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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. When was the last time he wrote something without unsettling one of our players?


    Fucking tit.


    if THAT pile of utter drivel unsettles Nobby, he'd be best off fucking off.


    That last bit should say 'But when I asked Allardyce today if he had decided on his captain he replied: "Not...hang on, who are you? Are you that wrong-faced little twat who makes stuff up about the team i manage, and used to suck Shepherd and Souness off?. Fuck off, and stop phoning me or i'll have the law onto you".'



    Fair point! I should have re-phrased it as "...deliberately trying to unsettle one of our players".






    He's the worst kind of local hack, Oliver. There's a boss at the Chronicle somewhere who should be shot with shit for that cunt still having a job.

  2. When was the last time he wrote something without unsettling one of our players?


    Fucking tit.


    if THAT pile of utter drivel unsettles Nobby, he'd be best off fucking off.


    That last bit should say 'But when I asked Allardyce today if he had decided on his captain he replied: "Not...hang on, who are you? Are you that wrong-faced little twat who makes stuff up about the team i manage, and used to suck Shepherd and Souness off?. Fuck off, and stop phoning me or i'll have the law onto you".'


  3. The game against Sampdoria (and one instance in particular) reminded me how depressingly turgid Shola is with the ball at his feet.


    But then he can look quite clever with his feet as well...maybe he should stick to easy stuff like laying it off instead of twisting and turning with the ball...but then he wouldn't be a handful any more.



    Can we really ask a PREMIERSHIP striekr to "stick to the easy stuff", and not expect to look like twats?


    Don't really understand what you are saying. Can you rephrase it?


    Where do you think our natural position currently lies? 6th to 9th in the league?


    If so, and i think it is in honesty, then how can we have a "young" striker on the bench, who we might have to bring on for tactical or injury reasons,  who's ability is so limited that all we can ask him to do is lay the ball off?


    Out "second choice" strike force should be pushing and pushing for a first team spot, not someone we wince when we realise we HAVE to play them for soem unfortunate reason.

  4. The game against Sampdoria (and one instance in particular) reminded me how depressingly turgid Shola is with the ball at his feet.


    But then he can look quite clever with his feet as well...maybe he should stick to easy stuff like laying it off instead of twisting and turning with the ball...but then he wouldn't be a handful any more.



    Can we really ask a PREMIERSHIP striekr to "stick to the easy stuff", and not expect to look like twats?

  5. Decent squad player whos ambition is beyond his ability (which is why I dont think he is settling for a place on the bench) and I would prefer that than someone like Babayaro who seems to pick and choose his games.


    That said it would be interesting to know exactly how many of his last 50 or so games he has been fit for he has had to settle for the bench? I am guessing he will have played quite a few of them and I am pretty sure he would have been a first choice last season.


    Obviously this season he is going to have a lot more competition but as said his ambition is beyond what he can actually perform to so in his head I dont think he is just settling for the bench.


    He isnt as bad as people like to make out and I seem to remember some very good defenders (Sol Campbell for one) commenting on how much of a handful he is to play against.



    I agree. If Shola went elsewhere, I don't think it's beyond possibility that he could do quite well as a target man. Injury-free, he is definitely a handful, and not a bad finisher. I don't think he's quite ruthless enough for a top club though - but I'd be happy to see him on our bench.



    I hate the idea of a player on the bench with such a lack of vision/ability. He would be a good striker in the Championship, but even WE are above his level, and we aren't a "big" club. He might even fit into a Wigan, or a (pre-biscuit millions) West Ham.


    If we can get rid, and get a young player with soem potential, i'd be a damned sight happier.

  6. At the moment we have Martins up front ahead of Viduka, possible as a two with Smith or a lone striker. I can not Sam putting out a team at Bolton without Viduka up top. Personally I'd use Martins as a sub, if needed.


    Sam talked a few weeks ago about players like Viduka 'using their experience' to get through these first games.


    Viduka looked well off the pace against Sampdoria, though I'm not sure if that'll have any bearing on his decision. If Viduka was to start against Bolton, I'd have thought he'd get more than 45 minutes against Sampdoria. That implies he's easing him back. Ameobi and Martins only got that but then Martins has had plenty of match-practice and Ameobi played the next day.


    I've even got a sneaky feeling he might go for Ameobi (though I haven't picked him in my 11), as he'll provide the height up front and should be more ready for it than Viduka, and Bolton won't expect it either.


    No, you're right. They'll be shocked that we are so fucking stupid as to play that pile of donkey shite.


    You could have hit on something there. Gonzo team selection.

  7. The only solution is to come down like a ton of fat birds on clubs whose palyers or fans are PROVEN to make racist comments, etc.


    In Europe, they get a 5 year ban, and fifa MAKES the national association relegate them from whatever domestic league they are in.


    However, you'd have to be careful, as any idiot can (as we have seen on football pitches, the media and even on here) ACCUSE someone of racism. And an accusation isn't the same as fact.






    Spot on.


