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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Still no.


    Think it's gonna happen at some stage between now and May though, sadly.


    Ah well, I'm sure Shearer will have us in the top 4 soon enough...


    How do you Shearer even wants the job? Im sure he was on tv yesterday saying he aint interested and he is very happy as a pundit.


    How would you rate SA reign so far?


    I'm being sarcastic with the Shearer comments given all the speculation.


    How would I rate Big Sam's reign so far? Disappointing in the main although I expected things to be tough and for us to be in mid-table. Not a disaster or a crisis as some think it is, put it that way.


    Disappointing is an under statement, Everything that is associated with a SA team we havent yet witnessed. There is only 2 possitives to come from SA so far and thats Beye and Faye.


    I would say we are in a crisis, the performances alone states that there is a problem. Im all for givng a manager time but the manager has to show he is improving the team and going in the right direction. I think its silly to put your head in the sand and hope he succeeds because he did a decent job at another club. SA said himself that his kinda bussiness is all about results.


    Personally i dont think we should sack him at this point of the season but if we continue to be dog s*** for the rest of the season then he should be let go in the Summer or if we are in danger of relegation then he should be sacked.



    Yes Beye and Faye have been class, but i would also back some of his other signings


    Viduka on a free was a must, even though his wages are high. Most people on this board would have hung SA out to dry if he didnt go for him


    Barton without the clause would have cost more than 10 million. A lot of people rated him the 2nd best driving midfielder in the country behind Gerrard. Yes he has baggage, but so did Diouf and Anelka and Sam got the best out of them.


    Cacapa has been probably one of the best frees of the season. Yes he has only been ok, but for free what else do you expect


    Enrique looks good and he is only 21


    Smith i think was an Ashley buy, and as a squad player is invaluable


    Beye and Faye have been very good but the rest havnt been that bad


    What an unmitigated pile of crap.


    We will have to agree to disagree then!


    Based on the funds and the timing he had availible i thought he spent very well, and i can imagine 75% of this board would agree


    I can imagine you were one of the ones hoping the Faye deal wouldnt go through   :blush:


    Imagine what you like. If you think flinging £25m and getting two decent enough players is good, fair play to you.


    He's brought in 9 players - 2 decent, the rest very much not, so far.


    And no-one, apart from the cretins on here who think that anyone who signs for us is automatically class, thought that Barton was the 2nd best midfielder in the country.


    Oh, and Smith, "invaluable"..... fucking hell, thats Comedy Gold, that!!! :lol: Way to have a big fat set of blacjk & white blinkers, mate. You held back from saying that Geremi was ace, which would have been your crowing glory.



  2. Still no.


    Think it's gonna happen at some stage between now and May though, sadly.


    Ah well, I'm sure Shearer will have us in the top 4 soon enough...


    How do you Shearer even wants the job? Im sure he was on tv yesterday saying he aint interested and he is very happy as a pundit.


    How would you rate SA reign so far?


    I'm being sarcastic with the Shearer comments given all the speculation.


    How would I rate Big Sam's reign so far? Disappointing in the main although I expected things to be tough and for us to be in mid-table. Not a disaster or a crisis as some think it is, put it that way.


    Disappointing is an under statement, Everything that is associated with a SA team we havent yet witnessed. There is only 2 possitives to come from SA so far and thats Beye and Faye.


    I would say we are in a crisis, the performances alone states that there is a problem. Im all for givng a manager time but the manager has to show he is improving the team and going in the right direction. I think its silly to put your head in the sand and hope he succeeds because he did a decent job at another club. SA said himself that his kinda bussiness is all about results.


    Personally i dont think we should sack him at this point of the season but if we continue to be dog s*** for the rest of the season then he should be let go in the Summer or if we are in danger of relegation then he should be sacked.



    Yes Beye and Faye have been class, but i would also back some of his other signings


    Viduka on a free was a must, even though his wages are high. Most people on this board would have hung SA out to dry if he didnt go for him


    Barton without the clause would have cost more than 10 million. A lot of people rated him the 2nd best driving midfielder in the country behind Gerrard. Yes he has baggage, but so did Diouf and Anelka and Sam got the best out of them.


    Cacapa has been probably one of the best frees of the season. Yes he has only been ok, but for free what else do you expect


    Enrique looks good and he is only 21


    Smith i think was an Ashley buy, and as a squad player is invaluable


    Beye and Faye have been very good but the rest havnt been that bad


    What an unmitigated pile of crap.

