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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Look, at the end of the day, people saying that it won't be an improvement on Allardyce are talking shit, purely because of the style of football that he'll get us playing.


    I agree, it's not the most ambitious move, but it always says something when fans from the previous clubs he's managed say we'll be getting a good manager who plays good football.


    his record is not great, not at all.


    Redknapp - not good enough. End of.

  2. Look, at the end of the day, people saying that it won't be an improvement on Allardyce are talking s***, purely because of the style of football that he'll get us playing.


    I agree, it's not the most ambitious move, but it always says something when fans from the previous clubs he's managed say we'll be getting a good manager who plays good football.


    All I care about it results mate. I don't think he is any more likely to get them than Sam, who would have improved results if given time.


    Yes, of course Fat Sam woudl have improved us. He was so good at learning from his mistakes, ad his transfers were ace.



  3. Look, if the stuff on SSN is true, then obviously Ashley is in love with Redknapp and will lavish him with support/money etc.


    Given that one of the failings of the Allardyce regime was his ambivalent relationship with the board, Redknapp could very easily be successful given 100% backing from Ashley, Mort, and Ashley's checkbook.


    The man's a decent manager, and he's taken a relegation-threatened team and turned it into arguably the best side out of the pack that's hunting for 5th place. I'd rate him slightly higher than Sam, much higher if we take into account the fact that he has a reputation for "good football."


    I'm not saying that he's "the one" who'll bring balance to the Force and take us to the top six, but he deserves a chance.


    We dare not have this mentality that we'll immediately turn against any appointment that isn't Mourinho or Lippi or some other unrealisticlaly qualified foreign manager.


    If he comes, let's back him.




    Good manager, knows the premiership, loves attacking football.


    A more solid bet than any johnny foreigner


    What a load of s***. Absolute cobblers.


    Well done for spinning this shambles until its a GOOD managerial appointment. Jesus. Good job we don't want actual success, isn't it.


    Still, if he's our manager, he suddenly becoems ace, doesn't he. Same as the last few did to some cretins, same as some of the s**** players do, just by wearing black and white. And THAT attitude, more than any pressure from fans, that stops us from being a genuinely big club, and keeps us from achieving the success we crave.


    All I can say is, I'd much prefer to be watching a Portsmouth team from the last two years than anything Sam or Roeder served up.


    So its about being a bit better than the s**** we've had, as opposed to actually being good?


    Exactly NM


    Then we have the right new manager! Woo hoo!! Mid table "good enough"-ness and bleating about the African Cup of Nations here we come!!!

  4. Look, if the stuff on SSN is true, then obviously Ashley is in love with Redknapp and will lavish him with support/money etc.


    Given that one of the failings of the Allardyce regime was his ambivalent relationship with the board, Redknapp could very easily be successful given 100% backing from Ashley, Mort, and Ashley's checkbook.


    The man's a decent manager, and he's taken a relegation-threatened team and turned it into arguably the best side out of the pack that's hunting for 5th place. I'd rate him slightly higher than Sam, much higher if we take into account the fact that he has a reputation for "good football."


    I'm not saying that he's "the one" who'll bring balance to the Force and take us to the top six, but he deserves a chance.


    We dare not have this mentality that we'll immediately turn against any appointment that isn't Mourinho or Lippi or some other unrealisticlaly qualified foreign manager.


    If he comes, let's back him.




    Good manager, knows the premiership, loves attacking football.


    A more solid bet than any johnny foreigner


    What a load of s***. Absolute cobblers.


    Well done for spinning this shambles until its a GOOD managerial appointment. Jesus. Good job we don't want actual success, isn't it.


    Still, if he's our manager, he suddenly becoems ace, doesn't he. Same as the last few did to some cretins, same as some of the s**** players do, just by wearing black and white. And THAT attitude, more than any pressure from fans, that stops us from being a genuinely big club, and keeps us from achieving the success we crave.


    good point. lets not support the players or the manager. that'll get us the trophies.


    No, you're wrong. What WILL get us trophies is getting behind a manager and players who are utter wank, thus validating their awful decisions and performances, and pretending everything is alright, providing no pressure for positive change. At least, according to sycophants and fucking idiots.