    It's all in FIFA's hands anyways, and the individual clubs and leagues. Living in North America, which has had such an illustrious history with racism, such shit would never ever be stood for in North American sporting arenas, or any public venues.


    Certain parts of Europe seem to still be living in the dark ages.


    If it wasn't for the fact that the underlying message behind the racism in parts of continental europe is so abhorant, the fact that such outdated - and frankly fucking childish - behaviour goes on at all would be comical.



  8. The only solution is to come down like a ton of fat birds on clubs whose palyers or fans are PROVEN to make racist comments, etc.


    In Europe, they get a 5 year ban, and fifa MAKES the national association relegate them from whatever domestic league they are in.


    However, you'd have to be careful, as any idiot can (as we have seen on football pitches, the media and even on here) ACCUSE someone of racism. And an accusation isn't the same as fact.





  9. We have two specialist left backs though. Baba may be a crock, but he'll do a job as cover for this season.


    If we're looking to improve the first team and not just the squad, then right back is the current weakest area of the first team. Bring in a specialist RB and make Carr backup. That'll allow Solano and Geremi to play in positions where they are more effective, so the benefits would be numerous.


    I think we've done very well to pad out the squad, in left back we had an opportunity to improve the first team without disrupting things and in Enrique hopefully we've achieved that. Right back now represents our best chance of improving the first team and picking up more points.


    Wrong. He's fucking awful, and we shouldn't consider playing him if we can ever help it.

  10. I don't get the mackems. They've had to pay over the odds to bring in an inexperienced--yet promising--keeper, striker, and defender but they still reckon there's a good chance they're going to sign Heinze. Mental.


    They must look at us, though, and think "you pay £6m for the likes of Smith, and soem of you think you are going to get Deco". Everyone else is always stupid in football.


    True. I agree that all football supporters have to be deluded to some extent. Having said that, there's actually a chance of that happening: this is Newcastle. Their biggest ever signing was Tore Andre Flo, ffs.


    There is no chance of that happening, until Deco is 33 and fucked. And even then, it's more likely to be a stupid fanboy rumour.


    All (most?) football fans, by their nature, blinkered and stupid when it comes to the game and team they love. It goes with the territory. Maybe not so much the ones who decide to support Man Utd/Chelsea/Liverpool/us under KK, etc, because of success (actual or perceived), but actual proper fans. We're all stupid, tunnel-visoned fools most of the time. If we weren't, we'd do something productive with our time.


    i think its more likely than the owen transfer was. end of the day people always go on about how they would never sign for us, right up until the day they sign for us.


    i haven't posted anything on the deco rumour anyway, i neither believe or disbelieve it, but it makes me laugh how determined people are to say X would never come to us, just to balence out the over optimists, when a few weeks later their signing on the dotted line. I would have never thought gordon would chose the mackems over villa, who he could have waited a few days extra for them to sort themselves out, but he did.


    It makes ME laugh when people think we can sign real stars through the lure of our "big" club. Not saying you od that, but you know some fans do.


    But then, lots of things make me laugh. Hilarious stand-ups, Fawlty Towers, old people eating soup. All funny.

  11. Thing is though with our injury record we always end up pulling players from their best position to cover in other positions and lose their effectiveness in their best role, fact is we only have 1 proper RB but 2 LB's, yes okay I do not want us to use Babayaro but he is a LB.

    Buy a RB then look at getting another LB but Carr should be cover for that role only. If he gets injured who would you play there? Geremi? all that would do is lose him from where he is best in midfield. Or use Nobby nut what if Milner gets injured, Nobby is our RW cover, if Zoogy and Duff both miss out then Milner would be played wide left.

    We end up messing around and trying to fill positions instead of already havinf propper cover for each role..


    i'd have Geremi and Milner as cover for Solano before Carr, frankly.


    carr is not playing poorly at the moment, frankly.


    well done, basing your assessment of a player not on his entire career for us, but on a couple of friendlies.

  12. Because my thought is, the previous regime (Roeder and Souness) had a certain training methods (their own training methods) already implemented daily to the players, which are proved unsuccessful.


    Now Allardyce coming, he is implementing his own training methods (which is proven successfully in Bolton). So, while negotating for new players also very important, it's very pity if the negotiations spent a lot of time, so the training methods not implemented optimum.


    I think thats a massive generalisation about his time. We have no idea at all how much of his time is taken up with signing players, as opposed to setting up his training regime.


    I suspect it's not that much.

  13. Nothing astonished about the issue really but the key is turning draws into wins.

    Looking at our top 5 finishes in Bobbys time

    2003-04. Finshed 5th - 17 draws - lost 8

    2002-03. Finished  3rd - 6 draws - lost 11

    2001-02. Finished 4th - 8 draws - lost 13


    Our strikeforce is fine. Still worry about midfield. Back then we had pace all over with Dyer, Bellamy and Robert stretching teams. Now?



    I think our strikerforce is very, very average if you look at it. We won't be bothering the top Scorers list, i imagine.

