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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The trouble is its bloody difficult to see if a Manager is "good" with the  money or not before you apoint him


    It’s certainly something that Fat Fred seems to find difficult, even though, with five managers in ten years, he's had a lot of practice. You'd hope he'd learn from his mistakes, but he seems to be getting worse at it.


    I thought you would have learned by now that you always back the wrong guy too  :lol:


    Maybe he's just got better with practice, something Shepherd has been incapable of doing so far.


    Well, he's nothing but a WUM, as he's always been - as you know, which makes it even more laughable that you agree with him




    On the issue at hand – the fact that Fat Fred has led the club into decline for long enough – you and HTL are just about the only ones on the forum who don't agree with me.


    I guess you think that everyone on the board is "laughable". I suspect the feeling is mutual.


    you wanted Souness to build his team, you wanted the board to load him up with cash.




    Nothing could be more irrelevant than what you think I wanted.


    The person who actually appointed Souness, backed Souness, and decided to spend millions and millions on players for Souness, remains your big hero who can do no wrong, while to anyone else it’s clear that he's taken NUFC just about as far as he can. (Well, hopefully. If he takes us any further we'll be in the Championship.)


    As I said, laughable.



    If you were a nation, you'd be Italy (WW2 version)

  2. Thoughts on the game - Shambles and Moore are fucking terrible defenders.


    Krul looks to be a good keeper, played well.


    Luque could actually prove me wrong, and end up being a pretty average player, rather than a shite one.


    We NEED 2 actually good strikers.


    Roeder is a poor manager, whose transfer acumen is only marginally outweighed by his tactical ineptitude.


    Oh, and we played pretty much like a bottom 5 team. We'd have been gutted by a decent side.

  3. Well in whoever put the money on. Good on Luque, not even played in a position that remotely suits him yet he scored. Nice one.


    He must be the best player in the world!

  4. 8 millions for Emre will be good, we can buy two good players for those money. Emre gives 100% every game, for something just tells me he isn't cut for the Premier League. Plus we badly need some hight in the midfield and therefore I hope this is something Roeder, or whoever our manager is in January, will take into consideration.


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif

  5. Not watching a 3min comp when i have the goals on WMP, the first one was a clear header, very well taken, the second he beat the defender and it looked to come off his head but even if it did come off the shoulder he still beat the defender got something on the ball and scored a goal!


    This pointless nit picking at every little thing just screams of someone desperate for an excuse to knock a player. Fact is Shola's goals won us that game, I bet you weren't moaning at the time (actually you probably would have prefered a 2-1 defeat rather than shola scoring 2)


    It doesn't matter if Ameobi is injured. Fit or not, if he was the only striker avaialble, we STILL would have no Premiership quality forwards.

  6. thompers basically a bullshit fountain tbh. Making no sense, talking about wanting all of our strikers to be injured. What a pillock. Tenner says he reports me to the mods for calling him a pillock an'all. bluebigrazz.gif


    We'd be equally toothless with or without any of the 'strikers'. None of them offer us anymore up front than a midfielder would, as none are good enough, so at the moment I don't give a shit if any of them get injured. We're going to lose constantly unless we sign players anyway so perhaps a few injuries will encourage some more buying, and perhaps the ones who do the signing might actually learn to buy more wisely after the recent farce of a transfer window.


    thompers are you really as stupid as you sound? you say you couldnt give a shit if any of our strikers get's injured?


    it's piss fickle fans like you who are making this club shit! I bet you boo every tiome a player gives the ball away, " I he's shit wish he was dead me, sack them all & sign henry & rooney"  & when do you expect us to sign these players you fool, like it or not were stuck with this lot until january, get behind your team & stop being a cock! YOU ****ING MORON!!


    So we should reward a player for not being good enough, and pretend he is?


    Excellent.......hurrah, Bramble, you are a defensive Collosus.

  7. Dont think they travel that well.

    Would not surprise me if we had one or two good performances in Europe and/or the League but it wont last it will be the usual ups and downs and in the end we will not win anything, as I said pre season.

    It may well be at best the Intertoto again next season.


    Can't see the 12 or 13 teams above us at the end of the season ALL not going for the Interwhatsit.

  8. Personally I didn't think that Bramble was poor.


    That's a quite ludicrous statement/opinion - Bramble was supposed to be picking up Diouf on both goals and failed completely.


    This isn't the first time he has been guilty of ball watching either.


    I don't disagree with your thoughts on the full back position but Bramble is just as bad - his concentration levels are lower than a child's.