  5. Look, if the stuff on SSN is true, then obviously Ashley is in love with Redknapp and will lavish him with support/money etc.


    Given that one of the failings of the Allardyce regime was his ambivalent relationship with the board, Redknapp could very easily be successful given 100% backing from Ashley, Mort, and Ashley's checkbook.


    The man's a decent manager, and he's taken a relegation-threatened team and turned it into arguably the best side out of the pack that's hunting for 5th place. I'd rate him slightly higher than Sam, much higher if we take into account the fact that he has a reputation for "good football."


    I'm not saying that he's "the one" who'll bring balance to the Force and take us to the top six, but he deserves a chance.


    We dare not have this mentality that we'll immediately turn against any appointment that isn't Mourinho or Lippi or some other unrealisticlaly qualified foreign manager.


    If he comes, let's back him.




    Good manager, knows the premiership, loves attacking football.


    A more solid bet than any johnny foreigner


    What a load of s***. Absolute cobblers.


    Well done for spinning this shambles until its a GOOD managerial appointment. Jesus. Good job we don't want actual success, isn't it.


    Still, if he's our manager, he suddenly becoems ace, doesn't he. Same as the last few did to some cretins, same as some of the s**** players do, just by wearing black and white. And THAT attitude, more than any pressure from fans, that stops us from being a genuinely big club, and keeps us from achieving the success we crave.


    All I can say is, I'd much prefer to be watching a Portsmouth team from the last two years than anything Sam or Roeder served up.


    So its about being a bit better than the shite we've had, as opposed to actually being good?

  6. I thought Ashley was better than this, to be honest.


    The ridiculous "done well with no money, deserves a big club' is a fallacy spread by idiot journalists who kiss their mates' arses for them on a regualr basis.


    I really don;t want Redknapp - i was really looking forward to the future, to getting a really good manager in, and being one of the fans happliy giving him time to turn his vision into a successful future for us.


    As it is, if we get fucking Redknapp, no doubt he will suddenly becoem a world class manager, all the sleaze allegations will go away, and anyone who DARES question him will be called less of a fan - because we, as NUFC fans, are fucking idiots.


    Redknapp coming in will be the emperors new clothes - many of us will realise its wrong, but we won't be allowed to say.


    Fucking hell. :(



    Out of curiousity, which managers would you be happy with?


    Not defending anyone or anything here, I'm just genuinely interested in your opinion.


    I'd be happy with a GOOD manager. One who showed he coudl take us forward. It takes no more than a few months to illustrate that you have the plan and the ability to do that - reference Souness, Roeder, Allardyce, 3 in a row who completely failed to do so.


    Soemoen of the quality of Ramos, yes. Redknapp-quality, no.

  7. I'd be content with Redknapp. I just find it baffling that people think this Newcastle job is attractive to a top manager. You can't please everyone but just look at some of the reactions of people in this thread. Some people have it in for him before he even takes charge of a game (if he does). It doesn't fucking help.


    and getting behind a manager who won't bring success is EXACTLY what helps, yes?


    Hwo can Spurs get Ramos, and we have to settle for fucking Redknapp??

  8. Look, if the stuff on SSN is true, then obviously Ashley is in love with Redknapp and will lavish him with support/money etc.


    Given that one of the failings of the Allardyce regime was his ambivalent relationship with the board, Redknapp could very easily be successful given 100% backing from Ashley, Mort, and Ashley's checkbook.


    The man's a decent manager, and he's taken a relegation-threatened team and turned it into arguably the best side out of the pack that's hunting for 5th place. I'd rate him slightly higher than Sam, much higher if we take into account the fact that he has a reputation for "good football."


    I'm not saying that he's "the one" who'll bring balance to the Force and take us to the top six, but he deserves a chance.


    We dare not have this mentality that we'll immediately turn against any appointment that isn't Mourinho or Lippi or some other unrealisticlaly qualified foreign manager.


    If he comes, let's back him.




    Good manager, knows the premiership, loves attacking football.


