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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I'm just scared of his surname  :lol:


    I am praying he comes in and does well so when people turn round to me and say "yeah but you wanted us to sign Faye" it doesn't sound that bad :laugh:


    Haha, yeah, but you had a Shola Ameobi avatar for about three years or something, and people aren't going to forget that... so either way you still come out looking pretty rubbish, really, Jon. It doesn't matter if people forget about your "sign faye!" pleas.


    I think its best that we all just accept that you're rubbish and move on.


    Still love Shola, England international sooner or later. FACT!


    Volleyball? Curling?



  2. I don't know.


    But I do know that he was very successful at Cardiff when given the opportunity.  As was Rasiak for Southampton, maybe Spurs judged too early?


    I do know that Roy Keane thinks enough of him to slap down 5 mill. That well known transfer market genius Roy Keane, no chance he will make a mistake, certainly looks to have spent well so far


    I do know that he turned the game on saturday. Didn't even play 45 mins but because he scored a goal he has definitely shown we have made a huge mistake.


    I do know that we were made to look stupid to the tune of 4.5 mill in one year. Yeah because if we ignored the fact he was out of conract and forced him to stay here for a season we definitely would have gotten £5m if we chose to sell him this summer.


    I do know that ameobi is a donkey who looks no better with or without a hip injury. I fact, I think he'd be about the same with or without a hip. For one who seems to moan about players being given chances it seems you may be making judgements on Ameobi post hip injury a little quickly no?


    Ameobi - shit.

  3. Wow, juliano belletti, too good to be true, if you asked me, name a right back who is the exact opposite of stephen carr, i would probably say belletti, one of the best fullbacks on earth, and yes i know he is 31, but i'd like to think of him as somone who is at the top of the hill, rather than over it :p


    some on, now.

  4. Chuffed last night, i like Everton. And i hate Spurs, so it was an excellent result.


    i was amongst those expecting Spurs to do well this season, and have 5th place sewn up, and they may well still do so, but they weren't good last night.


    Nice to see that bender Jenas look like a t*** as well, the little mong.

    Your intolerance knows no bounds.


    So i've been told. Meh.

  5. Albert Luque is set to stay with Newcastle United.

    Levante have ended their interest in the Spaniard after signing Italian striker Christian Rigano from Messina yesterday.



    Shame. Now we have 2 strikers who aren't good enough again.

  6. Slightly off topic but do some posters in this thread really think Amdy Faye was that bad? While unspectacular I thought he was solid and one of our more consistent players in the 05/06 run in, and I think we've had a lot worse and a lot more expensive midfielders in recent years.



    Yes he really was terrible

    NO he was worse than that !!


    I thought he was f****** awful, tbh. Probably one of the worst players we've ever had. Greatest fouler in the history of the sport, but couldn't actually play football to save his life.

    :rolleyes: You're wrong on that. By a long long way.


    Not the worst ever, but he was fucking woeful.


    He was nowhere NEAR a premiership player, he'd be at home in the lower reaches of the Championship.

  7. well after Amdy Faye, i don't think i would want another Faye at the club


    :lol: What a fantastic reason to base an opinion on.


    its as valid as the ones who go "[insert dubious foreugn name here] is mint, i've seen him loads, he's the best [insert position here] ever!!11!!" based on watching La Liga highlights once, reading The Sun, and playing FM07.

  8. So we get Belletti and Faye in..... for Big Sam's 1st season squad that's a job done just about in my book to reach the targets he'll have (and keep to himself/Mort) for this year. However losing Dyer (and Solano?) means we will then only be lacking a goalscoring AM. Belletti/Carr/Milner/Geremi is ample cover for the RB & RW positions (although Milner getting injured would hit us the hardest until Duff is fit again).



    With Dyer here, we still have no goal-scoring AM!

  9. Cacapa has experience of winning leagues and playing regularly in the Champions League.  Taylor has half a decent season under his belt.


    How much did Cacapa (best name in the squad now barr Teh Zog, btw) play last season? And i think you do taylor a diservice. Is he not as good as Cacapa on FM2007?

  10. We'll get beat tonight.


    I mean, John Burridge thinks we're going down so it must be so...


    Seriously tho, I just hope we f****** score.


    " As an Uefa 'A' licence coach, I have groomed several players like Alan Shearer, Paul Robinson, Nigel Martyn, Alan Smith, James Milner and Aaron Lennon into Premiership and England stars.


    So, I know what I'm talking about. And I am seldom wrong."


    What an arrogant cunt.




    You'd have thought someone would have informed the authorities.

  11. he is not really capable of playing any of the full back positions is he?


    i am not sure he is the one we should be going for, but will probably be a decent squad player...


    I KNOW we need cover, etc, but i like the idea of Rozenhal and Taylor settling in the back 4 together.


    And i don't like the idea of Cacapa and Ramage being our only other alternatives.


    And I don't like the idea of having Taylor on the pitch and Cacapa on the bench.


    ooh, thats wrong.

  12. he is not really capable of playing any of the full back positions is he?


    i am not sure he is the one we should be going for, but will probably be a decent squad player...


    I KNOW we need cover, etc, but i like the idea of Rozenhal and Taylor settling in the back 4 together.


    And i don't like the idea of Cacapa and Ramage being our only other alternatives.


    Not an unfair comment, but that's COVER. First team wise, we have no right back, bever mind cover.

  13. He'll prove everyone wrong, he is really talented on his day.


    Albeit his day comes once a year and you can never predict when that day will come. But you'll all see it when it happens and all you will be able to say is wow he is fantastic on his day, why did we release him again?


    Don't worry you will be reminded why in his next game.






    :lol: funny man.

  14. Fergie tips us for top four whenever we have a half good team.


    Mind games.


    Against who exactly? Hardly going to be against Arsenal & Spurs as they'll be nowhere near Man Utd come May.


    These are motivational mind games, hoping us, Spurs and Everton will raise their game and get the occasional notch against Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool.


    Thats why I think he does it by the way, not fact, but Fergie always has a smaller team breaking the top 4, and that would be my suggestion for it.


    Or maybe he just seriously thinks we'll finish 4th?


    Very unlikely, he's not doen much to prove he's THAT stupid yet.

  15. Chuffed last night, i like Everton. And i hate Spurs, so it was an excellent result.


    i was amongst those expecting Spurs to do well this season, and have 5th place sewn up, and they may well still do so, but they weren't good last night.


    Nice to see that bender Jenas look like a twat as well, the little mong.

  16. he is not really capable of playing any of the full back positions is he?


    i am not sure he is the one we should be going for, but will probably be a decent squad player...




    I KNOW we need cover, etc, but i like the idea of Rozenhal and Taylor settling in the back 4 together.


    I'd be more comfortable if we'd already got a RB, bearing in mind the season is now underway.

  17. Soooo is dyer staying or going because i have just read through a few posts and they dont seem to have any relevance to dyer at all!!!


    I don't think anybody on here knows the answer at this time.


    What about the ITK's?? They'll know.


    And the one who pretends to be a good mate of his (as if THAT'S something to be proud of!! :lol: ).

  18. But I thought he was a "right and proper person". He must be! The FA said so!  :rolleyes:


    Have you got any evidence to say he isn't?


    Have you got any to say he is? No smoke without fire.


    You're a genius. He's been indicted by a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP that forcibly overthrew his democratic rule. That same military dictatorship is now trying to charge him with all sorts. And you genuinely don't smell a rat?

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