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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I cant think of a single squad which has 4, 20 goals per season strikers, we have 3, with shla and Carrol in the wings, i'd say we were pretty comfortable in that area, defienelty needs to go to defenders but the only defender we've really bee linked with in the meadia that i saw was the Drame who's gone to Sochaux(?), i'd be livid if Smith turned up here with a £6m prie tag, i dont understand why there doesn't seem to be many links with dfenders in the media, is nufc being super secretive with there pursuits or are they just plain inactive or is it that Smith is actually a genuine link.....


    Shola in the wings??? Get to f***. :lol: :lol: :lol: What a crock of s***.


    If we are talking about LEAGUE goals, which is the only real barometer, and what people always meant when they spoke about "20-a-season strikers", we have none.


    read it differently mate, it makes sense somehow, dint mean shola waiting in the wings, mentioned shola seperately from the 3, 20 goal a seaon strikers AND caroll in the wings,


    yeh but we're not, we're talking bout strikers who can score 20 goals in a season. By your criteria is there many teams who have 20 LEAGUE goal scorers, Drogba? Rnaldo? Emile Heskey???


    There's been between 1 and 4 a season for the past 8 or 9 years.


    I'm not saying we haven't got enough up front, because for a team like us, who should be aiming for the top 10, maybe have a stab at 7th or even 6th with a fair wind behind us, the 3 we have, and Caroll, is probably enough. But lets not pretend we are going to set the world alight.


    Dint say there wasn't any, just said that its a pretty narrow criteria, like you say, only 1-4 for the past 8 season, how many of them have been the same strikers, (Henry, Shearer, van Horseface etc..,) just seems like a too exclusive a criteria to call it "the only real Barometer.




    Whenever people talked in the past about great strikers, thats what they meant. Not some soft shie who scores in the intertoto.


    Lets not kid ourselves that we're going to have anyone troubling the Premiership golden boot, any more than we'll be needing to buy any brasso for a while.


    Ya see, i disagree with you there, and am probably going to have to agree to disagree with you there in general, Owen world class striker, its all fair and well sayin he'll not stay fit but thats unnaccountable when your predicting who will be "troubling Premiership golden Boot" Viduka has consistently scored goals and has only really played a couple of season with a great striker by his side, Yakubu and...(?) MArtins is an unknown quantity, pretty pessitmistic to rule out any of our strikers, they seems pretty potent to me, add that to the fact that in recent years defences have been tightened up and you look for about 15-20 goals ebing the number of goals scored to "trouble the premiership golden boot"...then again i could be wrong......


    20, 27, 25, 30 league goals in the past 4 seasons by the top scorer.


    None of our players are going to be near that. But, like you say, we'll have to agree to disagree, thats fitba', as the angry drunken ginger english-haters might say.

  2. Signings!  Signings!  WE WANT SIGNINGS!






    NOT THAT SIGNING!  We want ANOTHER signing!  A DIFFERENT one! 




    Think of squad building lads.  Think of having a player on the bench that can give us options.  Alan Smith will be neither first choice striker nor first choice midfielder, but he WILL give us some added depth to the squad.  Oh and stop fucking whining ffs!


    £6m for a bench player when we have NO left back? Genius.


    Do you HONESTLY think we're not looking at left backs then?  Do you think that's it, Sam's decided to fuck the defence off in favour of Alan Smith? 


    Do you HONESTLY think we are going to sign 2 left backs, 2/3 centre backs and a right back before the window closes? Because they are a much bigger priority imho.


    Given that Allardyce says we're bring in 4 players max, no I don't.  I still don't see what any of that's got to do with signing Alan Smith though.  If Dyer goes he needs replacing.  Allardyce still has 3 defensive signings in mind.  So we replace Dyer and we also try and get in those replacements.  It's not fucking rocket science.


    and how is Smith a replacement for Dyer? They are completely different players (other than both being painfully average).


    They can both play in midfield and attack.  Do you see now?


    Dyer is and was shite in attack, and was an "attacking midfielder".


    Smith was relatively poor up front, and crap in midfield.


    Ah, yes, i see now. Thank you for enlightening me, with your Souness-esque tactical genius.

  3. see ya, wouldnt wanna be ya


    Aye, I'm sure you'd rather be a fat, little, cockney, Internet geek rather than a professional footballer.



    are you taking over from Stevie as the biggest 'knows nowt but thinks he does' on the forum then?


    Is Stevie dead???


    RIP Stevie. :(


    dead inside


    Thats the drinking, and the fighting. Eats away at your soul until there's nothing left.

  4. Fuck this, I'm off to bed. :lol:  You lot would fucking twist on 21.  If you don't like Alan Smith, that's one thing, but the OMG THIS MEENZ WUZ ISNT GETTUN DEEFENDAZ!!! craic is fucking lifting.  All Allardyce talks about is signing defenders.  He still plans on doing so.


    Have a word with yourselves you bunch of whiny knobends. :razz:  No fucker is happy on here unless they've got something to whine about.