    A more solid bet than any johnny foreigner


    What a load of shit. Absolute cobblers.


    Well done for spinning this shambles until its a GOOD managerial appointment. Jesus. Good job we don't want actual success, isn't it.


    Still, if he's our manager, he suddenly becoems ace, doesn't he. Same as the last few did to some cretins, same as some of the shite players do, just by wearing black and white. And THAT attitude, more than any pressure from fans, that stops us from being a genuinely big club, and keeps us from achieving the success we crave.

  9. I thought Ashley was better than this, to be honest.


    The ridiculous "done well with no money, deserves a big club' is a fallacy spread by idiot journalists who kiss their mates' arses for them on a regualr basis.


    I really don;t want Redknapp - i was really looking forward to the future, to getting a really good manager in, and being one of the fans happliy giving him time to turn his vision into a successful future for us.


    As it is, if we get fucking Redknapp, no doubt he will suddenly becoem a world class manager, all the sleaze allegations will go away, and anyone who DARES question him will be called less of a fan - because we, as NUFC fans, are fucking idiots.


    Redknapp coming in will be the emperors new clothes - many of us will realise its wrong, but we won't be allowed to say.


    Fucking hell. :(

  10. I feel very concerned about the way this has happened. It sounds like we were only half-committed to Allardyce and weren't prepared to back him fully in the transfer market. The manager's morale then sinks and we end up with a row, because Allardyce began to realise that he was very likely to be replaced at the end of the season.


    We seem to be in a Chelsea-type situation, with the owner in the background but wiedling real power through his control of the purse-strings. That can be a bit unsettling to the manager, because the guy he's talking to isn't the one with real power. That bloke is in the stands, listening to the fans. You really wonder whether Mort and Ashley were in agreement on this.


    The current owner/board did not employ the manager.


    The manager wasted a lot of money very eraly, and showed very, very little competence.


    Surely best to get rid, get a decent manager in NOW, let them have the rest of the season to review the squad, plan (with the owner etc) the strategy for the next few  years, and then, when he has shown he HAS a plan (unliek the previous few managers, who showed they DIDN'T), the new man shoudl get our full support and the time he needs.

  11. My mate just phoned me from around st james and david craig is there saying that Moyes could get the job



    please no


    Yeah, we wouldn't want a decent manager would we. We should have kept Allardyce. He miught have been shite - well, he WAS shite - but at least he was managing a club that was clearly beneath us, eh.



    Good riddance to a bad manager, for me.


    And to those who were haroing on about our best start to the season, etc - what a load of shite. Any difference was marginal, and the waste of money on shite like Smith and Geremi was criminal. Fuck off Allardyce - oh, you have. Good.

  12. Nothing to discuss.  We'd be bringing in 20 players to spend that kind of money because no £25M player is coming to Newcastle.  Struggled to attract a past his sell by date, injury prone Owen no-one else wanted for a vastly inflated £16M.


    Cloud cuckoo land.


    Very defeatist and highly dissapointing contribution.


    They won't all be 25m pound players will they?


    You don't think we have a right to compete fair enough.


    ....and no HP Roeder wasn't the answer.



    Sam spent £25m on 9 players.


    Going on his success rate so far, he'll be able to spend £100m on about 36 players, of whom 8 will be good enough for the top 6. So we MIGHT, just MIGHT, have a first team able to get us up there......just need the manager, and we're laughing.


    You said we could be above Arsenal , and battling for 4th this season. Now you think we need to spend £100m to compete. Make your mind up.

  13. Thought it was a good result in very tough conditions and against a side well up for the game - I can see several other Premiership teams struggling at Stoke at the moment. Faye and Taylor were colossal in the centre of defence and it's a shame to see Faye leaving for the AFC at the beginning of what could be a strong pairing. Was quite impressed with Enrique as well; he looked solid and pacey and linked with Zog nicely at times. I thought we played quite well in the first half, we controlled the game and created a few good chances but almost lost it in the second as Stoke hit their stride. Sorry to say it but Rozehnal is a liability regardless of where he plays. Might be good technically but lacks pace, strength and composure and left us very exposed down our right flank.


