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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Back on the subject of Dyer, I know it pains the Dyer hate mob that we are going to get so much money for him, but trust me, this works in our favour.


    I can picture it now:


    Northern Monkey: " 7 fucking million??! He isn't worth half of that! Nooooooo!!!! He's a fucking little waster who's taken us for mugs - Get rid for £1m!!!


    you're an idiot. and i mean that with the utmost of respect.

  2. Wouldnt boo Dyer, some people forget he played a big part in saving us from relegation last year, 8 or so goals and many assists.


    5 league goals, and i think 3 assists last season. Yup, he was fucking ace, him. DOn't know why we'd let him go, tbh. Better than Steven Gerrrard.

  3. bloody hell.. he hasnt even stepped on the pitch yet and some of u r already giving him stick.

    i get the feeling that these r the same ppl who complained when we wernt signing any defenders.


    lets get this sorted:

    1) hes a defender

    2) experienced in champ league

    3) captained his club for 5 years


    i 4 one am not going 2 go out n say that hes going 2 be immense.. im just saying tht, looking at his credentials, it would be wise 4 every1 to wait until the lad's played before dissmissing him.


    No, no. no.


    What some of us were saying is that saying "he'll be immense, he's total class" is as bad as the 'giving him stick' that you claim is happening (even though it's not).

  4. Good luck to Dyer, its a shame that his injuries were the main reason for his NUFC career no doubt being remembered as a waste of talent/potential, but its great that weve finally moved on most of the dead wood.


    Owen and Emre now need to prove their worth to us over the course of this season and put their injury problems to rest, otherwise we should cut our losses ala Dyer and look at alternatives that Allardyce will no doubt make better use of.


    Fuck Dyer, he was found out as being very average, he's no loss.


    Good call on Owen and Emre (and i'd add Duff to that list as well) - this season they can do the business, or get peddled. If the new regime (managerial AND boardroom) is such that we stop making fucking pathetic excuses for players not performing, that's great news.


    Not ALL the deadwood is gone yet, mind. There is still Albert "You Deserve 400 Games To Prove Yourself" Luque and Shola "Fuck Off You Are Shite" Ameobi to peddle, then we have completed the work.

  5. I've always found Everton fans, in the main, to be bitter arseholes with a particular chip on their shoulders regarding Newcastle United. Scouse Mackems is very apt.


    i've always found them to be stand-up, reasonable fellas. I've almost without exception found Liverpool fans to be self-pity0ng, delusional, history re-writing fucktards of the highest order. Suppose it depends who you meet.

  6. Taylor doesn't deserve to play ahead of Cacapa and Rozenhal, he's got an awful lot to learn before he can be considered a good defender


    Jebus. You've seen Cacapa how often in the Premiership??


    the second time i've been asked that tonight, though you were more original monk, silly, silly question


    I expect Cacapa to be very good in the premiership and would be prepared to drop Taylor in order to find out.


    You expect him to be very good, based on his season warming the bench last year, or the hours of french games you've seen from before last season?


    He should only play if there is a gap, and after Bolton away, there is not a gap at CB at the moment for me.




    not based on any bench warming, based on the games I've watched him look like a composed and dominant defender. I'm not a Taylor fan, think he's average with the potential to be good. Cacapa is a very good defender for me and I think he can make the transition to the english game.


    maybe we should stick with Taylor. Will you be saying that the next time he's stupidly outpaced or gets sent off for using our pitch to convince all the guys who beat him at school that he's a tough guy now


    What do you think of Shambles now he no longer plays for us?


    How often have you seen Cacapa play, and when?


    Oh, and how did you think Taylor played last week?

  7. Taylor doesn't deserve to play ahead of Cacapa and Rozenhal, he's got an awful lot to learn before he can be considered a good defender


    Jebus. You've seen Cacapa how often in the Premiership??


    the second time i've been asked that tonight, though you were more original monk, silly, silly question


    I expect Cacapa to be very good in the premiership and would be prepared to drop Taylor in order to find out.


    You expect him to be very good, based on his season warming the bench last year, or the hours of french games you've seen from before last season?


    He should only play if there is a gap, and after Bolton away, there is not a gap at CB at the moment for me.



  8. Just got a text from the JJB:


    "Season over in my opinion, never going to do anything apart from go down. 1-0 Wigan."


