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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I like the sound of Mort, seems a nice bloke. How can anyone say they trust/don't trust Ashley when we've not heard anything from him and have 1 picture of him sat at his desk to base it on?!


    In that context, how can you say Mort seems like a nice bloke? Isn't that based on just as little?

  2. Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


    That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

  3. Oh, please. We know it's a s**** story. but don't start the "we're bigger than Spurs" crap again. Because it makes us look stupid.


    It's not a "we're bigger than spurs thing," it's a spurs fan perpetuating the tabloid driven crap that annoys me.


    It's not me perpetuating a tabloid driven story, it was something I heard about a few days ago and said so on page 4 of this thread and before there was any suggestion that Ashley might sell to Icelanders or anyone else:


    It could be plausible.  There have been rumours going around for the past couple of days that Paul Kemsley is looking to buy out Levy/Enic.  Whilst he is a seriously wealthy multi-millionaire, he still doesn't have the financial clout to buy the club and progress his ambitions.  Doing the deal with his best mate backing him would make some sense. 


    Not suggesting that this is anything but a hypothetical situation but I wouldn't say it would never happen.


    It's not a 'we're bigger than you' or vice versa thing, the fact is that Ashley lives in Totteridge, his best mate is the Spurs Deputy Chairman and in the past has often gone with him to WHL.  I'm not saying it will happen, but if Ashley does sell NUFC, there is logic in thinking he might then go in for Spurs.


    Personally I just don't get why someone would empty their pocket to the tune of 150m just to sell it all a few months later for a insignificant profit, in the scheme of his money dealings, just to buy into a club that "his mate is involved in" when they could of organised something together in the first place, without all the headaches Ashley has been through.


    From the Newcastle side of things, maybe the financial situation not being quite what it seemed could play a part.  From the Spurs side, it's well known that Levy has been approached by a number of parties and the asking price has been a deterrent.  Spurs' dealings over the past few days has affected the perceived value of the club.  With Kemsley's known desire to buy Spurs and Ashley's believed willingness to sell NUFC, it may not be too far fetched to put the two together.   Not suggesting for a minute that this is concrete, but as I said on page 4, it is plausible.


    Its desperate wishful thinking on your (and the London Media) behalf.


    So with Ramos rejecting your offer, where does that leave you?


    Why is it that much wishful thinking? Ashley has hardly been brilliant so far - he's done nowt wrong, and is CLEARLY better than the Fat Man, but it's not like he's pumped a gazillion pounds into the first team, or owt.


    He seems like a decent enough owner, so far, no more.


    Because he is looking for a reason for change, a reason for the incompetence shown so far by the Spurs board, that if a takeover is in the wings them letting go of their manager at this time seems more plausible.


    Heaven forbid they've just fuked up big style, ala NUFC of old style.


    Making more of our slight financial discrepancy to add weight to the story smacks of desperation. Not quite all what it seems? What £10m difference so Ashley is going to go running? Fuking doubt it.


    i'm not saying i believe the story - i don't.


    I'm talking about it being wishful thinking from a Spurs fan - i don't think Ashley would be top of anyones list if they got to 'wish' for a chairman, is what i meant.


    But its about the only story the London media can come up with right now. He's a friend, he's got money, he's got a football club. 'Right lads, i think i've found Spurs' Saviour, get it printed'.


    MJ's willingness to bring it to our attention and to want to believe in it is beyond desperate.



    The media is always full of shite, people believe some stupid things.


    Ashley to Spurs, Ronaldo/Rooney/Riquelme to NUFC, they print stuff to get a response.


    There are enough idiots on here who believe everything they read in the press, if we slated them all it would take all day.

  4. owen is constantly on the search for that edge,sniffing for a chance of getting a shot off, martins isnt he is poor when he is running off the ball and seems to lack reading of the game as its happening.


    Martins is thick. But can be taught and will be if someone is given the chance,


    Common problem for most sports people in this day and age.

    Players like wor Jackie might not of been over educated but having to do something other than playing sport all their life meant they actually had to use their minds instead of just listening to their manager/club/agent/hangers on for every instruction/thought/action.


    Agreed, I think playing other sports where you have to use your brain can help you with certain things in football. And sharpens your mind.


    Fuck it, buy them Nintendo DS's and that brain game thing.