    A clean sheet's a good sign at least and I'm hoping Sam buys well in Jan to get our creative juices flowing again.


    £25m on 9 players, only two of whom are good, would seem to reduce the chances of that....

  14. the amount of personal abuse towards sam is quite pathetic really. so you dont think he's a good manager, fair enough, but is there any need to call him a "fat f****** c***" and such?


    He acts liek a c***, he gets called a c***. Seems fair to me.


    PS - not "think" - he's CLEARLY not very good.


    i personally dont think you're a good poster but i refrain from calling you such words. grow up, eh?




    "such words" :lol:


    Some people use "such words", some don't. Get over it. You know he's shit, but you dug yourself in and now you can't admit it.

  15. ...is English and was a contender for the England job that the media seem so up his arse?


    Every article I read or every pundit that is talking about the issue always go on about how much he needs to be given time and trot out the 'he might not win anything but Newcastle havent won anything for 40 years' line.


    These are the same media/pundits who turned the likes of Jacques Santini/Christian Gross/Alain Perrin/Paul Le Guen into laughing stocks and I dont remember any of those bosses getting any sympathy or being called to be given more time.


    Sam Allardyce always likes to tell us how if Sam Allardyce's name was Samuel Allardicio he would be managing one of the big four but it works both ways and I have to wonder that if his name was Samuel Allardicio if the press/pundits would be sticking up for him so much and basically calling the Newcastle fans idiots for wanting rid of him.


    Santini left because his wife was unwell.

    Perrin had a win ratio under 20%.

    Le Guen had Rangers' worst start in 30 years.

    Allardyce still has us higher than last year and in the cup.


    I think that's why the papers advocate patience.  Because he deserves it more.


    hahahahaahahahaha!!! get to fuck.


    Higher in the league than last year?? Fucking brilliant, that. Well done Sam. £25m, 9 players in, and we're HOW MANY places better off?


    Allardyce is a fucking idiot, and the sooner he gets the bullet, the better.

  16. Given - 8 - thank fuck we have him

    Rozenhal - 4 - not a good player, certainly not a good RB

    Taylor - 8 - our best defender by a mile.

    Faye - 5 - some good moments, some fucking awful ones. The Taylor-bashers will make up that he was better. He wasn't.

    Enrique - 5 - caught out far too much.

    N'Zogbia - 6 - does he need practice in playing in his actual position?

    Smith - 2 - shit. Not a forward, not a defender, not a "squad player". Just shit.

    Butt - 5 - at least he was prepared to have a pop.

    Duff - 3 - Fuck off.

    Owen - 4 - rusty as hell, but worryingly, this seemed to be mental as well as physical.

    Viduka - 3 - a "must have" signing? Was he fuck. Fat and lazy, like we knew he was when he played for the Beasts.


    Manager - 2 - He's really not very good, simple as that.

  17. I'd have Duff on the right anyway, but that's just me. (Charlie/Enrique down the left)


    Duff has always been shit for us on the right. Milner is by far our best right winger, but a lot of people seem to have picked up on the myth that he is inferior.


    Oh, and Duff crocked again - what a fucking waste of wages that cunt is. Picks and chooses.

  18. I'll probably get grief for saying this but i reckon hes spot on tbh. He always blames everything but himself and his useless tactics and ability to play players in the right position


    This......with the addition of his inability to buy decent players most of the time, and his tactical incompetence.


    I don't like Green, but he's spot on there, undeniable.

  19. After having a long hard think about it I'm going to stick behind Sam.


    Granted the performance of the team is 100% shite and if Shepherd was still here he'd have gone about 3 games ago,But until the end of the season or the start of the next if we are still looking a total shambles he should go then.


    It's time for Ashley to show his hand as in giving him enough money this January to try and lift the squad with some much needed creative players, if not I can't see things improving at all this season.


    We all knew the shortfalls of selling Dyer and Solano with no direct replacements and now were paying for it.




    Nobby was nearly past it, and Dyer was over-rated and of no real value to the team.


    YES, we need to stick with a manager, yadda yadda....but sticking with the WRONG one is fucking lunacy.

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