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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. For me though the big reason why we haven't done well this season is simply because our players are so average and they are now being found out! Even if we had a manager playing the "Newcastle way" we still would not have done much better than what we are doing now. 


    MacPhisto hit it right on the head. The reason we suck is because our players suck, not because of the manager. When your central midfield consists of Butt, Geremi, and an out of position Alan Smith, of course you are going to end up with lousy results. Those three are the spine of the team, and all three are average players at best, and were discarded by top four clubs who realized this. Emre is our only creative player in the middle of the pitch, and he rarely gets a full 90 minutes.


    Ashley needs to free up some money this summer so that we can actually get some quality in the center of the pitch. Otherwise, next year will be just more of the same.


    Who bought Smith, Geremi and Barton (who have all been shit)?

    Who chooses the players?

    Who chooses the formation?

    Who chooses the tactics?

    Who chooses not to play Emre?

    Who chose to spend £25m on 9 players, only 2 of whom are any good?


    Get to fuck, Allardyce, you're an idiot.

  2. Martins = not good enough, lacks composure, a few pot shots don't make up for missing easy chances, borne out of an incapability to play consistently well as a footballer.


    Said it all ages ago. People always come round to my way of thinking eventually ......  ;D


    Glad you put a smiley on that ..! I have ALWAYS thought he wasn't a top striker,nor ever would be...


    Not sure who exactly on here thought we had purchased a 'top striker'?


    Oh, there were some. Not you, though. You focussed your madness on spelling out how great our chances were of finishing above Arsenal, and in the process, fighting with Spurs for 4th place.

  3. 1) Premiership Winners

    Man Utd

    2) FA Cup Winners

    Man Utd

    3) Carling Cup Winners


    4) UEFA Champions League Winners

    Inter Milan

    5) UEFA Cup Winners

    Bayern Munich (copied that, cos fuck knows)

    6) Euro 2008 Winners


    7) Teams Promoted to premiership from championship

    West Brom, Watford, Palace

    8) Teams Relegated from premiership to championship

    Derby, Sunderland, Fulham

  4. Viduka is not worth his wages, dread to think how much we paid him to actually sign on.


    Barton is a £6m write off.


    Cacapa is a much a liability as any defender we've had over the last 5 years.


    Rozenhal is average at best, not good enough for us.


    Geremi was free for a reason.


    Smith would of been good for free, but for £6m i feel like crying.


    Enrique never gets used and so is another £6m waste of money, this one has a touch of the Luque's about it.


    Faye - Good player, worth the money shame about the injuries.


    Beye -  His best signing, settling in nicely.


    To think Beye & Feye nearly didn't go through, it was only at the last minute.


    Hmm, I thought that Geremi was promising to begin with so all the more disappointing.


    Enrique, one for the future surely...?!


    No, not one for the future - if he was, we have NO LEFT BACK.


    I understand you have your agenda and that is very clear from your signature


    However i must tell you that you are WRONG


    Cacapa as much a liability as Bramble  :idiot2:


    Enrique a waste of money, can't wait to throw that one back at you next season  :idiot2:


    Sir Alex wanted to keep Smith but couldnt guarantee him starting, so is Sir Alex suddenly a bad judge


    Viduka was Free, his premiership record warranted us going for him


    How do you know Barton will be a £6 million write off has Mort told you what he intends to do



    You sir are probably one of the fans who left after the 2nd goal still waiting for the 2nd coming of Keegan.


    Erm,what the f*** are you talking about? I didn't make that original post.


    Oh, and while i'm still on - you know f*** all about what SAF wanted, you have just read something in the press, and believed it, well done. Mate, i GO to the games, i WATCH the players - and Smith is s****.


    As for Viduka, he's fat and lazy, like WE USED TO CALL HIM FOR WHEN HE WAS AT THE BEASTS.


    Oh, and Cacapa has been poor. He got away with some very bad errors last night, it could have been aother Portsmouth for him.


