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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    Enrique looks poor, overall. Faye has made some bad, bad mistakes, but gotten away with many of them. He's been ok, but there should be better to come. Beye has done well, he's been v good.


    Not really fair to compare full backs to centre backs, though. I think Taylor and Faye would be a good partnership, once Faye properlly beds in, and once there is a decent LB next to them. I genuinely think Taylor will come on next to the likes of Beye, as well. Can only be good for the development of a player that i think can becoem a very good centre back.


    I don't think Enrique looks poor, like the others he's had his moments but needs games.


    Maybe he'll pick up, but he's looked way out of his depth to me. Hopefully he'll click, and at least HE has the excuse of not being an EPL-experienced player. Not liek some of the other flops.


    His distribution is fairly poor, that's the only stand-out weakness i can see. He's strong, he's quick and he works well with the centre-back next to him. He had Ronaldo pretty much sewn up down that wing in the first half yesterday, too. I really like him, i think he'll be really good.


    Not really sure which bad, bad mistakes you're referring to with Faye - but if you can highlight them then i won't argue for now. My gut reaction is, is that's he's the best defender we've had since Woodgate.


    Faye has, frequently, let himself get caught out of position. It might just be a case of needing to get to know the other 3 in a settled back 4, but where i sit, i'm in line with the box, and its been noticeable.


    can't agree on Enrique so far, though. He doesn't seem to interact with the CB at all for me, and his strength is yet to be seen as far as i recall, he's not looked as much of a tin man as Rozenhal, but he's no where near a player with only the one failing you mention.


    I'll watch Faye more closely from here on in, you're a better judge of his play positionally anyhow - difficult to depict from the television. But to me he's looked like an absolute ox, comfortable in the tackle and - especially - superb in the air. There's one misplaced header of his that i can think of, and that was against Stoke, where it ballooned up but was cleared anyhow. I keep referring to that one against Kenwyne Jones, where he was facing his own goal yet still managed to divert it out the box. I think he's great.


    Enrique though, i'm surprised you say that. His strength has been what's most prominent for me. He doesn't seem to make too many tackles cos he just wins the ball, grabs it, turns and holds off the opposition player then gets rid. The Stoke game isn't a brilliant example cos it's an inferior team, but he was quality in that first half. He looks good to me.


    Like i say, we've got plenty of good defenders. There's nowt wrong with our defense imo (well, you know what i mean), it just needs consistency. And a couple of decent centre-mids infront.


    Watch Faye, definately. I don't think its terminal - and he's clearly bright/good enough to learn, he's no Bramble. I just worry about us getting on our collective knees and unzipping a players flies before he's even really got going (reference Geremi pre season, Barton, Viduka).


    I think we have 3 good defenders  - Beye, Taylor, Faye (positional issues notwithstanding) - one who'll hopfully make it - Enrique - and thats it. We need cover, but you're right, though - we have LESS in other areas. 

  2. Jay Jay Sea is a massive wind-up merchant.  Biggest one here.  You know it, I know it.


    He's funny, though, i like him.


    Not in a gay way. I'm saving THAT for Dave, now i've seen his photo. I like men who are openly "scene".

  3. Whoever finishes fourth this year has a really rosy future. The Champions League means almost everything.




    They've dropped into the pot of teams challenging for it, same number of points now. Unless they pick up soon they've no more chance than any of the others. Well and truly up for grabs now.


    They'll outlast the others going for 4th, i reckon, unfortunately.


    Shoudl be US, thoughm, if you go back to some of the scandalously stupid comments from posters here pre season.

  4. I've been really impressed with him since he's joined.


    When he left Leeds i was saying to all my mates that we should sign him because i thought he was great. When we snapped him up in Summer i had mixed emotions but i am so glad we did now :indi:

    Sorry? :lol:

    Play him up front and he's not such a bad player. Yes he's been s**** all season, that's because he is playing midfield, and not 1 t*** who is part of the Newcastle United set up seems to see this.


