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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Agreed!


    We have goalscorers in this team. We just don't have a manager that brings the best out of them, nor who can play the suitable tactics to show the best of their ability.


    One goal scorer, Owen.


    One absolute pile of donkey shite, Ameobi.


    A journeyman pro, Sibierski.


    A very very quick forward with no touch, might come good, Martins.


    A player who MAY be good in 2 or so years, Rossi.


    An utter pile of uninterested crap, Luque.


    That's what we've got.

  2. Solano remains our best right winger.


    Milner is coming on, though.


    Duff is awful on the right, and as for Dire - hahahahahahahahahahaahha come on, son, one more injury!

  3. Turning the club around, a 4 point plan:


    1) Remove FFS ENTIRELYfrom footballing decisions

    2) Remove the incompetent manager and entire "coaching" team

    3) Remove all of the players who offer NOTHING to a top 6 Premiership side (i.e. Bramble, Dire, Ameobi, Luque, Sibierski, Babayaro, Moore, Carr, et al).

    4) Replace all of the above with talented, hungry, competent individuals


    Its not going to be cheap, easy, or even likely. But without ALL of the above, we won't get back to where we think we should be.

  4. I wonder why they think anyone gives a toss what they supposedly posted way back whenever?


    I wonder why anyone would give a toss about what you post in the here and now......


    In his mind, we all wait, quivering, with baited breath, for the Mighty OzzieMandias to post.


    Its best to ignore him and hope he'll go away. Like a bear. Or, more aptly, a wasp.

  5. the problem you will have in January, if you dont start getting results before then, is that teh quality players will not want to join a club in the midst of a relegation fight. i think Newcastle are in serious trouble, and will continue to flounder until you replace that idiot of a chairman. he has turned the club into a circus, and Neewcastle are the laughing stock of teh league


    Its at every level now, mate.


    Chairman is too involved in (and too bad at) the football side.


    Manager is an absolute, substandard cretin.


    Assistant Manager/Coaches are laughable.


    Half the first team should not be anywhere NEAR the playing squad of a team with aspirations of the top 10, or probbaly even the Premiership.

  6. Realistically...


    Moritz Volz - £1m ... Decent, capable right-back available on the cheap. Better than Carr, but not better than Taylor. I'd have Taylor as our first choice right-back.

    Sylvain Distin - £2m ... Good defender, a leader at the back which we crave for. Available on the cheap due to contract problems.

    Wayne Bridge - £3m ... Top-class left-back.

    David Nugent - £3m ... Rising star, i think he'll be a Darren Bent-esque hit in the Premiership, and he's been kicking ass in the Under-21s. Big fan of his.

    Mark Viduka - £1m ... Not brilliant, but skill ful and a presence in the box and will knab us 7 or 8 goals.


    And, if we still had the available funds, we could boot Bramble (finally), and bring in Matthew Upson for £3-4m. I'm a fan of his and always have been. He was always on the brink of the England squad... he has the capabilities to be a good Premiership defender.


    Obviously, not brilliant signings - but i'm talking realistically. And that's only £10m spent, if we discount Upson. However, our defense would be improved monumentally by those three imports, our defense really is just that bad at the moment. And Nugent is going to be a hell of a player - and is a key role in Preston's promotion push. Viduka doesn't have the legs that he once had, but he's always scored goals and is a presence in the box on the cheap.


    1st Team: Taylor --- Distin --- Moore --- Bridge


    2nd Team: Volz --- Upson --- Ramage --- Bernard


    Boot: Carr, Babayaro, Bramble.


    I would be very surprised to see Nugent moving for anything like £3m. 


    Prepare to be suprised then. £4m is what they're supposed to be asking for.


    I'll be shocked if he doesn't sign for Everton. He's a blue, he's on record saying how much he wants to play for us, always linked in the press and we've been scouting him for about 2 years. Hopefully it will be Beattie out and Nugent in during January rather than the summer.


    if there's more than one club in for him - and one of them is us, and we're fucking proper mugs when it comes to transfer fees - it'll be higher.



    Any one of our other players who can play at left back are better than that sackless piece of shite Babayaro.


    Then where is Bernard, eh?


    He was shite the first time around and he's looking like an utter holocaust this time around.


    He played better than Babayaro ever has when he was first with us.


    Babayaro is the left back version of Bramble, only Shitus at least seems to care SOMETIMES.

  8. Realistically...


    Moritz Volz - £1m ... Decent, capable right-back available on the cheap. Better than Carr, but not better than Taylor. I'd have Taylor as our first choice right-back.

    Sylvain Distin - £2m ... Good defender, a leader at the back which we crave for. Available on the cheap due to contract problems.

    Wayne Bridge - £3m ... Top-class left-back.

    David Nugent - £3m ... Rising star, i think he'll be a Darren Bent-esque hit in the Premiership, and he's been kicking ass in the Under-21s. Big fan of his.

    Mark Viduka - £1m ... Not brilliant, but skill ful and a presence in the box and will knab us 7 or 8 goals.


    And, if we still had the available funds, we could boot Bramble (finally), and bring in Matthew Upson for £3-4m. I'm a fan of his and always have been. He was always on the brink of the England squad... he has the capabilities to be a good Premiership defender.


    Obviously, not brilliant signings - but i'm talking realistically. And that's only £10m spent, if we discount Upson. However, our defense would be improved monumentally by those three imports, our defense really is just that bad at the moment. And Nugent is going to be a hell of a player - and is a key role in Preston's promotion push. Viduka doesn't have the legs that he once had, but he's always scored goals and is a presence in the box on the cheap.


