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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. For all the talk about Elano and Petrov, City's season has been built on their defensive solidarity. Dunne in particular was an absolute rock against Liverpool. I'm really not sure how we'll break them down.


    Well, bearing in mind Allardyce has one tactic, I think "hope the long ball works" is the answer there.



  2. What has gone on before that he's actually been found guilty of?



    That didn't go to court so won't even be mentioned.


    Anything else? Has he been found guilty of anything in court before?


    What's your point though?


    My point is people are going on about his previous activities that have been well publicised in the papers but the courts only take into account things he's been found guilty of in court previously.




    so are we saying that he DIDN'T:

    * put a cigar out in a young team mates eye

    * assualt a team mate in training

    * attack passers by in the street

    * beat a man to the ground

    * assualt a 15 year old Everton fan

    * have to be held back from further attacking the boy by a team mate

  3. he's not going anywhere mate dont worry


    I hope not. Still not convinced myself. What kind of wedge he gets in Jan could be very telling I feel.

    I said that recently, on here or TT. He needs to spend in January too. I'd say we are a few players short - another CB in the Faye mould, a pacy striker and a creative midfielder. And that's just for starters. I'm not holding my breath though.


    Agreed, we badly need some quality which may not provide us with all the answers but would go a long way in helping matters I feel, especially if the manager can sign the right type of player for him which a good few of our players just aren't, even those he's signed himself.


    What abotu the money he has already spent? He spent that very badly, in the main.


    If there was a meal - and lets face it, if we're reading much into the Sunday Sun we're in trouble - i hope it was a LAst Supper.

  4. For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


    I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




    Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


    I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


    I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


    A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


    From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


    The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build.  


    Check their respective records, I think you'll find Allardyce is, statistically anyway, a better manager than the likes of Hughes and Moyes. I'd be devastated if we swapped Sam for any of those managers personally.


    If we are to get rid I want an exceptional manager to justify the whole craziness of sacking this one who going off your logic, isn't doing too bad a job given that the majority of our players are shite and we are shite...


    Anyway, I just know that if we did replace him with Moyes or Hughes and they too started the season like Sam has, we'd be having the very same discussion we're all having now, guaranteed.


    I disagree. I think its vital that we give the right manager time. the RIGHT manager. And the current one and the last 2 have been so clearly not the right manager that its laughable.

  5. Where are the cretins who defended Lil Joey when he accused the fans of being "vicious" for A BIT OF BOOING OF UTTERLY SHITE PERFORMANCES?


    He was already on bail for assualting a team mate at that point, and had played very badly for us so far, yet still felt the ability to do what he always does - shoot his stupid, idiotic mouth off in the press when things don't go his way.


    He has proven, on numerous occasions, that he is a thug. Not a "strong, combative player", a fucking thug. The only shame is that one of the people he randomly decided to assault the other morning didn;t leather him all ofver the place. He's a typical big-man-with-his-mates arsehole, liek a number of our former players were proven to be.


    His defenders have tried to explain each disgraceful occasion away one by one, in isolation, as if there is no case for looking at them all together to get the measure of the "man" - a phrase i suse very lightly with him.


    He's scum, proven yet again. And on a footballing level, after no stand-out performances worhty of his wage and fee, he now lets us down in the biggets way possible, by being unavailable through his own rank stupidity.

  6. Quote from Sam after the Wigan match:

    I also thought Alan Smith did a great job in front of the back four, but after that we didnt do anything in terms of what we wanted to create."




    Proving he is a lying, stupid wanker. Fat Souness, thats all he is.


    I defy anyone to honestly say Smith has been any good for us, up front or in midfield.


    He's hardly played up front.


    I think it's a good idea for you to stop moaning about everything and everyone and give the bloke a chance, he has good attributes. He needs a good run in the position, some confidence and a positive approach from the team in general before he can be judged properly. Obviously.


    We've seen him play up front. He was okay against arsenal, no more, for parts of the game. For other parts of the game, and every other time, he was gash. What does he need, time to settle into the Premiership??

  7. Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


    My point still stands, everything people are complaining about with the current manager LFC fans were doing the same with Houllier, in between those 5 trophies of course. Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material. I know LFC fans who would hate to see him join us because of what we'd do to him if he failed and ask any Red and they'll likely tell you Houllier would do just that here.


    Butyou think Fat Sam IS NUFC material?

  8. For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


    I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




    Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


    I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


    I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


    A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


    From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


    The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build. 

  9. Quote from Sam after the Wigan match:

    I also thought Alan Smith did a great job in front of the back four, but after that we didnt do anything in terms of what we wanted to create."




    Proving he is a lying, stupid wanker. Fat Souness, thats all he is.


    I defy anyone to honestly say Smith has been any good for us, up front or in midfield.

  10. For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


    I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




    Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


    Only Souness came from another club, didn't he? I include all managers back to Keegan in that, an' all.


    sorry, current and one before last. Cos lets not pretend Allardyce was randomly out of work.

  11. Take away Houllier's 5 trophies and everything we are arguing about today is what LFC fans were arguing about under Houllier. He's a good manager of course but like many I don't think he's NUFC material.


    But you think Fat Wanker Allarcyce is????

  12. I seriously doubt Sam will be sacked for the next couple of seasons.


    Lets hope, for the sake of our club, that you are wrong. I'd liek to know why you think he won't be though. And Parky's old Roeder one of "he has a contract, he's staying" will be met with the derision it deserves.

