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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. got to be Souness. watched him onsky before the mackems game and he seemed like he was blatantly putting his self in the shop window.he was asked if he would go back to the town and his answer was " in a heartbeat" blamed FFS for everything even said he wanted anelka and reo coker and ended up with owen and luque(who he thought was only going to cost 2mill) cast a bit of a different light to the goings on  at SJP but it would terrify the fuck out of me if he got it.


    Aye, cos he's BOUND to be telling the truth, i'd trust everything he said.

  2. We'll have to see what happens when Ashley gets back from Hong Kong.


    Redknapp also ruled out any chance of him joining Newcastle should the club renew their interest.


    "No, not a prayer, I couldn't do that," said Redknapp after Portsmouth's 2-0 defeat at Sunderland on Sunday.


    "I said I'm going to stay at Portsmouth. I wouldn't be able to show my face again, I'd be finished.


    "I made a decision and that's it. I'm here and I'll stick with it and get on with my job at Portsmouth now."


    Please god he'll stick to that.


    But anyoen who believes the sort of shite people in football come out with is an idiot. Or Gasuso. Or both, in Gasuso's case.

  3. Who do you want NM?


    What has that got to do with Allardyce being proven shite?


    Or are we not allowed to have an opionion about a manager unless we have emailed some other fucker's CV to Mort personally?


    :yikes: :lol:


    Just wondered. Check your PMs.


    Oh, and add to that list McClaren. Then laugh till you nearly swallow your tongue, and take him off.

  4. And what's more upsetting is i tried to edit to put one at the end of mine and in my rush couldn't find the correct fecking smiley. dammit.


    Oh, and touche by the way.


    You're getting far too upset over this. This is the way Africa have organised their football calender. No matter how much you twist and whine, they won't change it.


    Do you hear African football fans complain because the winter Premiership fixtures interfere with the build-up to the ACN? Thought not.  :lol: 


    Actually, yes, Laryea Kingston says in this months FourFourTwo Magazine that Ghana complained about Hearts schedule, so he had to tell them to shut the fuck up.



    And the Hearts fixtures were changed as a result of the complaint, yes?


    Or did they just ignore the complaints and play the games anyway?


    No, but FIFA got involved and the end result was that Kingston was forced to leave one week earlier than had initially been agreed.


    I still dont believe that the best compromise has been reached.


    In the end of the day, fixtures aren't up to the African FA or the leagues, its up to FIFA who can specify exactly when players must be released to their federations.


    That is why FIFA should step in, get everyone on the table, and see if they can find a compromise that suits all parties.


    The idea of a universal international break appeals to me to be honest. It suits the international teams, it suits the federations, and it suits the clubs, especiallyifan extended transfer window was thrown in.


    What compromise would you have suggested then?


    I think he went for ignoring some basic facts about football, and inferring things should be amended to suit the EPL.

  5. Same can be said for SBR. To be fair, ask any manager and they will say it's unfair and some might be right. But with warnings and meetings aside, if you were a club owner or board member or anyone else in business, would you fire some one by giving them a heads up first?


    "Uh, hey, just to let know know and everyone else before it happens, uh, we're gonna fire you on such and such date..."  :idiot2:


    Yeah, but its a disgusting way to treat someone who wasted money, talked a load of shite, and wouldn't learn from his many mistakes.

  6. just got back,

    we were outstanding for the first 45 minutes, but i came back tonight and im not as gutted as i should be...what a game of football i watched in the second half, but we were woeful

    nzogbia and taylor were amazing, we (fans) were the 12th man, cant believe how much we sung for getting murdered, NOTICE HOW ONLY TAYLOR APPRECIATED THAT?! why the fuck do the players never come and clap us?!  :rant:


    Nah, we just about held our own, athough were still second best, in the first half. Then they went up a (single, one of many they had spare) gear, and as we had nothing, we got predictably humped.


    Thats the team that Sam built, folks. £25m, 9 players, and we're left with the likes of Smith, and having to play Carr at RB. Shouldn't keep sacking managers? Get to fuck, we shouldn't be employing such bad ones.

  7. Given - 4 - First 2 were largely his fault.

    Carr- 3 - FUCK OFF, you're genuinely shit.

    Enrique - 4 - Not always totally shite. Thats better than normal.

    Cacapa- 3 - Oh, aye, fucking great buy. Out of his depth. Again.

    Taylor- 5- Best defender we had (granted, not too hard). Deserves a better partner.

    Butt- 4 - One paper said Capello would be looking at him with interest. Only to point and laugh, i'm guessing.

    Smith- 2 - Fucking shite, as always. Please, please fuck off.

    Duff- 3 - All over the place, but not in a good way.

    N'Zogbia - 5 - Our best LW. Play. Him. There.

    Milner- 4- Our best RW, only crosser from the right we had, but never got a hold of the game.

    Owen - 3 - Would rather he actually touched the ball now and again.


    Overall: Pearson out.

  8. just got back,

    we were outstanding for the first 45 minutes, but i came back tonight and im not as gutted as i should be...what a game of football i watched in the second half, but we were woeful

    nzogbia and taylor were amazing, we (fans) were the 12th man, cant believe how much we sung for getting murdered, NOTICE HOW ONLY TAYLOR APPRECIATED THAT?! why the fuck do the players never come and clap us?!  :rant:


    I'm sure Smith would've, if he was still on the pitch.