    He HAS played up front. He was s***. Because he's not a very good footballer.

    Get off his back you fools.  No wonder he's not been playing his 'A' game since joining the club of Newcastle United. I bet that he's probably been reading this forum and guess what you bunch of thicko's? His morale will be crushed coz you never gave him a chance. Just lay off him ok and I reckon he'll get better.  Alan, if you are reading this don't get down mate. I don't blame you getting sent of yesterday coz you are passionate mate. Hang in the there buddy an dignore these twits on this forum.


    Passionate? Yes. Good? Is he f***.


    Its OUR fault he can't pass, tackle, or score??? Get to f***, thats pathetic.

    Yes. Get the f*ck in. Sorry I was bored. 1-0 to me Monkey. Monkey by name, Monkey by nature. Sweet as chap. Didn't expect a bite tbh. You been drinking chap. Re-read my post. Blatant written as if I was 15 years old. Granted I didn't have to try hard.


    Monkey by name, monkey by nature. Yes, thats f****** genius that.


    You write like a 15 year old cretin, so i treat you like one. What actual age cretin youare is irrelevant, though, really.

    As I said man....I was bored.....you took the bait....lighten up.  Anyway you've completey missed the point in that it was my intention to write as if 15 years of age. I'm actually 18 year old (few months ago) if you wanna know mate.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it old man.  Ha. What you like....bet ya about 32 or 33 old man. Bet you've got ya slippers on right now have you? Mug.......of hot chocolate before bed a bet. Can't keep up with the young 'uns now me thinks.....You Alan Smith mate? Ha ha.


    You're 18??? Jesus, the standard of education in this country (assuming you ARE from this country, it's hard to tell) has gone right down hill. Well done on reaching 18 though, you deserve to be praised for that. Can't be easy, you know, what with your problems. Good on you.


    Enrique looks poor, overall. Faye has made some bad, bad mistakes, but gotten away with many of them. He's been ok, but there should be better to come. Beye has done well, he's been v good.


    Not really fair to compare full backs to centre backs, though. I think Taylor and Faye would be a good partnership, once Faye properlly beds in, and once there is a decent LB next to them. I genuinely think Taylor will come on next to the likes of Beye, as well. Can only be good for the development of a player that i think can becoem a very good centre back.


    I don't think Enrique looks poor, like the others he's had his moments but needs games.


    Maybe he'll pick up, but he's looked way out of his depth to me. Hopefully he'll click, and at least HE has the excuse of not being an EPL-experienced player. Not liek some of the other flops.


    His distribution is fairly poor, that's the only stand-out weakness i can see. He's strong, he's quick and he works well with the centre-back next to him. He had Ronaldo pretty much sewn up down that wing in the first half yesterday, too. I really like him, i think he'll be really good.


    Not really sure which bad, bad mistakes you're referring to with Faye - but if you can highlight them then i won't argue for now. My gut reaction is, is that's he's the best defender we've had since Woodgate.


    Faye has, frequently, let himself get caught out of position. It might just be a case of needing to get to know the other 3 in a settled back 4, but where i sit, i'm in line with the box, and its been noticeable.


    can't agree on Enrique so far, though. He doesn't seem to interact with the CB at all for me, and his strength is yet to be seen as far as i recall, he's not looked as much of a tin man as Rozenhal, but he's no where near a player with only the one failing you mention.

  6. Matter of opinions of course. But what do you think?


    Fans of Everton, Aston Villa, Man City, Blackburn, Portsmouth all think they have the right manager in charge and their futures are bright. All these clubs have some money to spend, except Blackburn and Everton. But then Mark Hughes and David Moyes have been in their positions for a number of years so they have the time advantage.


    In football there bound to be winners and losers. Who will eventually rise to the top, and who will be found out eventually?


    2 votes allowed. Please vote one for winner, one for loser.