  13. For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


    I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




    Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?

  14. Where's the top man in the South Korean regiment of the Toon army when you need him to provide some insight?


    A Korean started this thread. Another Korean has added his comments.  (hint: they both say "s***")

    nice one mate the future looks bright and even boro can have a laugh at us now (not that its a time for them to laugh at the minute but ironic all the same) .


    Give Fat Sam time, he'll get us there.

  15. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.


    yes. the whole "this is s****" "thats s****" "he's s****" thing really does you no favours at all. its quite pathetic really. i'd bet my life on you being totally different in real life.


    and ive been to at least 100 games in my lifetime. but of course i dont know what im on about because everything is s**** and such and you know more than me.


    So - is Allardyce the man for us? Simple question, yes or no.


    ive just said i think so. but im definitely wrong arent i. its ok, you can say it. i've got broad shoulders.


    Yes, IN MY OPINION you are wrong. All evidence points to that being the case, clearly.


    i knew i was wrong. im s**** arent i?


    I don't know, i've never seen you play.


    But if you think Allardyce is the man for us, I can only imagine that none of your 100 games were recent.


    this is pointless. you just keep saying everythings s**** and laughing at everyone elses opinion. apparently its the way it works around here.


    No, i say that things i think are s****, are s****. Thats called an opinion. Sorry it doesn't tally with yours, and i'm sure we shoudl all get behind our brave boys and Glenn - i mean Graeme - i mean Sam will come good.


    dont bother. just boo them off. that has never failed us yet.


    no, lets CHEER them off, when they've been absolutely awful, and let them think that we accept sub-par performances. Yay us, best fans in the world.

  16. the quickest way is to spend money you don't have.


    I'll eagerly await the "big four" apart from Chelsea and most of the rest of the teams in the league going into administration then.


    Strange how all these people who are slating having ambiton are unable to see this is how the top 4 became the top 4, and our relative success in our recent past has also came as a result of the same thing. Do they really think you can be successful unless you try to compete at the top levels ?


    Quite amazing.




    Do you not think that it acould also be due to the fact they made astute appointments and didnt sack them as regularly as they changed their pants.?


    Damned right. Lets sack pathetic Fat Sam, get a GOOD manager in, and stick by them. Then we can all be happy again. And not shite.

  17. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.


    yes. the whole "this is s****" "thats s****" "he's s****" thing really does you no favours at all. its quite pathetic really. i'd bet my life on you being totally different in real life.


    and ive been to at least 100 games in my lifetime. but of course i dont know what im on about because everything is s**** and such and you know more than me.


    So - is Allardyce the man for us? Simple question, yes or no.


    ive just said i think so. but im definitely wrong arent i. its ok, you can say it. i've got broad shoulders.


    Yes, IN MY OPINION you are wrong. All evidence points to that being the case, clearly.


    i knew i was wrong. im s**** arent i?


    I don't know, i've never seen you play.


    But if you think Allardyce is the man for us, I can only imagine that none of your 100 games were recent.


    this is pointless. you just keep saying everythings shite and laughing at everyone elses opinion. apparently its the way it works around here.


    No, i say that things i think are shite, are shite. Thats called an opinion. Sorry it doesn't tally with yours, and i'm sure we shoudl all get behind our brave boys and Glenn - i mean Graeme - i mean Sam will come good.

  18. fair enough, it's you opinion... however, we have to stick with him atm anyway, not many quality managers are available and willing to take over.... Mourinho won't come, Van Gaal... nope...  the ones most of you want to get is not available or willing to take the job..... easy as that...


    Sorry to disappoint you, but this club is looking more like dreamcastle - the real 'DREAMteam'  :iamatwat:


    If he changes the tactic from 433 back to 442, and stops playing players out of pos. we would perform better.


    Firstly, he doesn't play 433, thats a myth.


    Secondly, there ARE many, many better managers than Fat Sam out there, and if we can't get one of them, we're in serious trouble.

  19. he's definitely s****. never heard of him or seen him play but he's s****.


    What are you on about?


    this player has already been written off by some posters and ashravin has already been declared a saviour by some posters.


    s**** is s****, you don't need to have seen 100 made-up games for that.


    "s****" again. but, yeah, he's definitely s****. seen him play much?


    nope. he's so good, he's been playing over there, getting bad reviews by all accounts. Waiting to get snapped up by us. I get the impression from the Korean posters that he's fit in fine with Smith, Geremi, Barton, Cacapa etc.


    so he's definitely shite then  :thup:


    Ask soemoen who's seen him play, for gods sake.

  20. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.


    yes. the whole "this is s****" "thats s****" "he's s****" thing really does you no favours at all. its quite pathetic really. i'd bet my life on you being totally different in real life.


    and ive been to at least 100 games in my lifetime. but of course i dont know what im on about because everything is s**** and such and you know more than me.


    So - is Allardyce the man for us? Simple question, yes or no.


    ive just said i think so. but im definitely wrong arent i. its ok, you can say it. i've got broad shoulders.


    Yes, IN MY OPINION you are wrong. All evidence points to that being the case, clearly.


    i knew i was wrong. im shite arent i?


    I don't know, i've never seen you play.


    But if you think Allardyce is the man for us, I can only imagine that none of your 100 games were recent.

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