    No but i can imagine you nodding your head vigorously in appreciation of a fellow doom monger


    SAF left it up to Smith he is quoted


    United boss Fergie said: Alans been a fantastic character in the dressing room and a very important player for us since he came here.


    I was very sad to see him go in many ways.


    There are few characters as big as him in this country at the moment and it was a very difficult one for us to decide, but his desire for first team football was too strong''.



    I can remember a few threads about Viduka especially during the UEFA cup run the Smogs had with people practically begging him to come.


    Cacapa made one error last night where he had to rely on Faye to help him out. Didnt have the best game i agree, not the answer, but on a free, is a damn sight more reliable than Bramble ever was!



    I. Didn't. Mention. Bramble. Although comparing Cacapa against the worst defender we've had for a while is genius.


    Cacapa made 3 or 4 bad ricks last night, and got lucky. He could have had his arse handed to him liek he did by Portsmouth.


    And well done for believing some fucking stupid 'quote'. No-one ever makes things up for the press, do they? Jesus wept.


    He isn't worth first team football, he's proven that. Unless you think that he needs time to settle into the premiership of course, or is one for the future. :lol:

  5. As for damage, i mean another wasted season, more money wasted, more embrassment to us.


    Do you think a new manager will not want his own staff, players and time to gel a team/system?


    I reckon this season is a write-off whether we sack him or not.


    A season of rebuilding is not wasted. Even half a season of looking at the team and planning for the future is not wasted. Keeping a manager with no chance of success or even a clue what to do is a waste of a season.


    you're shooting yourself in the foot here, this is our season of rebuilding, just under a manager you've clearly already made up your mind about after 21 games. this is a manager who's had very good results in this league, a manager who's continually backed by other managers who it seems know what they're talking about, sir alex and sven to name just two. maybe, just maybe, its time to trust someone to do what we brought them in to do, a job, in any way they see fit, to get us moving in the right direction EVENTUALLY, no matter how long it takes.



    Yes, i have made my mind up. I've seen and heard enough, frankly.


    The transfers, the tactics, formations, selections, substitutions, whining in the press. All fucking pathetic.


    What do you want from this season? Not what you think we'll get, but what do you actually want? What will Allardyce have to do to be a success this season?


    Or is being our manager enough? Does that gloss over the facts, and make him suddenly top class, and just the man to make us a big club?

  6. Now i am not someone that thinks Sam Allardyce is perfect, his tactics can be very strange at times, but i think the grilling he gets on here by some is pretty suprising baring in mind how some of our recent games have gone.


    Against Man City every paper i have read has said that we were unlucky to lose and i'm watching the highlights now. From what i have seen we had the better oportunities the goalkeeper played very well and they should of had a red card, this is becuase duff was clean through on goal and taken out and yet he was ajudged to be offside when he clearly wasn't, a few seconds later City are down the other end and scoring a goal. Elano the goal scorer should have been sent off for kneeing faye in the head when the ball was a good 6 feet away. Had this been Joey Barton the red card would of been produced without hesitancy. Now many on here judge the press to be against us, but the last two games against Chelsea and Man City the write-ups have been very positive towards us and we have been judged to be unlucky. The decision at Chelsea to allow a goal were Kalou was a couple of yards offside is a perfect example of our "bad luck" and having all manner of decisions go against us.


    Whats more the number of "wonder goals" that have been scored against us, well i can't even count how many amazing goals we have conceded and many of these will change games. For instance in the game against Pompey a few minutes in  Paramout (sp.) a player that is not at all known for his shooting bangs one into the top corner using his wekaer foot, this immediately changed the game, Pompey gained a huge confidence boost and we were on the back foot. Giles Barnes scored a very good goal against us, Elano scored a screamer against us and there are many more that have been long since forgotten due to people calling for the managers head.


