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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Martins anyday. Martins has great pace, is only 22, a great attitude, fitness record and a great work ethic. Martins is more likely to create something out of the two. He scored 17 goals for us last season after a poor start and then looked great, he'll score alot more this season even by playing this deeper role if he gets the games. I wouldn't mind Anelka aswell but given the choice its Martins every which way i look at it.


    Anelka needs creativity around him just as Owen and Viduka do. Martins is clearly the better player as he creates for others/himself and scores great goals, tap ins headers, he has two great feet and is lightning fast. he's probably been our best player so far why would people want rid?  


    Sorry but that's utter cobblers.


    Your entitled to your opinion. Not my fault if your wrong  :coolsmiley:



    You think Viduka had creativity around him last season?


    Please don't pretend Viduka is a great player who's goign to get loads of goals for us, for fucks sake.

  2. Good to see owen back on saturday

    still wouldnt start him as martins has played for his place from last season and pre-season+ prem first 2games


    "played for his place"? SO does it matter whether or not he's actually been better? Or would simply showing up get him a start ahead of a better player (whether thats Owen or someone else)?

  3. Absolutely right Bob. ameobi does offer something entirely different. Clearly you don't want to elaborate on it because he offers f*** all.


    I beg to differ. Ameobi offers people like yourself the opportunity to vent their frustrations about a Newcastle player, so really you should be thankful he's still here. Gives you something to rant about tbh.




    Yes, having someone a league above his actual ability os always a good idea.

  4. alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!


    But someone who sells shuttlecocks is ok?


    As long as he also stocks the jock-straps to keep them in.

    Oh how we miss the scrap merchant and his media friendly sound bites.


    Biscuits are the new scrap metal. Fact.

  5. There's barely an article without a sponsor of some kind, it just annoys me that's all.


    This post brought to you by BlueSQ.com.


    Cruelly overlooked.

  6. alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!


    But someone who sells shuttlecocks is ok?

  7.    I do trust him the main reason for this is I think he can sell this club in 4  to 5 years four times higher price than he can  now. Plus why he spen 30 mil only last week to sell it now? it doesn't make sense plus i think Ashley is in for a long run.


    based on what?

  8. I'd rather see Smith up front than in midfield, as he is poorer at the latter than the former. But he's not international class by any means.


    Owen DOES have that class, clearly, but is short of match fitness. If he can get some of that from playing tonight, thats cool.


    I love England, but it just makes me wich we had better players than Smith fit, even for friendlies.

  9. If Owen scores 15-20 goals this season you'll change your tune.


    By the way bob, want to elaborate on the range of skills that ameobi has as you are his number one fan?


    if Owen plays a full season, in a decent team with a decent formation/style, he'll get 15+. But he won't in a 433 for us, i'm afraid.

  10. I'm not a fan of Martin Samuel. I think he sometimes talks crap just to be controversial. But this assessment of Owen is spot on, as is Allardyce's assessment of how Owen performed at the World Cup.


    I think Owen faces a challenge. The game is changing, and he has to show that he has the range of skills to adapt. Even in a 4-4-2, the top teams can't afford to have a specialist goal hanger.




    In fact :lol: at a number of things in there.


    ------------------ Given


    Belletti -- Taylor -- Rozehnal -- Enrique


    Milner --- Barton --- Emre --- Duff


                 Viduka --- Martins


    that's more like it


    The Zog has shown more ability than Duff, in fairness.


    if you're using last season to judge Duff, use it for N'zogbia, both looked poor, one compounding the poor performances with an awful attitude


    I rate N'zogbia, but Duff has a lot more vindication in terms of ability


    Since joining us - although he has had more tiem, granted - The Zog has played better when he's played well than Duff. I fear Duff will turn into a game-picker, like a Babayaro.

  12. Villa waffle is a good read as usual, but this?


    'Sunday sees us make the trip down the A19 to face the Smoggies in a 1.30pm start.


    Following their first competitive live Toon game on Saturday, Setanta Sports will again be televising Sunday's Tees-Tyne clash.


    For more details of their exclusive live UK coverage from The Riverside (no contract required) click on the logo above.'




    can't blame them for that, surely. Its hardly intrusive.


    ------------------ Given


    Belletti -- Taylor -- Rozehnal -- Enrique


    Milner --- Barton --- Emre --- Duff


                 Viduka --- Martins


    that's more like it


    The Zog has shown more ability than Duff, in fairness.