  5. Redknapp to replace Jol stinks of Souness replacing Robson. Both mid-table managers.


    Hmmm ... not so sure about that. Of all the premiership managers, I think I would least like them to get Harry Redknapp. Very underated manager I think, also has an eye for a decent player.


    What's he done at West Ham or Portsmouth that Souness didn't do at Blackburn?


    Well, there have been fewer rumours of underhand dealings about Souness at Blackburn........

  6. Oh, please. We know it's a s**** story. but don't start the "we're bigger than Spurs" crap again. Because it makes us look stupid.


    It's not a "we're bigger than spurs thing," it's a spurs fan perpetuating the tabloid driven crap that annoys me.


    It's not me perpetuating a tabloid driven story, it was something I heard about a few days ago and said so on page 4 of this thread and before there was any suggestion that Ashley might sell to Icelanders or anyone else:


    It could be plausible.  There have been rumours going around for the past couple of days that Paul Kemsley is looking to buy out Levy/Enic.  Whilst he is a seriously wealthy multi-millionaire, he still doesn't have the financial clout to buy the club and progress his ambitions.  Doing the deal with his best mate backing him would make some sense. 


    Not suggesting that this is anything but a hypothetical situation but I wouldn't say it would never happen.


    It's not a 'we're bigger than you' or vice versa thing, the fact is that Ashley lives in Totteridge, his best mate is the Spurs Deputy Chairman and in the past has often gone with him to WHL.  I'm not saying it will happen, but if Ashley does sell NUFC, there is logic in thinking he might then go in for Spurs.


    Personally I just don't get why someone would empty their pocket to the tune of 150m just to sell it all a few months later for a insignificant profit, in the scheme of his money dealings, just to buy into a club that "his mate is involved in" when they could of organised something together in the first place, without all the headaches Ashley has been through.


    From the Newcastle side of things, maybe the financial situation not being quite what it seemed could play a part.  From the Spurs side, it's well known that Levy has been approached by a number of parties and the asking price has been a deterrent.  Spurs' dealings over the past few days has affected the perceived value of the club.  With Kemsley's known desire to buy Spurs and Ashley's believed willingness to sell NUFC, it may not be too far fetched to put the two together.   Not suggesting for a minute that this is concrete, but as I said on page 4, it is plausible.


    Its desperate wishful thinking on your (and the London Media) behalf.


    So with Ramos rejecting your offer, where does that leave you?


    Why is it that much wishful thinking? Ashley has hardly been brilliant so far - he's done nowt wrong, and is CLEARLY better than the Fat Man, but it's not like he's pumped a gazillion pounds into the first team, or owt.


    He seems like a decent enough owner, so far, no more.


    Because he is looking for a reason for change, a reason for the incompetence shown so far by the Spurs board, that if a takeover is in the wings them letting go of their manager at this time seems more plausible.


    Heaven forbid they've just fuked up big style, ala NUFC of old style.


    Making more of our slight financial discrepancy to add weight to the story smacks of desperation. Not quite all what it seems? What £10m difference so Ashley is going to go running? Fuking doubt it.


    i'm not saying i believe the story - i don't.


    I'm talking about it being wishful thinking from a Spurs fan - i don't think Ashley would be top of anyones list if they got to 'wish' for a chairman, is what i meant.

  7. Oh, please. We know it's a s**** story. but don't start the "we're bigger than Spurs" crap again. Because it makes us look stupid.


    It's not a "we're bigger than spurs thing," it's a spurs fan perpetuating the tabloid driven crap that annoys me.


    It's not me perpetuating a tabloid driven story, it was something I heard about a few days ago and said so on page 4 of this thread and before there was any suggestion that Ashley might sell to Icelanders or anyone else:


    It could be plausible.  There have been rumours going around for the past couple of days that Paul Kemsley is looking to buy out Levy/Enic.  Whilst he is a seriously wealthy multi-millionaire, he still doesn't have the financial clout to buy the club and progress his ambitions.  Doing the deal with his best mate backing him would make some sense. 


    Not suggesting that this is anything but a hypothetical situation but I wouldn't say it would never happen.


    It's not a 'we're bigger than you' or vice versa thing, the fact is that Ashley lives in Totteridge, his best mate is the Spurs Deputy Chairman and in the past has often gone with him to WHL.  I'm not saying it will happen, but if Ashley does sell NUFC, there is logic in thinking he might then go in for Spurs.


