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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Can I put my hand in the air and say that I believe Jol is talking to load of bollocks.


    If Ashley gets things right we're potentially a bigger club that Spurs, mainly because we're not right next door to the likes of Arsenal and Chelsea. It would make no sense at all to sell at a loss and then buy another football club which is going to find it ten times harder to reach that 'global brand' status that was mentioned in the press when Ashley first bought us.


    Spot on.


    Things keep going the way they are this time next season were pulling away form Spurs in every aspect.


    The potential of the club is much greater than Spurs, always has been, always will be and that's what attracted Ashley to the club. Spurs are running at 95% of its potential, were about 60% and ATM there is nothing apart from a season between us.


    I'm sorry, but: :lol:



    i'd say 63% tbh.


    i was thinking nearer 58%, but hey, i'm only a fan, i know nowt.

  2. Think he meant: find one with prem experience who is available and good enough for the team



    again: th erb doesn't need to have Prem experience. He needs to not be Carr - that's indisputable. Carr is fucking terrible.

  3. Good player is Smudger.


    He's got 3 goals in his last 70+ competitive games now at club level.



    So, he really is a perfect replacement for Dyer.


    Dyer got 14 goals in his last 70 games at club level so I'd say not, then again he doesn't get stuck in like Snudger does so that doesn't matter.


    And 20 in the previous 216. He's a meastro!

  4. I think Roy Keane deserves an Honorary Mention...


    for what?


    Exactly, I mean is dog wanking really a crime? Maybe the dog likes it. Maybe the dog dressed a little slutty and he couldn't resist. The dog was asking for it really.


    they're all the same, once they get that collar on - i'm not saying it's right, but it's understandable.



    Think he meant: find one with prem experience who is available and good enough for the team.






    Firstly - Deco: <snigger>


    Secondly - no-one good enough for the team??? HE'S  BEEN PLAYING CARR!!! Fucking Carr!!! If he can't find anyone better than THAT, he's a worse manager than i thought. And fuck Premiership experience, a new player has only got to replace FUCKING CARR!!

  6. If you supply Owen, Martins and Viduka then they will score goals.


    We could have had Henry, Eto'o and Ronaldinho up there against Villa but if the midfield created as much as they did that day for them then they wouldn't have looked like scoring either.


    it wasn't the Villa midfield that made Viduka and MArtins as useful as a Liverpool fans cheque, was it? Their midfield didn't make Viduka lumber around like a B-movie godzilla, or Martins make awful runs.


    and the fact remains that in the 433 we played on Saturday, we aren't going to be creating much for anyone.


    But we didn't create anything for them, would Martins make better runs or Viduka have the movement of Bellamy if we played 4-4-2?


    Our strikers will score goals I've no doubt about that, however if you're going to lump long balls up to them all game as our only supply line then they are going to struggle to get away from defenders, it was clear our set up wasn't working half and hour into the game so why Allardyce didn't change it then I'm not sure, too busy playing on his mobile no doubt.


    Our midfield was shite and created nothing, I'd be more inclined to look at that before moving any strikers around.


    you're right on a number of points, but we didn't JUST lump long balls up, when we played "on the deck" as they (althoguh i don't know who "they" are who say that), the frontmen were still ineffective/not good enough.


    Owen will score goals in the right formation, with the right service. I'm sure of that.

    Martins will score some too, he's shown that.

    Viduka will get some, although not as many by any means.


    Question is: as we are fairly sure 433 is wrong for the players, do we think Allardyce will change it? Because if he doesn't, i think we're in for a turgid time once he gets the players he 'needs' to play his way relativley successfully.


  7. Can I put my hand in the air and say that I believe Jol is talking to load of bollocks.


    If Ashley gets things right we're potentially a bigger club that Spurs, mainly because we're not right next door to the likes of Arsenal and Chelsea. It would make no sense at all to sell at a loss and then buy another football club which is going to find it ten times harder to reach that 'global brand' status that was mentioned in the press when Ashley first bought us.


    Spot on.


    Things keep going the way they are this time next season were pulling away form Spurs in every aspect.


    The potential of the club is much greater than Spurs, always has been, always will be and that's what attracted Ashley to the club. Spurs are running at 95% of its potential, were about 60% and ATM there is nothing apart from a season between us.


    I'm sorry, but: :lol:

  8. So now Spurs are liars.


    Kingdawson and Martin Jol mysteriously disapeared?


    Based on what? Let me guess - based on you choosing to believe THAT story in the press.


    Based on this I think:





    "To further clarify the situation - the Club wishes to make it clear and unequivocal that no individual was or has been offered the position of manager/coach at this Club whilst that position has been held by Martin Jol. It is wholly inaccurate and inappropriate to suggest otherwise"



    yes, and where is the proof anyone was??


    Well who do you believe Spurs or Ramos? Ramos is hardly going to make stuff like that up if he wants to stay at Seville.


    Where as i believe Spurs offered him the job and where knocked back and then chose to deny it.


    I don't know which one to believe, no-one here knows what's actually happened, its all conjecture.



  9. If you supply Owen, Martins and Viduka then they will score goals.


    We could have had Henry, Eto'o and Ronaldinho up there against Villa but if the midfield created as much as they did that day for them then they wouldn't have looked like scoring either.


    it wasn't the Villa midfield that made Viduka and MArtins as useful as a Liverpool fans cheque, was it? Their midfield didn't make Viduka lumber around like a B-movie godzilla, or Martins make awful runs.


    and the fact remains that in the 433 we played on Saturday, we aren't going to be creating much for anyone.