    It's not as simple as saying Bramble was poor, the back 4 as a defensive unit aren't working as a team. Maybe Bramble left Diouf for the 2nd goal because his concentration failed him, maybe he didn't have confidence in Moore to clear the cross, maybe he thought Carr would cover for him. The back 4 have to take collective responsibility in what they're doing. To blame Bramble in isolation is no different to blaming one midfielder when the MF is being overrun by the opposition or to blame one striker when there's no goals being scored.


    Pardon me but where did I blame Bramble solely for our defensive mistakes this season?


    Carr is utterly dreadful, Moore very, very average and it isn't worth mentioning Ramage.


    But give me a break, you sound like f*cking Roeder - Bramble has made some dreadful mistakes this season!


    Enough with your 'maybes' - they are excuses, I'm sure you could use those excuses for almost every mistake he has made - it was a blatant and schoolboy error for that second goal.






    But there are still people who think he has some mythical (and nonexistant) ability. Because they believe what they are told.


    Bramble is NOT a premiership defender.

  9. Newcastle v Fenerbache - loss


    Boro v Newcastle - draw

    Newcastle v Pompey - loss

    Newcastle v Charlton - win


    Palermo v Newcastle - loss


    Newcastle v Sheff. Utd - draw

    Man City v Newcastle - loss



  10. Hindu, did you think we shoudl have stuck with Souness as well?


    Of course Roeder should go, he's not good enough.




    Our defensive mistakes are completely Roeder's fault - he is the one that chose not to buy defenders, he is the one that continues to pick Bramble.


    As I've argued elsewhere, do we have a better player than Bramble to bring into the team... on form alone?


    And if it's all Roeders fault that we didn't buy defenders, then why do we ALWAYS fail in the transfer window (who's the common factor through all the managers)?


    Yes - Bramble is the worst central defender we have.

  11. Why the hell do people think Stephen Taylor deserves a place in the team? He has been as shocking as Bramble this year, and despite showing glimpses of promise in the past.


    How often has he played this season?


    its CLEAR he is a far better pkayer than Shambles, who isn't even comically bad any more, he's just shite.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Bramble. I'm just arguing the point that do we really have a better player on our hands in Taylor? I agree he has shown promise, but in his games this year (for us and England) he has been just as shocking as Bramble.


    No, no he hasn't. Bramble is one of the least talented central defenders in the Premiership. Taylor has a lot of quality, imo.

  12. Why the hell do people think Stephen Taylor deserves a place in the team? He has been as shocking as Bramble this year, and despite showing glimpses of promise in the past.


    How often has he played this season?


    its CLEAR he is a far better pkayer than Shambles, who isn't even comically bad any more, he's just shite.

  13. I think Carr is to blame, atleast more so than bramble, he just couldnt play with anelka, and he seemed to be running away from anelka, instead of giving him less space and putting in a tackle.


    I thought bramble was good for the most part today tbh.



  14. Roeder is a fucking idiot.


    Failed to get any defenders. Went for a poor one on the last day.


    Drops our best defender as soon as that piece of donkeywank Bramble gets back.


    Plays Moore and Bramble ON PURPOSE, despite the fact that they are suited, at best, for the Championship.


    The ONE thing Roeder might have brought to us was the fact that he was a defender (albiet only a mediocre one). But he can't even sort that out.


    Well done Roeder, you are creating a genuinely shite team out of the heading-towards-shite that Soumess left us with.



  15. Let's try and keep it simple, he needed to by 2 defenders he didn't. The buck stops with him.


    Maybe but I don't think he is fully to blame for the transfer window debacle and I'd be shocked if the board didn't undermine him in some way on that front given they did so to the previous two managers.


    I don't doubt for a moment that Sibierski and Bernard were boardroom deals either and not Roeder buys because they just don't fit the profile, I don't think Duff was either, not in so many words.


    I think the club went to Roeder and said: "would you like Duff"


    Roeder: "sure but we need defenders and strikers first"


    Club: "don't worry Glenn, we'll work with you to bring those players in"


    Roeder: "go on then, aye, I'll have Duff as well in that case"


    I could be wrong like, but I don't think I'm too far off.


    Thats just guesswork though, isn't it. Simple fact is that we only have one defender worthy of a team trying to achieve - and then better - 6th place, and that's Taylor. Roeder is the manager, and he failed to bring in any defenders in the transfer window.


    He did but I wouldn't say he is fully to blame for that, what we have learned since is that he wanted Huth but FS wanted Woodgate, and in typical Toon style, we tried to buy both at the 11th hour just as they were putting pen to paper at Boro.


    I don't think GR is fully to blame, no, but he does still bear a large portion of the responsibility, as manager.

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