    Personally I just don't get why someone would empty their pocket to the tune of 150m just to sell it all a few months later for a insignificant profit, in the scheme of his money dealings, just to buy into a club that "his mate is involved in" when they could of organised something together in the first place, without all the headaches Ashley has been through.


    From the Newcastle side of things, maybe the financial situation not being quite what it seemed could play a part.  From the Spurs side, it's well known that Levy has been approached by a number of parties and the asking price has been a deterrent.  Spurs' dealings over the past few days has affected the perceived value of the club.  With Kemsley's known desire to buy Spurs and Ashley's believed willingness to sell NUFC, it may not be too far fetched to put the two together.   Not suggesting for a minute that this is concrete, but as I said on page 4, it is plausible.


    Its desperate wishful thinking on your (and the London Media) behalf.


    So with Ramos rejecting your offer, where does that leave you?


    Why is it that much wishful thinking? Ashley has hardly been brilliant so far - he's done nowt wrong, and is CLEARLY better than the Fat Man, but it's not like he's pumped a gazillion pounds into the first team, or owt.


    He seems like a decent enough owner, so far, no more.

  8. Owen did play in a 4-3-3 with Heskey and Anelka to good effect at Liverpool. Fair enough, it was a while ago.


    For how long did that system work? I seem to remember Heskey doing better than i thought he would, but genuinely i don't recall the system(s) they used.



    I think it was about 1/2 a season when Anelka was on loan. I remember them battering us at their place 3-0 although that possibly wasn't the toughest test for that system.


    :lol: no, i don't think that many teams have historically had us down as "hard to score against" too often!!


    As for OUR formation, the simple fact is that our forwards seem (to me) to be more suited to a 442, and we are not a big enough or good enough squad to have ther players to fit a system, it needs to be the other way around - i'd rather have a system that Owen did well in than one where he didn't.

  9. This question can not be answered by a straight yes or no.


    Do I trust Ashley if he hangs on to the club ? Yes.


    Do I think he would sell IF he has found the club to be in a MUCH worse state than he thought? Possibly - he's a businessman.


    What I fear most is that he sells and the people buying the club do not intend to(or cannot because of the huge price they will pay)invest in it, and just want to toddle along like, say, Southampton used to and take advantage of the fans like FF did...also, we do NOT need amy more upheaval at this point.


    In fact, I think Ashley will probably be MORE concerned about the difficulty we face in getting into the Top 4.

    I know it sounds crazy, but I believe that the Premier League bosses(and Scudamore confirmed this) are quite happy with the staus quo in England - they want more competitiveness in the Prem, but they don't want upstarts like NUFC breaking the mould.

    Personally, I think the whole thing is dictated to by Sky - and they have shares in Man U and, don't forget,

    the Mackems.....it was this fact that decided me to stop Sky when I was in the UK.

    The NOTW bent over backwards to stitch up DSH & FS(although they were stupid enough to walk into the trap), and I reckon Murdoch's henchmen feared us as a rival to Man U at that time.

    Look how the Sun constantly tries to unsettle players at NUFC & publishes anything negative about the Club they can dig up......


    Ashley is no fool - he will know that Refs will give us a hard time(regardless of Viduka's performance on Saturday, it was obvious he got no change whatsoever from the Ref - watch for more of that...)and as a person who shuns publicity, he will get fed up of the media's constant prying & sniping,even though he should have expected it.


    If someone offered him enough in the circumstances I described, you can imagine that he might be tempted to take it...


    I hope he hangs on out of cussedness, and decides to take all the b-------ds on by making the club into what we all know it could be.


    Come on now. We need to break into the top 6 first!


    As for the referees, fans of EVERY club think they are hard done by, and really none are to any great degree. We're not given worse treatment than any other club overall.

  10. Are people forgetting about Duff? I wouldn't blame them but he would fit into our current system perfectly in my opinion, he played his best football at Chelsea in a similar system.


    based on his performances for us, probably best to.


    I'm not having a go, but do you see anything positive in relation to our playing squad atm?


    Our current squad? SOme positives, yes. And some negatives. I KNOW you don't think we shoudl be all "X is great just cos he plays for us".

  11. 3 pages and no one has said anything on how given when a stonewall decision goes against Chelski - they have 4-5 players surrounding and abusing the referee.


    c***s. Twats. And then that dickhead Mourinho has the gall to call his team "pure and naive". Mellow, my arse... he is one of the biggest cheating scumbag manager.