    Oooh dear. Least they'll have Mido's good attitude to muck in, just who you need when there's a scrap on. :laugh:


    Has Mido signed yet? As from looking at his face in the stand, it was like! Ohhhhh Sheeet  Whaaaatt av I dunnnnn!


    Headslap  ;D


    If he's NOT signed yet, i bet his phone'll be off now, as he speeds back to London to beg Fatty Jol for forgiveness.

  9. Just got a text from the JJB:


    "Season over in my opinion, never going to do anything apart from go down. 1-0 Wigan."


    Oooh dear. Least they'll have Mido's good attitude to muck in, just who you need when there's a scrap on. :laugh:


    That just made snot come out of my nose. I'd forgot about HIM.

  10. Wigan are going to get raped this season. If they had been playing a decent team (i.e. not Boro), they'd have gotten a kicking.


    imagine if boro had of been playing a decent side,


    I look forward to when they do, i really do. :)


    Derby, Boro and Wigan are going down, for me this season.

  11. So you prefer a player that you've never seen play to Taylor? That's laughable.


    I'm not picking the team,but if Sam plays him ahead of Taylor that would be enough for me.


    Honestly Taylor is brave, but shakey as hell.


    You think so? I think he's a good defender, who can become a very good one given the right partner/coaching.

    i'm agreeing with the monkey,i also think carr is looking a better player for being in a defence that has organisation (he's still the weak link of the defence mind but not the mug he was often portrayed)


    I think Carr is a poor player who has been made to look like an average one with good players next to and in front of him, and being told what to fucking do. Taylor is a future captain for me. The only voice you could hear at the back in recent seasons, other than Carr trying to blame someone else for his mistakes, and Shamble's panting for breath.

  12.                     Harper




               Milner-- butt--zog





    Owen shouldnt deserve a start over smith but i think he mite get the start



    What exactly did Rozenhal do to get dropped??


    Have to second this. 159 out of 166 people have picked Rozehnal, more than anyone else so far.


    Anyone who saw the match would be amazed if he got dropped after that performance.

  13. So you prefer a player that you've never seen play to Taylor? That's laughable.


    I'm not picking the team,but if Sam plays him ahead of Taylor that would be enough for me.


    Honestly Taylor is brave, but shakey as hell.


    You think so? I think he's a good defender, who can become a very good one given the right partner/coaching.

  14. I don't know.


    But I do know that he was very successful at Cardiff when given the opportunity.  As was Rasiak for Southampton, maybe Spurs judged too early?


    I do know that Roy Keane thinks enough of him to slap down 5 mill. That well known transfer market genius Roy Keane, no chance he will make a mistake, certainly looks to have spent well so far


    I do know that he turned the game on saturday. Didn't even play 45 mins but because he scored a goal he has definitely shown we have made a huge mistake.


    I do know that we were made to look stupid to the tune of 4.5 mill in one year. Yeah because if we ignored the fact he was out of conract and forced him to stay here for a season we definitely would have gotten £5m if we chose to sell him this summer.


    I do know that ameobi is a donkey who looks no better with or without a hip injury. I fact, I think he'd be about the same with or without a hip. For one who seems to moan about players being given chances it seems you may be making judgements on Ameobi post hip injury a little quickly no?


    Ameobi - shit.


    Chopra - Always behind Shola in the pecking order.




    two players who are never going to be good enough for anything but a bottom third team in the Prem, but more comfortable in a decent Championship side.


    PS - Shola for England. PMSL. All over the fucking place.




  15. Is this the new thread that NE5 will take up residency in?


    Admins - Perhaps we should mark it appropriately then.


    "Mam, Maaaam! Someone is speaking their mind and using an internet forum to give thier opinions!! Tell them to stop, Mam......."

  16. I've seen too many highly rated players come in from other leagues and then flop.


    I'll just wait and see how he does, thanks.




    No doubt there will be loads of "experts" who've followed his career closely for years, never missed a second of a match in which he played, and just also happen to be NUFC fans. But for me, lets wait and see if he's actually good enough for US. And if he is, excellent, if not, peddle the fella and get someone better in.

  17. 5 goals for Shola. I know it's not exactly premiership opposition, but to be consistently scoring goals will no doubt boast his confidence big time given the opportunity for the 1st team in front of goal.


    Nice to see Donaldson getting on the score sheet too.



    Not exactly Premiership opposition? No, its not, but it IS about Shola's level.

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