    I'm not saying the players or Sam Allardyce are not to blame, becuase they most certainly are. BS tactics have at time been awful, why he can't play our only natural left back at left back i don't know, why he plays our only natural right-sided midfielder on the left i don't know and why our players aren't perfoming at the moment i don't know. All i am asking for is people to spare a thought at how bad our luck has been, how many amazing goals have been socred against us and that maybe it's better for us as a club to get behind Big Sam however hard it may be at the moment. He inherited a squad in turmoil, and it WILL take time for that to change and for the many new players he has brought into the club to really settle in and get used to each other along with the 20 new backroom staff he has employed.


    Newcastle is a club that goes through managers at a ridculous rate, maybe now is the time for us to start building the foundations, getting behind the team and giving the manager the time he WILL need to make this team a successful one.




    We were fucking awful against man city from the point they scored.


    Oh, and Allardyce will not be successful at NUFC, so any tme given to him is a fucking waste.


    If you have been to any matches, you cannot say its not his fault, he's fucked up royally time nd time again.


    Although your posts and your signature are maybe a bit harsh, you sir, still speak the truth.


    Honest, is my inention. If it seems harsh, its probably because i've had enough of the shite Allardyce is putting onto the pitch, then saying afterwards.

  7. Viduka is not worth his wages, dread to think how much we paid him to actually sign on.


    Barton is a £6m write off.


    Cacapa is a much a liability as any defender we've had over the last 5 years.


    Rozenhal is average at best, not good enough for us.


    Geremi was free for a reason.


    Smith would of been good for free, but for £6m i feel like crying.


    Enrique never gets used and so is another £6m waste of money, this one has a touch of the Luque's about it.


    Faye - Good player, worth the money shame about the injuries.


    Beye -  His best signing, settling in nicely.


    To think Beye & Feye nearly didn't go through, it was only at the last minute.




    Yeah, i thought he was pretty sharp too.

  8. Come on mate. "ability often doesn't even come into it in the heat of the moment".


    Now, whilst that would be the ONLY reason i can see for signing Smith and Geremi, it's not actually true is it. Because if it was, our many, many punted long balls would be bouncing in off the heads of one of our over-paid, under-skilled players.


    How come Baggio, the best player of 94, fucked up his penalty in the final? Like I said ability doesn't often come into it in the heat of the battle or moment.


    How come so-called focussed and determined - but not very able - players like Smith do so badly then. You can't base that theory on players making mistakes.

  9. Won't be easy, but we're Newcastle UNITED.


    Why not just put all vendettas against the manager aside, whatever anybody thinks, its hardly 'United' if we're not cheering the lads and singing their names to inspire them...


    Thats not actually why we're called "united", mind.


    If they did their turn inspiring US, they might find it reciprocated. Very hard to chant for the likes of Viduka and Smith when they aren't actually any good, isn't it.

  10. Viduka is not worth his wages, dread to think how much we paid him to actually sign on.


    Barton is a £6m write off.


    Cacapa is a much a liability as any defender we've had over the last 5 years.


    Rozenhal is average at best, not good enough for us.


    Geremi was free for a reason.


    Smith would of been good for free, but for £6m i feel like crying.


    Enrique never gets used and so is another £6m waste of money, this one has a touch of the Luque's about it.


    Faye - Good player, worth the money shame about the injuries.


    Beye -  His best signing, settling in nicely.


    To think Beye & Feye nearly didn't go through, it was only at the last minute.


    Hmm, I thought that Geremi was promising to begin with so all the more disappointing.


    Enrique, one for the future surely...?!


    No, not one for the future - if he was, we have NO LEFT BACK.


    I understand you have your agenda and that is very clear from your signature


    However i must tell you that you are WRONG


    Cacapa as much a liability as Bramble  :idiot2:


    Enrique a waste of money, can't wait to throw that one back at you next season  :idiot2:


    Sir Alex wanted to keep Smith but couldnt guarantee him starting, so is Sir Alex suddenly a bad judge


    Viduka was Free, his premiership record warranted us going for him


    How do you know Barton will be a £6 million write off has Mort told you what he intends to do



    You sir are probably one of the fans who left after the 2nd goal still waiting for the 2nd coming of Keegan.