    How can you say that? Mourinho is a great manager who has never cheated or ask any of his players to do so.Yes I admit some of the players might cheat before,but I dont think that he instructed them to do so.


    I strongly believe he does... his comments about his team never diving and being too innocent, are typical hypocrisy from him. The man has no class.


    Name a top manager who does, when it coems to protecting his team/lambasting others.

  12. Oh, please. We know it's a shite story. but don't start the "we're bigger than Spurs" crap again. Because it makes us look stupid.


    It's not a "we're bigger than spurs thing," it's a spurs fan perpetuating the tabloid driven crap that annoys me.


    You asked why he'd invest in the shite that is Spurs. Well, he invested in us, and we're worse.


    We'll have to agree to disagree then.


    Yes, unless you can show how, at the time of his investment in us, we were better than Spurs.


    Are you leaze in disguise?

    Where did I say we were better than spurs? No I said and I'll quote to make it easy for you:

    Sorry but why the fu<k would Laura want to invest in the sh!te that is spuds?

    No mention of when he would invest (as you suggested) or that spuds is worse, just that they are sh!te, personally opinion but hey it's mine and it's all I've got.


    by inference...oh, fuck it, it's a waste of time. Yes, we'll agree to disagree, it's easier.

  13. why exactly does everyone hate spurs and liverpool as well? surely youd prefer them to win the league than arseanal, man ushited or the russians? im from london, so natrually i hate CHESLEA (AAAAGH!!), arsenal, west ham and then boro and bolton


    For fucks sake.

  14. Oh, please. We know it's a shite story. but don't start the "we're bigger than Spurs" crap again. Because it makes us look stupid.


    It's not a "we're bigger than spurs thing," it's a spurs fan perpetuating the tabloid driven crap that annoys me.


    You asked why he'd invest in the shite that is Spurs. Well, he invested in us, and we're worse.


    We'll have to agree to disagree then.


    Yes, unless you can show how, at the time of his investment in us, we were better than Spurs.

  15. I remember over the Summer when Allardyce was first put in charge there was a feeling that the Bolton way was just a means to and ends because of his limited resources and now he was in charge of a better club he would change his ways and play properly. That seems to have gone right out of the window and he's now turning you into the new Bolton. Personally I don't think its on - there's a thread about "Was Gartside right?" or something like that about how his style drove fans away. While I believe thats a half truth (IMO it only drove away fair weather fans who had no idea what life was like in the 1st division and only turned up once they were in the premiership) I still don't think it has a future at a club like Newcastle where standards are much higher. And now you have the wrong strikers to play this ugly system. This notion that there is no place for a player of the calibre of Owen seems absolutely ludricous to me. How can you force out a player like that but yet pay for and play someone as limited as Alan fucking Smith. IMO Sam has to change his ways and play a system that will suit your good players.


    Having a great start to the season AND talking sense. A double whammy from the blue half of Manchester!

  16. Are people forgetting about Duff? I wouldn't blame them but he would fit into our current system perfectly in my opinion, he played his best football at Chelsea in a similar system.


    based on his performances for us, probably best to.

  17. If we play the ball to Viduka's feet sometimes he might have half a chance of contributing to the team. Lumping 50 yard balls up to him whilst he's marked by 2 central defenders makes it almost impossible for him to control the ball and get it to a player in a black and white shirt.


    we didn't play all long balls, and he was just as ineffective with the ball on the ground.


    Bet you wouldn't be saying that if smudger had actually put his chance away or if Oba1kenobi was smart enough to break forward when the ball is played to him.


    Why would either of those things have changed my opinion on Viduka's lack of ability as shown last weekend?

  18. Fuck England, but if Owen comes through the game unscathed, and closer to match fitness which would be of benefit to us, I'll be happy.


    i don't understand or agree with the "fuck England" thing, but i agree with the benefit to us.


    I don't give a toss about England. I'm from the People's Republic of Geordieland and I support NUFC.


    England is a distraction that usually hinders NUFC, perhaps on this occasion we might derive some benefit from it but I doubt it.


    I come from Newcastle, so i support Newcastle. I therefore also come from England, so i support England. I don't see any element of conflict in supporting both. Maybe one day, when Newcastle are in the World Cup, i'll have to choose. Until then, they are both my teams.

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