    1st Team: Taylor --- Distin --- Moore --- Bridge


    2nd Team: Volz --- Upson --- Ramage --- Bernard


    Boot: Carr, Babayaro, Bramble.


    The sheer arrogance of thinking two players would sign to be a reserve for a relegation battling side :D


    Also the absolute idiocy of STILL thinking Bernard is better than Babayaro.  Fuck me.


    Any one of our other players who can play at left back are better than that sackless piece of shite Babayaro.

  9. Really don't see how Roeder can get much of the blame for the state we are in. He has inherited a mess. The squad we have is pathetic for a big club like ours and that is the reult of poor decisions and bad planning way before Roeder came along. The players need to take some of the blame too. Can you ever imagine Lee Clark ever playing with the nonchalent attitude that so many of our current squad show?


    Roeder should be given the time and the money to get us out of this. I think he could  be a brilliant manager for us.


    We have so many problems now, getting rid of Roeder is only going to make things worse.


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif What a load of shite.


    His buys, his team selection, his tactics and his substitutions have proven he is an utter fuckwit. The sooner we get shot the better. Although i'm not saying he should BE shot. Just sacked, never to darken our door again.


    YES, there are major issues with Shepherd, but lets not let that detract from the fact that Roeder has proven himself unfit for the post.

  10. If he had an ounce of honour in his body, he would walk away.


    Fucking useless cretin that he is.


    "ooh, his hands are tied"....."he has no money".....he HAD money. He HAD chances to fix things. He blew it.


    Shit manager, shit coach of the first team.


    Pearson as Assistant?? For fucks sake. Not good enough for an underperforming West Brom side, but hey, come to newcastle, that fuckwit Roeder is in charge!

  11. Why not we play Duff on the right at times. He can cut in on his left. Also its not as if we will want him getting to the by-line to put crosses in for Martins. I also said we could swap Duff and Luque around if need be.


    because Duff is ineffective on the right.

  12. I wouldnt swap any of our midfielders for any of Villas tbh-and also the depth is very strong too in that department.N'zog,Milner or Solano are second choice once Dyer returns unless he plays up front which looks very probable.


    Then thats ANOTHER reason to hope he stays crocked.

  13. Why haven't we got the players to suit that formation.


    Butt will hold, Emre and Parker in the middle. Duff left attacker, Luque on the right, Martin Up top, or swap Luque and Duff.


    Dyer could also play one of the wide roles as well as Zoggy and Milner.


    Luque on the right??

  14. I'm not sure anyone rates him to do any of that. The fact is he's scored most of our goals and we can't sign anyone else until January. Therefore him being out is a bad thing.


    Only very, very marginally more bad than him being IN, though.

  15. Oh, and we played pretty much like a bottom 5 team. We'd have been gutted by a decent side.




    Under-strength team or not (bearing in mind that we were too) - they're joint top of Serie A! Indecent sides don't get to the top of Serie A.


    Portsmouth were top of the EPL at one point (granted, tonights opponents are doing better than that). We weren't playing the same team that is top of Serie A, anyway.


    A good team woudl have destroyed us. Did you see our central "defenders"?? Clueless, dangerously so.

  16. Whatever happens Carr should never be allowed near the 1st team again.


    True. Ditto Babayaro, Bramble, Ameobi as well, though.


    I fear that if we play tonights team against ANY Premiership side, we increase the chances of losing.

  17. The trouble is its bloody difficult to see if a Manager is "good" with the  money or not before you apoint him


    It’s certainly something that Fat Fred seems to find difficult, even though, with five managers in ten years, he's had a lot of practice. You'd hope he'd learn from his mistakes, but he seems to be getting worse at it.


    I thought you would have learned by now that you always back the wrong guy too  :lol:


    Maybe he's just got better with practice, something Shepherd has been incapable of doing so far.


    Well, he's nothing but a WUM, as he's always been - as you know, which makes it even more laughable that you agree with him




    On the issue at hand – the fact that Fat Fred has led the club into decline for long enough – you and HTL are just about the only ones on the forum who don't agree with me.


    I guess you think that everyone on the board is "laughable". I suspect the feeling is mutual.


    you wanted Souness to build his team, you wanted the board to load him up with cash.




    Nothing could be more irrelevant than what you think I wanted.


    The person who actually appointed Souness, backed Souness, and decided to spend millions and millions on players for Souness, remains your big hero who can do no wrong, while to anyone else it’s clear that he's taken NUFC just about as far as he can. (Well, hopefully. If he takes us any further we'll be in the Championship.)


    As I said, laughable.



    If you were a nation, you'd be Italy (WW2 version)

    If you were a comedian, you'd be funny.


    Presumably so, yes. Else i'd be a bit of a crap one, eh? Thats pretty obvious.



  18. Huge HUGE HUGE performance. Also when it looked like Moore was getting run down and beaten of pace, he was off his line like a shot. The anticipation of a PL vetran.


    Far too frequently for a supposed competent, experienced defender.


    Thank fuck for Krul. He did a Given tonight, and fed the idiots who think Bramble/Moore are good enough, by single-handedly saving the pair of fuckwits blushes.

  19. he is a ****. Can you imagine a fuckin match of the day presenter supporting real madrid and the pundits supporting inter. Fuckin hate the ****. Support  the team you were born with you ****, then maybe the irish league will have some money. Colin murray boils me piss.


    wtf are you on about?


    I suppose all those filthy Scandinavians should stop supporting the Toon


    They should support the team from the place of their birth. Imho.

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