    Erm,what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't make that original post.


    Oh, and while i'm still on - you know fuck all about what SAF wanted, you have just read something in the press, and believed it, well done. Mate, i GO to the games, i WATCH the players - and Smith is shite.


    As for Viduka, he's fat and lazy, like WE USED TO CALL HIM FOR WHEN HE WAS AT THE BEASTS.


    Oh, and Cacapa has been poor. He got away with some very bad errors last night, it could have been aother Portsmouth for him.

  11. Come on mate. "ability often doesn't even come into it in the heat of the moment".


    Now, whilst that would be the ONLY reason i can see for signing Smith and Geremi, it's not actually true is it. Because if it was, our many, many punted long balls would be bouncing in off the heads of one of our over-paid, under-skilled players.

  12. We have to sell martins, cash in on him now while he still has some value left.


    s**** player

    s*** first touch

    Doesn't no how to use his pace

    Can't shoot

    Can't beat a man

    Passing is s***

    No awareness


    Could be on about any of our strikers really.  On that basis get rid of them all eh?


    No, lets keep s*** players, a s*** manager, and stupid fans who settle for rubbish.

    now this sounds good until you think about it


    hey, thats what a lot of genii (thats the plural) on here think. Success will come by giving a shite manager time and money. Woo hoo! Wembley here we come.

  13. Now i am not someone that thinks Sam Allardyce is perfect, his tactics can be very strange at times, but i think the grilling he gets on here by some is pretty suprising baring in mind how some of our recent games have gone.


    Against Man City every paper i have read has said that we were unlucky to lose and i'm watching the highlights now. From what i have seen we had the better oportunities the goalkeeper played very well and they should of had a red card, this is becuase duff was clean through on goal and taken out and yet he was ajudged to be offside when he clearly wasn't, a few seconds later City are down the other end and scoring a goal. Elano the goal scorer should have been sent off for kneeing faye in the head when the ball was a good 6 feet away. Had this been Joey Barton the red card would of been produced without hesitancy. Now many on here judge the press to be against us, but the last two games against Chelsea and Man City the write-ups have been very positive towards us and we have been judged to be unlucky. The decision at Chelsea to allow a goal were Kalou was a couple of yards offside is a perfect example of our "bad luck" and having all manner of decisions go against us.


    Whats more the number of "wonder goals" that have been scored against us, well i can't even count how many amazing goals we have conceded and many of these will change games. For instance in the game against Pompey a few minutes in  Paramout (sp.) a player that is not at all known for his shooting bangs one into the top corner using his wekaer foot, this immediately changed the game, Pompey gained a huge confidence boost and we were on the back foot. Giles Barnes scored a very good goal against us, Elano scored a screamer against us and there are many more that have been long since forgotten due to people calling for the managers head.


    I'm not saying the players or Sam Allardyce are not to blame, becuase they most certainly are. BS tactics have at time been awful, why he can't play our only natural left back at left back i don't know, why he plays our only natural right-sided midfielder on the left i don't know and why our players aren't perfoming at the moment i don't know. All i am asking for is people to spare a thought at how bad our luck has been, how many amazing goals have been socred against us and that maybe it's better for us as a club to get behind Big Sam however hard it may be at the moment. He inherited a squad in turmoil, and it WILL take time for that to change and for the many new players he has brought into the club to really settle in and get used to each other along with the 20 new backroom staff he has employed.


    Newcastle is a club that goes through managers at a ridculous rate, maybe now is the time for us to start building the foundations, getting behind the team and giving the manager the time he WILL need to make this team a successful one.




    We were fucking awful against man city from the point they scored.