  10. Just announced sky sports that martins can go to arsenal or manure for £13 mill


    Who said that then, Sam himself? or some dodgy journalist/secret ghost insider/local tramp...... :rolleyes:


    You heard him: SKY SPORTS NEWS. Therefore is has to be true - fact.

  11. Just announced sky sports that martins can go to arsenal or manure for £13 mill


    Surely he can go anywhere for £13m??


    You're on fire today NM!


    I think i've had too many fizzy cola bottles from the tuck shop at work. I'll be feeling all sluggish and sickly by mid afternoon. :(

  12. Is it time some Newcastle fans stopped being so self-righteous when it comes to how we criticise fans from other teams ?

    I have supported Newcastle for years and believe me we have had some horrible bastards following us over the years.

    I can remember during the 80's when we had a reputation for being amongst the racist and violent fans in the country.

    You couldn't walk up Gallowgate end without having half a dozen knuckle-draggers trying to flog you the house magazine of the NF.

    Before the Bolton game this season Newcastle fans were banned from one pub because the place was trashed last season.

    I love Newcastle and things have improved a hell of a lot over the last few years but please don't lets fool ourselves that our reputation is squeaky clean.    

    And your point is?


    This has nothing to do with Newcastle's reputation, the thread is about Liverpool and how hypocritical their fans are, not Newcastle United fans.


    I am saying lets have a little bit less hypocritical holier-than-thou attititude towards other fans (regardless of who they support).

    Perhaps I mentioned Newcastle Utd fans because this is a Newcastle forum...

    There are times when I have been really proud of supporting Newcastle mainly after various cup-final / semi final defeats and the fans have been superb.

    Other times I havent been proud at all.

    Before we throw dirt at others we should admit we ain't so perfect and the dirt can come back the other way.



    So are you denying that Liverpool fans are frequently hypocritical, history-rewriting, whining self-pitying twats?

  13. So now Spurs are liars.


    Kingdawson and Martin Jol mysteriously disapeared?


    Based on what? Let me guess - based on you choosing to believe THAT story in the press.


    Based on this I think:





    "To further clarify the situation - the Club wishes to make it clear and unequivocal that no individual was or has been offered the position of manager/coach at this Club whilst that position has been held by Martin Jol. It is wholly inaccurate and inappropriate to suggest otherwise"



    yes, and where is the proof anyone was??


    But we do tbf.


    As a forum we really don't take anything for word unless its come from the horses mouth. Now this shit might wash and appease a couple of clowns on the Spuds forums, but to bring that shite on here and to cling to it for dear life is going to get a reaction.


    MJ (both poster & manager) are very desperate people right now.


    There are many here who believe owt, frankly.


    You'll want to believe it when its good, and dismiss it when its bad, and that's exactly what MJ is doing right now. Dismissing the bad with a story which brings some reason to the whole mess, to involve us just gives him more satisfaction and why he's here posting up like its not all bad and he could possibly take something from us along the way.


    I just don't want people to fall for his shit, like many have done plenty of times on here.


    I know what you mean, but you won't stop people. Its the same as in the Fat Man days, peopel fell for us signing every great player under the sun, RIGHT AROUND SEASON TICKET RENEWAL TIME. :lol:

  15. Which is even more reason why we shouldn't just give in and pay silly money.



    £3m or even £4m wouldn't be silly money for Faye, given the prices gone for various other nationwide signings over the summer. If we're complaining about a £2m asking price then it's a bit odd.


    £4m for a bench player, when we haven't even got a rb, thats not worth it yet.

  16. Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


    That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

    You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.


    I don't know why, but that made me smile. Like it's for Speacials nad the old, or something. Sorry. :)

  17. Ashley is no fool - he will know that Refs will give us a hard time(regardless of Viduka's performance on Saturday, it was obvious he got no change whatsoever from the Ref - watch for more of that...)


    Ashley may not be a fool, but you are if you think the ref was biased against us Vs Villa based on some premier league/Sky conspiracy theory.


    Just wait until the end of the season and then make your judgment.

    If you think everything in Football(like Politics) is whiter than white, then YOU are the fool..

    In the case of Saturday's ref, were you there back in 1999 when Shearer was sent off in the same fixture?

    Even the Villa defenders were gobsmacked. There may be no comparison between the two refs, but who knows whether he had previously had a bust-up with Viduka ? All these things enter the issue.


    There is an old saying which goes along the lines that ' Good men should believe that anything is possible of evil men'....


    And - money talks...


    But you've already made and stated YOUR judgement - why shoudl anyone else wait and see????


    But we do tbf.


    As a forum we really don't take anything for word unless its come from the horses mouth. Now this shit might wash and appease a couple of clowns on the Spuds forums, but to bring that shite on here and to cling to it for dear life is going to get a reaction.


    MJ (both poster & manager) are very desperate people right now.


    There are many here who believe owt, frankly.

  19. If Oba is going to Manure for 13 million so the blame is on NEWCASTLE UNITED!


    they had all the summer to try and offer a new contract and they didnt do it.just sitting and praying that no one will activate the clause.


    so if he goes there its the first mistake of the managmant


    Erm, maybe they just think that £13m is a decent price for an inconsistent player who was not bought by the current regime/manager?

  20. Not suprised Owen will start, I am about Smith though. Funny how Shola is above him in the pecking order for us and him and Owen played together up front against blue star last week (yes reserves are hardly the same as an International game before anyone points that out) but when have Smith and Owen last played a game together?


    Not heard 1 single person, paper or pundit suggest or talk about Ameobi playing for England in over a weeks build up. Funny what playing for one of the top 4 clubs for a few years can do for you...


    This point isn't that Shola is England class btw


    Not funny at all, it's painfully unfunny to have Ameobi above anyone in the pecking order.

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