to the premiership is one thing. Being able to control a football is a universal requirement. THAT does not need time to do.


    We are a Premiership club, who needed a striker (well, two), as the only one we had fit was Ameobi, and he is not a premiership player. And Roeder fucked it up. Again.

  4. Your clutching at straws if you think this will save us.....


    We need a strike force, nothing more nothing less.


    Without goals you loose.


    Neither are goal scorers, and i do include Martins in that.


    And with them back, we still have nowt.


    You must be a mackem.




    He's right - we've got nowt.


    Martins is not a good player. Dyer is very average.


    Given coming back is brilliant. He's one of only about 6 top-7 premiership players we'll be fielding if he DOES play on Saturday.

  5. Its not that he is tactically using (or not) substitutions at a point pre-determined by himself based on the way the game is going. Its just that he simply does not know what he is doing, and is a fucking TERRIBLE manager.

  6. I apologise if my above post came out too harsh but when I wrote that I was really angry. With each game Roeder's inability to manage becomes more apparent and it has become obvious that with him at the helm, the only way we are heading is down.


    What frustrates me even further is his refusal to resign. He has degenerated to Souness levels for me - the point of no return.


    Ironically, despite CLEARLY being less of a wanker than Soumess, Roeder is just as bad for the club, as he is just as incompetent.

  7. ...pathetic.


    Don't pretend you thought anyone was goign to go and kick the doors in and cause a scene.


    As far as i know, its not a ****ing state secret what hotel footballers stay at.


    "Power" mad, tbh.


    It only takes one idiot to do something stupid and as you so consistantly demonstrate, there are pelnty of them about.


    Ooh, an insult. But i guess the no insulting ideas doesn't include big powerful people like you?


    Your postings are occasionally - although only very occasionally - interesting, but the most memorable thing about you is the stupid action with the aforementioned thread. Well done.


    Where does it say no insulting ideas?


    If you're that hurt by it click "report to moderator", I won't interfere, if it's considered worthy of a ban I'll happily take one, I wouldn't want such a delicate-flower as yourself to suffer any traumatising mental anguish due to something I said.





    Don't worry yourself, mate. The day anyone is actually genuinely bothered by someone like you would be a fucking sad day indeed.


    Keep it up though - your saving of the team hotel in London is a very valuable public service. Good boy.

  8. What did Robson say, you do not win anything in September.  Well it is only November and the same thing must apply.   You are right, one below us.   Just feel a win tomorrow would be a starting step for us and I just hope it can he achieved.   


    Yeah, like the Pompey game was.


    There is NO way back with Roeder, he's worse than clueless.


    As for the November thing, we have been awful this season. If you think that is acceptable, fair enough, but its not good enough for a manager to rely on "hopefully" making things better for the 2nd half of the season, which is getting nearer and nearer.

  9. ...pathetic.


    Don't pretend you thought anyone was goign to go and kick the doors in and cause a scene.


    As far as i know, its not a ****ing state secret what hotel footballers stay at.


    "Power" mad, tbh.


    It only takes one idiot to do something stupid and as you so consistantly demonstrate, there are pelnty of them about.


    Ooh, an insult. But i guess the no insulting ideas doesn't include big powerful people like you?


    Your postings are occasionally - although only very occasionally - interesting, but the most memorable thing about you is the stupid action with the aforementioned thread. Well done.

  10. It must be our turn soon............. :(


    Yup. Big club, us. We deserve it.


    Great stadium, bestest fans in the universe, passionate city, blah blah blah. We're almost certainly next on the list for success.

  11. Not yet.   He is playing a dangerous game if he cannot motive his team to treat every game as though it was a Cup game.    There are worse teams that us, who sadly are improving and we are lacking confidence from a manager who stands with his arms folded on the touch-line.   


    There is currently ONE team worse than us.


    He has put us in this postion. He is unable to buy or coach players up to the task. Simple as.

  12. This simply highlights the joke of our backroom staff. I would have though most Championship sides have a better backroom setup than we do.


    One of the Championship sides had an Assistant who was not good enough for them. We got him instead. Big club, us. Massive.

  13. ...pathetic.


    Don't pretend you thought anyone was goign to go and kick the doors in and cause a scene.


    As far as i know, its not a ****ing state secret what hotel footballers stay at.


    "Power" mad, tbh.


    Yeah whatever.


    Why Indigo, and not Violet or Purple?


    Less gay (slightly)?

  14. watching the camera go to roeder and pearson against sheffield was like a man awaiting the hangmans noose,totally clueless not even barking out orders the pair of them.


    What do you expect??


    A terrible manager, and an assistant who is part of the West Brom tale of mediocrity.

  15. Agreed!


    We have goalscorers in this team. We just don't have a manager that brings the best out of them, nor who can play the suitable tactics to show the best of their ability.


    One goal scorer, Owen.


    One absolute pile of donkey shite, Ameobi.


    A journeyman pro, Sibierski.


    A very very quick forward with no touch, might come good, Martins.


    A player who MAY be good in 2 or so years, Rossi.


    An utter pile of uninterested crap, Luque.


    That's what we've got.


    We also have a manager who has no idea of getting goals from the players we're stuck with, which is possibly the biggest problem.


    He has no idea how to coach or get the best out of ANY of the players, even the ones who play in the position HE did. That terrifies me. The man is of no use ot us whatsoever.

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