    Well worth the transfer fee, wages and total lack of ability, his skills at clapping, and crap sliding tackles.

  9. http://www.skysports.com/video/0,20285,12606_3041500,00.html


    For anyone who hasn't seen it, that's a lengthy interview with Redknapp from earlier today.


    Makes a lot of things clearer, he did meet with NUFC yesterday and was offered a contract and given a night to sleep on it, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave Pompey. He said the financial offer was "massive". He has also never spoken to Mike Ashley, Chris Mort took all of the negotiations.


    Looks like most of the news reports about him, especially in the major papers, were spot-on with their descriptions of events.

    he says he was offered a contract...the NUFC side of it is different...who to believe ?


    Neither, but give it 5 minutes, and the cretins will be stating as fact that WE turned HIM down because we're a massive club, us, everyone want to manage us. Massive.

  10. Anyone else think the way that Sam Allardyce was removed from his position was totally unprofessional and out of order?


    Anyone listening to Sky Sports News would understand that he was sacked and it wasn't a decision by mutual consent. Sky Sports News report that they received a phone call from sources within the club saying that Allardyce had left his job. They then rang Big Sam who had no idea what they were talking about, so he went into the club. 30 minutes later the club release a statement saying he was gone by mutual consent.


    Totally wrong.


    Whoever is responsible for the phone call to Sky should be sacked instantly. It is only common courtesy to actually inform the person being removed from their job before informing the press.


    It is almost Shepherdesque.


    Firstly, you don't know what happened.


    Secondly, you must REALLY hate Allardyce if you believe what you've posted, becauce that fat cunt did LOADS of his manipulation and interaction with his employers through the press, has for years.

  11. Agree, Smith was Sam's biggest mistake. He has absolutely nothing to offer football wise. In fact, he's a liability. Gives away silly freekicks all the time which cost us, as happened yesterday.


    Sam made so many mistakes, its a bold move to call that hair-dyed pathetic excuse for a player his WORST one.


    Mind, he's up there, certainly.

  12. This time last week were were a fairly stable club looking towards the transfer window with some hope. 7 days later and we are once again the laughing stock of the country. We have no manager. The manager they wanted said no so god knows who is next. We've just been trounced 6-0 and the transfer window could well slam shut on us before we even get a new man in.


    Crisis club?




    Thanks fellas.




    As management goes, this is straight from the Freddy Shepherd "how to make a complete balls up of running a football club in as few days as possible" book.


    Not acceptable.  :thdn:


    Full of shit. tbh.

  13. he's part of the reason yes


    along with round, barron, terry mac


    theres not 1 attacking coach in the whole club, no wonder we look a shambles going forward


    so the coaches are to blame for our predicament? not the dire managers, lackluster big money signings, questionable ex chairman ect.


    you cant make gold out of shit, you just cant.


    But Sam was great, etc...



  14. Honest to god i hate this guy, why the hell did Sam keep him as his assistent and why the hell did he take Owen of for Rozenhal when were losing 3-0, really should leave the club when the new manager arrives along with Terry Mac.


    Why did Sam pay c£6m for Smith, Enrique and Barton?

    Why did Sam play our best lw as lb?

    Why did Samplay our best rw as lw?

    Why did Sam STATE that Cacapa could teach Taylor how to defend?

    Why did Sam sign Rozenhal for good money?

    Why did Sam never learn from his tactical/formation errors?

    Why did Sam make a player who'd never played for us, our captain?

    Why did Sam persist with Smith and Geremi?

    Why did Sam talk utter shite about performances?

    Why did Sam stick with Pearson?

    Why did Sam do ANYTHING???


    He's shit. End of.

  15. were holding the Shearer banner today?


    Clueless fucking twats.


    Which absolute idiots thought Allardyce was our saviour?


    They are more fucking clueless, and the ones who defended him till the end are even bigger twats, for pretending that being an NUFC "fan" is more important than being honest.

  16. Is anyone else hoping this is just one huge smokescreen?


    Mike Ashley watches the games with the fans, surely when disguntled fans where shouting for Big Sam out they didn't mention Redknapp at all?


    I think more people are against this than Roeder and Souness and that is saying something.


    I am really no happy with this move if it comes off. Before he took over Newcastle I would have regarded Big Sam a far better manager than Harry Redknapp.


    If he got appointed of course he would get my full support but I see us 5 months down the line speculating who our 3rd manager under Ashley will be.


    No, i don't think its a smokescreen. I think it's more likely to be an almighty fuck up.

  17. I'd be content with Redknapp. I just find it baffling that people think this Newcastle job is attractive to a top manager. You can't please everyone but just look at some of the reactions of people in this thread. Some people have it in for him before he even takes charge of a game (if he does). It doesn't fucking help.


    and getting behind a manager who won't bring success is EXACTLY what helps, yes?


    Hwo can Spurs get Ramos, and we have to settle for fucking Redknapp??


    Because as you've been telling us for ages now,  we're just a useless,  pathetic midtable side?


    We have been, yes. Unless you're stupid enough to fall for the shite peddled by Souness/Roeder/Allardyce when they've fucked up games we shoudl have won?

  18. Sorry if this has already been mentioned but does anyone have any idea who the big club are that Redknapp turned down recently ???




    That's who I assumed.

    Shocks me that a southerner would turn down Tottenham to come here a few months later.


    Spurs? The same Spurs who had Ramos in their sights since last season?

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