  14. Thing is though with our injury record we always end up pulling players from their best position to cover in other positions and lose their effectiveness in their best role, fact is we only have 1 proper RB but 2 LB's, yes okay I do not want us to use Babayaro but he is a LB.

    Buy a RB then look at getting another LB but Carr should be cover for that role only. If he gets injured who would you play there? Geremi? all that would do is lose him from where he is best in midfield. Or use Nobby nut what if Milner gets injured, Nobby is our RW cover, if Zoogy and Duff both miss out then Milner would be played wide left.

    We end up messing around and trying to fill positions instead of already havinf propper cover for each role..


    i'd have Geremi and Milner as cover for Solano before Carr, frankly.

  15. There's at least four players in the squad who can do a job a RB though.

    Thats just it though all this "they can play there" when we need players who do play there as their best position.

    I take your point but it isn't the priority a left-sided player is. Carr has done well pre-season - not ideal admittedly, Geremi is more than capable there, ditto Nobby, Taylor has done well there, the young centre-backs Edgar and Huntingdon are right-sided and will be more comfortable if they have to play there and I've also read Cacapa can play there (although I wouldn't know about that tbh). How many left-sided defensive options have we got?


    Carr was ok once or twice in friendlies, lets not pretend he's a good enough player for the top half of the Premiership, though.


    However, we have Geremi and Solano, who i would be comfortable with.


    As long as we don't have to play Babayaro or Carr, we're improving.

  16. I don't get the mackems. They've had to pay over the odds to bring in an inexperienced--yet promising--keeper, striker, and defender but they still reckon there's a good chance they're going to sign Heinze. Mental.


    They must look at us, though, and think "you pay £6m for the likes of Smith, and soem of you think you are going to get Deco". Everyone else is always stupid in football.


    True. I agree that all football supporters have to be deluded to some extent. Having said that, there's actually a chance of that happening: this is Newcastle. Their biggest ever signing was Tore Andre Flo, ffs.


    There is no chance of that happening, until Deco is 33 and fucked. And even then, it's more likely to be a stupid fanboy rumour.


    All (most?) football fans, by their nature, blinkered and stupid when it comes to the game and team they love. It goes with the territory. Maybe not so much the ones who decide to support Man Utd/Chelsea/Liverpool/us under KK, etc, because of success (actual or perceived), but actual proper fans. We're all stupid, tunnel-visoned fools most of the time. If we weren't, we'd do something productive with our time.

  17. Did the whole prediction thing in the spreadsheet, my results.




    Only 2 losses at home??

    Didnt lose to the teams above us in that table last season at home. Possible I guess. Lost 5 last season to poor sides. Lost 3 the season before. Entirely possible we could only lose 2. Not sure we will though.


    we have improved defensively, obviously - as long as Given is in goal. But the big clubs have improved more. i think we'll probably still do relatively well against the bigger boys, but get spanked more off the smaller clubs.

  18. So many f*cking options it's great! (based on fully-fit squad)




    GK - Given

    RB - Carr

    LB - Enrique

    CB - Taylor

    CB - Rozehnal

    RM - Milner

    LM - N'Zogbia

    CM - Barton

    CM - Geremi

    CF - Owen

    CF - Viduka




    GK - Given

    CB - Cacapa

    CB - Rozehnal

    CB - Taylor

    RWB - Geremi

    LWB - Enrique

    DCM - Butt

    CM - Smith

    CM - Barton

    CF - Owen

    CF - Viduka




    GK - Given

    RB - Carr

    LB - Enrique

    CB - Rozehnal

    CB - Taylor

    CM - Geremi

    CM - Barton

    CM - Smith

    CF - Owen

    CF - Viduka

    CF - Martins




    GK - Given

    RB - Carr

    LB - Enrique

    CB - Rozehnal

    CB - Taylor

    RM - Milner

    LM - N'Zogbia

    CM - Barton

    CM - Geremi

    CM - Smith

    CF - Viduka


    Carr?? Fuck that with a pointy stick.

  19. Gotta be 2-1 to us.


    I'd be thinking


    Carr           Taylor               Rozenhal        Ramage (??)


    Solano       Butt                  Geremi           Milner


                      Viduka              Martins


    SUBS- Smith, N'Zogbia, Ameobi, Cacapa, Enrique OR Luque.


    Anyone know how Luque has looked pre-season?





    Dunno why we'd choose to play our best right winger on the left, and our best left winger not at all, if we could avoid it. And why we'd play Carr is a mystery to anyone, surely.



  20. I mean when he receives a long ball. Like Shearer, it's not very often he loses possession.


    When he gets them, i agree. He sticks to the ball well. But he isn't a fantastic player, he doesn't get onto the end of those long balls as often as he might.

  21. I don't get the mackems. They've had to pay over the odds to bring in an inexperienced--yet promising--keeper, striker, and defender but they still reckon there's a good chance they're going to sign Heinze. Mental.


    They must look at us, though, and think "you pay £6m for the likes of Smith, and soem of you think you are going to get Deco". Everyone else is always stupid in football.

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