    Oh, and Allardyce will not be successful at NUFC, so any tme given to him is a fucking waste.


    If you have been to any matches, you cannot say its not his fault, he's fucked up royally time nd time again.

  14. We have to sell martins, cash in on him now while he still has some value left.


    s**** player

    s*** first touch

    Doesn't no how to use his pace

    Can't shoot

    Can't beat a man

    Passing is s***

    No awareness


    Could be on about any of our strikers really.  On that basis get rid of them all eh?


    No, lets keep shit players, a shit manager, and stupid fans who settle for rubbish.

  15. footballing intellignece in instictive and not conscious


    It's actually both and he has neither. Get rid.


    I disagree with that, there is so little time on a football field to think about what you're doing there cant be any thought processes with the ball at your feets, its all sensory feedback.


    I know where you're coming from but I strongly disagree, footballing intelligence is a mixture of the conscious and the subconscious interacting with one another which is actually the quickest way to make the RIGHT decision.


    Btw your very top players do their thinking mostly off the pitch, i.e. the likes of Messi will day dream constantly during the day and night about this and that scenario and what they'd do in this and that scenario, which helps them perform much better on the pitch, i.e. make quicker and better decisions.


    It's mostly mental this football lark, ability often doesn't even come into it in the heat of the moment.


    But still people persist with "football is a simple game"...


    Did Messi tell you that or did you read it somewhere?


    Don't spoil is made-up stuff, it sounds good until you think about it.

    it sounds absurd


    soil sport. He'll be all upset, now.

  16. Back on topic - we paid too much for Martins, he's not a great forward. He's not consistent enough, appears to have no positional sense whatsoever, and hs runs! jesus, its painful to watch at times.

  17. footballing intellignece in instictive and not conscious


    It's actually both and he has neither. Get rid.


    I disagree with that, there is so little time on a football field to think about what you're doing there cant be any thought processes with the ball at your feets, its all sensory feedback.


    I know where you're coming from but I strongly disagree, footballing intelligence is a mixture of the conscious and the subconscious interacting with one another which is actually the quickest way to make the RIGHT decision.


    Btw your very top players do their thinking mostly off the pitch, i.e. the likes of Messi will day dream constantly during the day and night about this and that scenario and what they'd do in this and that scenario, which helps them perform much better on the pitch, i.e. make quicker and better decisions.


    It's mostly mental this football lark, ability often doesn't even come into it in the heat of the moment.


    But still people persist with "football is a simple game"...


    Did Messi tell you that or did you read it somewhere?


    Don't spoil is made-up stuff, it sounds good until you think about it.

  18. Viduka is not worth his wages, dread to think how much we paid him to actually sign on.


    Barton is a £6m write off.


    Cacapa is a much a liability as any defender we've had over the last 5 years.


    Rozenhal is average at best, not good enough for us.


    Geremi was free for a reason.


    Smith would of been good for free, but for £6m i feel like crying.


    Enrique never gets used and so is another £6m waste of money, this one has a touch of the Luque's about it.


    Faye - Good player, worth the money shame about the injuries.


    Beye -  His best signing, settling in nicely.


    To think Beye & Feye nearly didn't go through, it was only at the last minute.


    Hmm, I thought that Geremi was promising to begin with so all the more disappointing.


    Enrique, one for the future surely...?!


    No, not one for the future - if he was, we have NO LEFT BACK.

  19. I expect us to win this game, fairly comfortably, albiet with the odd potential scare or two that every match brings.


    2 or 3 nil, i reckon.


    It'll be hailed as a triumph for Fat Head by his fanboys, who will then make excuses after we get humped in the league for the next 2 games.

  20. Have we got the African players still for this match? when does the ANC start?

    I think we still have them all, this will be their last game.

    Thats right, but Martins may still be available for the next fixture according to SSN reports


    Thank god for that. Fuck knows who would make entirely fucking useless runs for us if he wasn't there.

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