  3. We won't get relegated. Last season Wigan stayed up with 38 points - only 4 wins away from what we have now, with 17 games left.


    If the form of the current bottom 3 doesn't improve over the rest of this season then 31 points will be enough for safety - just a couple of wins needed.


    Give Allardyce the rest of this season, plus a wedge of cash in the summer and if things haven't improved by this time next year, then you sack him.




    I wouldn't trust him with any more money.

  4. Does anyone really, genuinely think, based on what they have seen from Allardyce, and the fact - and it IS fact - that HE CHOSE 9 players to bring in, and shelled out £25m on them, that he is the right man for Newcastle United? And by "right man", i mean the right man to take us to and entrench us in the top 6, which has to be our goal.


    Fat Head himself said he should be judged on 38 games. If that is the case, and we are still in the same position then as we are now, he has to go, because it simply isn't good enough. Tactics, formations, team selections...all very badly executed by SA and the players he is managing. Not good enough.


    YES, we need to back the right manager, but lets not pretend that backing the WRONG one is going to bring us any more than the shit we have to put up with now.

  5. As for damage, i mean another wasted season, more money wasted, more embrassment to us.


    Do you think a new manager will not want his own staff, players and time to gel a team/system?


    I reckon this season is a write-off whether we sack him or not.


    A season of rebuilding is not wasted. Even half a season of looking at the team and planning for the future is not wasted. Keeping a manager with no chance of success or even a clue what to do is a waste of a season.


    We're arguably doing that as a club though, regardless of Allardyce.


    What do you class as success for next season, if say we got in a manager to your liking? We're obviously not going to do anything this year whoever comes in.


    We may be doing that on the non-footballing side, but i challenge anyoen to show how Allardyce is building on the footballing side by wasting money on tat.


    Success next season for me - which would be helped by getting someone competent in now - would be a return to the top half of the table, and a team looking capable of establishing itself in the top 6/7 over the next few seasons.


    The Bitters have proven under Sven that change can happen quickly with the right man, so the above is reasonable i think.

  6. A season of rebuilding is not wasted. Even half a season of looking at the team and planning for the future is not wasted. Keeping a manager with no chance of success or even a clue what to do is a waste of a season.


    You dont know that, I think we have to give him his chance to buy the players which suit his system.


    Once we do that and he has brought his own players and his "system" is ready we can then judge and say thumbs up or thumbs down.


    Its utter wank at the minute but we have to stick with it.




    He's spent £25m and brought in 9 players. His players, that he wanted. And they have, in the main, been bad buys.

  7. As for damage, i mean another wasted season, more money wasted, more embrassment to us.


    Do you think a new manager will not want his own staff, players and time to gel a team/system?


    I reckon this season is a write-off whether we sack him or not.


    A season of rebuilding is not wasted. Even half a season of looking at the team and planning for the future is not wasted. Keeping a manager with no chance of success or even a clue what to do is a waste of a season.

  8. So we stick with a manager who is not good enough, for how long? How much damage do we let him do, how much money do we let him waste? How much time do we waste on him?


    But, what would happen if we did sack Allardyce, and a 'World Cass' manager of the quality of Hitzfeld, or Capello, etc became available and joined us - either within the next month, or in the summer with money to spend.


    How long would they get to turn us round, even if we were playing inconisistent/poorly and not getting results in their first 6-7 months??


    After all, they would be the perceived 'World Class' manager that people are crying out for, and seem to think we can/should be able attract, despite how our standing has slipped over the last 3-4 years!




    Where did i say world class? What i DID say was that Allrdyce is not good enough.


    If a manager came in who:

    * spend money well

    * wasn't tactically inept

    * played to the teams strengths

    * played people on their actual positions

    * had a clear plan for the future


    then i think all NUFC fans would rightly give him time.


    Allardyce has proven that he has fuck all of those attributes. Why shoudl we stick with a man destined to make us fail??

  9. So we stick with a manager who is not good enough, for how long? How much damage do we let him do, how much money do we let him waste? How much time do we waste on him?


    1) More than 20 games


    2) Enough money to say, "well you've had enough and your plans are not working"


    3) Damage? do you mean relegation?, we wont go down.


    4) Wasting time?  we are not in a position to be hurrying our way up the league especially after the Souness and Roeder seasons.


    Its pisses me off and hurts just as much as what you feel but its the cold cold truth.