    No doubt at the end of the day the voting will be unbalanced.


    It is too hard to predict for, and hence I refrain from voting.


    Though I think the combination of Porstmouth and Redknapp will not achieve anything significant in the long term.


    [translation] The results will tell us fuck all, and I don't think its possible to choose, but hey, here's another poll[/translate]


    Enrique looks poor, overall. Faye has made some bad, bad mistakes, but gotten away with many of them. He's been ok, but there should be better to come. Beye has done well, he's been v good.


    Not really fair to compare full backs to centre backs, though. I think Taylor and Faye would be a good partnership, once Faye properlly beds in, and once there is a decent LB next to them. I genuinely think Taylor will come on next to the likes of Beye, as well. Can only be good for the development of a player that i think can becoem a very good centre back.


    I don't think Enrique looks poor, like the others he's had his moments but needs games.


    Maybe he'll pick up, but he's looked way out of his depth to me. Hopefully he'll click, and at least HE has the excuse of not being an EPL-experienced player. Not liek some of the other flops.

  8. No he hasn't, but no doubt all the people who wrongly thought he was class/had the potential to be the best defender in the EPL will pretend that he has been.


    Who else has been the star player for Wigan do you think then?


    I think Schaner might have something to say, or their top scorer, especially bearing in mind they've not been fucking watertight in the 22 or so games that fatboy has played.


    You watched Wigan a lot then? Enough to see who their best player is?

  9. Taylor and Faye are without a doubt our best defenders.


    ??? Taylor over Beye?


    I don't mind Taylor, i think he's alright. Faye, Beye and Enrique (soon enough) will all be ahead of him though in my opinion. He's a good option to have alongside Faye though, it's a really brusing backline.


    Beye--Taylor--Faye--Enrique is such a promising defense, imo. If we played that week in, week out - it'd be good.


    Enrique looks poor, overall. Faye has made some bad, bad mistakes, but gotten away with many of them. He's been ok, but there should be better to come. Beye has done well, he's been v good.


    Not really fair to compare full backs to centre backs, though. I think Taylor and Faye would be a good partnership, once Faye properlly beds in, and once there is a decent LB next to them. I genuinely think Taylor will come on next to the likes of Beye, as well. Can only be good for the development of a player that i think can becoem a very good centre back.

  10. I've got a crazy idea - lets respect the traditions of a long-term competition, and make allowances, when building a squad, for the fact that if you buy African, you may well lose them.


    Or, buy shite like Geremi, the absense of whom for any reason will improve the team no end.

  11. I've been really impressed with him since he's joined.


    When he left Leeds i was saying to all my mates that we should sign him because i thought he was great. When we snapped him up in Summer i had mixed emotions but i am so glad we did now :indi:

    Sorry? :lol:

    Play him up front and he's not such a bad player. Yes he's been s**** all season, that's because he is playing midfield, and not 1 t*** who is part of the Newcastle United set up seems to see this.


    He HAS played up front. He was s***. Because he's not a very good footballer.

    Get off his back you fools.  No wonder he's not been playing his 'A' game since joining the club of Newcastle United. I bet that he's probably been reading this forum and guess what you bunch of thicko's? His morale will be crushed coz you never gave him a chance. Just lay off him ok and I reckon he'll get better.  Alan, if you are reading this don't get down mate. I don't blame you getting sent of yesterday coz you are passionate mate. Hang in the there buddy an dignore these twits on this forum.


    Passionate? Yes. Good? Is he f***.


    Its OUR fault he can't pass, tackle, or score??? Get to f***, thats pathetic.

    Yes. Get the f*ck in. Sorry I was bored. 1-0 to me Monkey. Monkey by name, Monkey by nature. Sweet as chap. Didn't expect a bite tbh. You been drinking chap. Re-read my post. Blatant written as if I was 15 years old. Granted I didn't have to try hard.