  14. Possibly frustration at the bad tactics/formation?


    Or soem of the shit performances?


    He had 90 minutes of football to turn round the home performances? That was the extent of your patience?


    You'd better be fucking joking.


    i didn't say I booed, stupid head.


    And i THINK some of the booing was for the likes of Carr, who is just shit.

  15. Post some facts, then.


    I don't have the facts to hand at the moment but when I do, you'll be the first person I tell about it ;)


    So on what do you base the statement that they're in the s***?


    I'm not going to waste my time trawling the internet to find an article that backs up what i've heard just to appease a numpty on here. If i've heard wrongly then so be it.


    I see. So you are essentially just talking out of your arse.


    Maybe a job on the Chronicle beckons?


    :lol: No, i'm posting what i've heard and read and I never claimed otherwise. Have you got a problem with that Ozzie?


    Then why not just admit all you're posting is gossip, instead of flinging insults at someone who's interested in what's actually going on?


    Or post WHERE you heard them. Not even links, just a name.


    ...hang on....you heard it in the Sun, didn't you DI - SoG? on their "business" pages.

  16. He's a c***, the kind of kid I used to melvin at school!


    Should have had a much better standard of player available to us, but overall i'm happy with the guys he's brought in! Although Viduka is a slight dissapointment to me, but that can change over the course of a few matches!  He just needs a goal!


    Not Morts fault i suppose as it's Ashley that makes the wonga available.


    Surley you'd have been beter of calling him "Chris", or "Christopher". If you called him Melvin and he didn't answer, he wasn't being a c***, it's just not his name.


    Errr what?


    I'm on about pulling someone's undercrackers right up there arse!


    Oh, sorry. I thought you were on about name-calling, not physical bullying. Well done you.

  17. Post some facts, then.


    On average, it takes 660 days from conception for an elephant to give birth.


    In Albania, nodding your head means 'no' and shaking your head means 'yes'.


    The average single man is one inch shorter than the average married man.


    Bacteria that cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and leprosy can be cured with cashews.


    Jennifer Aniston's original name is Jennifer Anastassakis!


    You inhale about 700,000 of your own skin flakes each day.


    'pure speculation'



  18. Best thing was Steven "Stevie G La" Gerrard's pathetic response to the whole thing, the hypocritical, twisty-faced cunt.


    Aye, what goes around, comes around. In this case, it was within 7 days.


    :lol: Yup. i thought that was class.


    Clearly Styles hasn't read the rule book about the Red Shite. There'll have ben some very cross faces on the planes back to Ireland and Denmark......

  19. if, as that article suggests, ameobi will be ahead of owen in the striker order, then football can f*** off.


    I agree 100% mate. If Viduka is ahead of Owen then football and Allardyce should f*** off. I honestly see us as being a slightly better side than Bolton, better players but no flair. THAT IS NOT THE NEWCASTLE UNITED WAY.

    Probably only a matter of time till both Martins and Owen leave if we carry on where we left of on Saturday.

    The last couple of seasons I've been downhearted because we've under acheived. Sunday morning I was still in a bad mood after 90 minutes of a high punt into the box. Newcastle United should be above this.



    You are clearly under 50 years of age - high balls 'NOT THE NEWCASTLE WAY'..???

    In 1969, we won the club's ONLY Trophy worth talking about in 40 years using a version of that strategy - most of the Foreign sides we faced simply couldn't handle Wyn Davies' ability to jump higher than their defenders, and Pop Robson picked up the pieces to blast in some memorable goals.....


    It wasn't ALL about that, but gradually, the side tended to resort to that weapon, with a tough defence(Moncur, Burton/McNamee, Craig & Clark to back it up.

    It was only when Davies went in 1971 that we started to try to play - Supermac was good in the air, but not like Davies, and we used his pace on the deck.


    Don't get me wrong - I like to see football played the Brazilian way, but not many can get away with that ;

    KK's team won nowt, despite some of the best football played at SJP in 40 years...


    I personally couldn't care less if we win every game 1-0 by boring people to death - Football today is about money & success  - if you don't have the latter, you won't get the former and the better players you can buy with it..


    NUFC fans are going to have to live on a sparse diet for a while and become, like the team, more professional.


    We won't get those wins with a 433 and our current players, though, and as Bolton showed, it doesn't actually bring that much tangible success playing that playing that way.

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