    How long does he get, then? If we end up, after spending £25m oh HIS players, 11th, after playing people out of position, etc etc, is that good enough? Because we'll be LUCKY to get that.


    As for damage, i mean another wasted season, more money wasted, more embrassment to us.


    He's NOT good enough, and giving him more time, money etc is just throwing resource away.

  10. Jesus Christ, get a grip lads.  You're living up to the national stereotype of Newcastle fans. 


    Ok, so we get a new manager in, he buys a couple of players, then we're gonna win the league.  Things start going badly, some shite performances, and we're in mid table.  The exact same fucking plebs will be on here saying 'get him out', 'let's get shot and give the 'right' manager time'.


    Just look at Sir Alex, fair enough, long time ago and all that.  It's cliched, but he was gash to start off with, but it didn't work out too badly in the end.


    What really infuriates me is that it's the same people preaching about stability, who are the first to demand we sack a manager after 20 games.




    Yes, lets stick with a manager who is not good enough, and get right behind him as he makes us the top of the bottom half of the Premier League. Fucking pathetic - him and us, if we sit and lamely accept a manager like Allardyce.

  11. Seriously, we cant go and sack another manager.  We need to stand fast and hold toght.  Am not happy with the current situtation myself infact I think its utter wank but we cant keep sacking people.  Its twatful.


    Its getting like a Roman gladiator crowd at the Coliseum.


    Thumbs up, thumbs down thumbs up thumbs down thumbs up thumbs down.






    Kill him!






    So we stick with a manager who is not good enough, for how long? How much damage do we let him do, how much money do we let him waste? How much time do we waste on him?

  12. You know somestimes people get an infection and the best thing to do is put a maggott on it to clear the infection.  Might look horrible but in the long run the maggott does the job. 



    Thats a bad analogy. It would be a good one, if Allardyce was capable of making us good, but he's not.


    You dont know that,  another summer transfer window and we could get the players we need.



    We need to buck this trend of sacking managers.


    Allardyce has already seen fit to spend £25m on almost entirely poor players.


    His tactics, formations and player selections have been awful.


    He's not new to this league, and neither are some of the flops he's bought.


    I really can't see anything to suggets he'll suddenly come good, learn from his mistakes and becoem a good manager. He's living off past 'successes', but football has moved on. Unfortunately for us, Allardyce and his methods have not.

  13. His s*** tracking was responsible for Torres' goal.


    Aye, that Torres is shit like. There wont be many other defenders he'll beat for pace over 40 yards.


    Your point being thats its OKAY for Bramble to do badly against good players? :lol:


    Thats the kind of attitude that keeps shite players at our club for far too long.

  14. You know somestimes people get an infection and the best thing to do is put a maggott on it to clear the infection.  Might look horrible but in the long run the maggott does the job. 


    Thats a bad analogy. It would be a good one, if Allardyce was capable of making us good, but he's not.

  15. Have you seen us play this season? Have you seen Allardyce's formations, tactics and player selections? Have you seen the layers he saw fit to shell £25m out on?
      Yes I have




    Sadly we cant keep on sacking mangers, it has to stop or change somewhere.


    We have to give the right manager time, certainly. the RIGHT one. But that isn't the current one, which you must know if you actually go to, or even watch, our games.

  16. Pointless going for a long term manager if this one doesnt even get 15 games before the claws are out


    Have you seen us play this season? Have you seen Allardyce's formations, tactics and player selections? Have you seen the layers he saw fit to shell £25m out on?



  17. A few Boxing Days back, we turned in a thoroughly rotten performance under Souness at Anfield. Liverpool won 2-0 and when he replaced the injured Taylor, Titus Bramble was ironically cheered onto the pitch by the mickey mousers who then proceded to cheer his every touch.


    Just wanted to congratulate him on some overdue payback.






    Payback as in scoring a goal and being responsible for conceding one?

  18. We lost because of the players, not the manager. I think thats the first time I've thought that this season.


    Martins, Zog, Duff, Owen and Milner all had opportunities they squandered, Man City had far fewer chances but took theirs. Simple as that.


    we lost because of the players and the manager.


    oh, and all of those fans who were getting onto their knees to suck Viduka off when he arrived - despite ALL of us slating him when he was at the Beasts - he's NOT a great player, he's not even a particularly good one. Its about time Newcastle fans realised that just because a player signs for us, it DOESN'T make him great.


    one last thing - Cacapa: not good,. He got away with a few things last night, but he's a liability.

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