    Monkey by name, monkey by nature. Yes, thats fucking genius that.


    You write like a 15 year old cretin, so i treat you like one. What actual age cretin youare is irrelevant, though, really.

  12. The only way I see him changing his mind, or a way he could still save face by changing his mind, is if he had a arguement with his board, or if they denied him a transfer kitty they they didn't deliver or something.


    I wouldn't be suprised if all this shit affects his teams performance, if only in the short term.


    On a completely different tangent, the Pompey first eleven, when fit, is quite impressive. The Pompey squad, however, is shite. My lass said the bench today was a disgrace, and utility man Richard Hughes has apparently played his last game for the club.


    If four players leaving a team can COMPLETELY change the abilty of the squad, then you haven't got much of a squad at all.


    Also, I see Benjani has lost his scoring boots, and Nugent is still a championship player  mackems.gif


    And Redknapp was one of the ones bitching about the ANC, as well.


    LIke it came as a fucking shock to him.

  13. I've been really impressed with him since he's joined.


    When he left Leeds i was saying to all my mates that we should sign him because i thought he was great. When we snapped him up in Summer i had mixed emotions but i am so glad we did now :indi:

    Sorry? :lol:

    Play him up front and he's not such a bad player. Yes he's been s**** all season, that's because he is playing midfield, and not 1 t*** who is part of the Newcastle United set up seems to see this.


    He HAS played up front. He was s***. Because he's not a very good footballer.

    Get off his back you fools.  No wonder he's not been playing his 'A' game since joining the club of Newcastle United. I bet that he's probably been reading this forum and guess what you bunch of thicko's? His morale will be crushed coz you never gave him a chance. Just lay off him ok and I reckon he'll get better.  Alan, if you are reading this don't get down mate. I don't blame you getting sent of yesterday coz you are passionate mate. Hang in the there buddy an dignore these twits on this forum.


    Passionate? Yes. Good? Is he fuck.


    Its OUR fault he can't pass, tackle, or score??? Get to fuck, thats pathetic.

  14. I've been really impressed with him since he's joined.


    When he left Leeds i was saying to all my mates that we should sign him because i thought he was great. When we snapped him up in Summer i had mixed emotions but i am so glad we did now :indi:

    Sorry? :lol:

    Play him up front and he's not such a bad player. Yes he's been s**** all season, that's because he is playing midfield, and not 1 t*** who is part of the Newcastle United set up seems to see this.


    He HAS played up front. He was s***. Because he's not a very good footballer.


    played up front twice against arsenal and fulham


    fulham he won us a pen and arsenal he was excellent


    Conned the ref for the pen, and wasnot excellent, he was ok.


    A while back, someone tried to use the "SAF wanted to keep him" thing, which is rubbish.


    He's NOT a godo forward. He's gotten forward (although clumsily) this season, and has fuck all idea what to do. MNaybe he needs time to get used to the pace of the premiership, or learn the language?


    The likes of Spain and Italy move their winter break to fit in with the international window, and any other leftover fixtures can be fitted within those August/September/October/November international breaks that no longer exist. England also moves January/February fixtures into international breaks and extend their end of season by two weeks.


    The extended transfer window serves as a sweetener, and as there aren't any domestic fixtures during this time, there wouldn't be any disruption from continuous speculation.


    So the Premiership has no fixtures in Jan or Feb? No FA Cup games either? Or am I wrong?


    I would have happily signed up to that if we'd kept Fat Sam!

  16. I've been really impressed with him since he's joined.


    When he left Leeds i was saying to all my mates that we should sign him because i thought he was great. When we snapped him up in Summer i had mixed emotions but i am so glad we did now :indi:

    Sorry? :lol:

    Play him up front and he's not such a bad player. Yes he's been shite all season, that's because he is playing midfield, and not 1 twat who is part of the Newcastle United set up seems to see this.


    He HAS played up front. He was shit. Because he's not a very good footballer.

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