    Nice that you have the inside track.


    On you being a fucking misery?  Common knowledge tbh.


    Ooh, nice work.

  5. see ya, wouldnt wanna be ya


    Aye, I'm sure you'd rather be a fat, little, cockney, Internet geek rather than a professional footballer.



    are you taking over from Stevie as the biggest 'knows nowt but thinks he does' on the forum then?


    Is Stevie dead???


    RIP Stevie. :(

  6. Fuck this, I'm off to bed. :lol:  You lot would fucking twist on 21.  If you don't like Alan Smith, that's one thing, but the OMG THIS MEENZ WUZ ISNT GETTUN DEEFENDAZ!!! craic is fucking lifting.  All Allardyce talks about is signing defenders.  He still plans on doing so.


    Have a word with yourselves you bunch of whiny knobends. :razz:  No fucker is happy on here unless they've got something to whine about.


    Nice that you have the inside track.

  7. Signings!  Signings!  WE WANT SIGNINGS!






    NOT THAT SIGNING!  We want ANOTHER signing!  A DIFFERENT one! 




    Think of squad building lads.  Think of having a player on the bench that can give us options.  Alan Smith will be neither first choice striker nor first choice midfielder, but he WILL give us some added depth to the squad.  Oh and stop fucking whining ffs!


    £6m for a bench player when we have NO left back? Genius.


    Do you HONESTLY think we're not looking at left backs then?  Do you think that's it, Sam's decided to fuck the defence off in favour of Alan Smith? 


    Do you HONESTLY think we are going to sign 2 left backs, 2/3 centre backs and a right back before the window closes? Because they are a much bigger priority imho.


    Given that Allardyce says we're bring in 4 players max, no I don't.  I still don't see what any of that's got to do with signing Alan Smith though.  If Dyer goes he needs replacing.  Allardyce still has 3 defensive signings in mind.  So we replace Dyer and we also try and get in those replacements.  It's not fucking rocket science.


    and how is Smith a replacement for Dyer? They are completely different players (other than both being painfully average).

  8. f*** off, you overpaid, mediocre little c***. Hope your career and performances continue down the shitty road they have been for a good while now. You c***.


    Hey, I said off the cuff!!! Don't be harsh...  ;D


    That was off the cuff. If i'd had more time, i'd have played on what a bunch of no-mark cretins him and hi mates are. As well as him being a dirty little skank, and a cunt, obviously.

  9. Signings!  Signings!  WE WANT SIGNINGS!






    NOT THAT SIGNING!  We want ANOTHER signing!  A DIFFERENT one! 




    Think of squad building lads.  Think of having a player on the bench that can give us options.  Alan Smith will be neither first choice striker nor first choice midfielder, but he WILL give us some added depth to the squad.  Oh and stop fucking whining ffs!


    £6m for a bench player when we have NO left back? Genius.


    Do you HONESTLY think we're not looking at left backs then?  Do you think that's it, Sam's decided to fuck the defence off in favour of Alan Smith? 


    Allardyce is whining that he hasn't got enough money, then he's going to spend £6m on a player we need FAR less than a left back??


    If he is so sure he's gettimg the cash, why was he bitching on in the media? If he ISN'T sure, why is he looking to spend the Skank money on a player who isn't in our most desperate position?

  10. I cant think of a single squad which has 4, 20 goals per season strikers, we have 3, with shla and Carrol in the wings, i'd say we were pretty comfortable in that area, defienelty needs to go to defenders but the only defender we've really bee linked with in the meadia that i saw was the Drame who's gone to Sochaux(?), i'd be livid if Smith turned up here with a £6m prie tag, i dont understand why there doesn't seem to be many links with dfenders in the media, is nufc being super secretive with there pursuits or are they just plain inactive or is it that Smith is actually a genuine link.....


    Shola in the wings??? Get to f***. :lol: :lol: :lol: What a crock of s***.


    If we are talking about LEAGUE goals, which is the only real barometer, and what people always meant when they spoke about "20-a-season strikers", we have none.


    read it differently mate, it makes sense somehow, dint mean shola waiting in the wings, mentioned shola seperately from the 3, 20 goal a seaon strikers AND caroll in the wings,


    yeh but we're not, we're talking bout strikers who can score 20 goals in a season. By your criteria is there many teams who have 20 LEAGUE goal scorers, Drogba? Rnaldo? Emile Heskey???


    There's been between 1 and 4 a season for the past 8 or 9 years.


    I'm not saying we haven't got enough up front, because for a team like us, who should be aiming for the top 10, maybe have a stab at 7th or even 6th with a fair wind behind us, the 3 we have, and Caroll, is probably enough. But lets not pretend we are going to set the world alight.


    Dint say there wasn't any, just said that its a pretty narrow criteria, like you say, only 1-4 for the past 8 season, how many of them have been the same strikers, (Henry, Shearer, van Horseface etc..,) just seems like a too exclusive a criteria to call it "the only real Barometer.




    Whenever people talked in the past about great strikers, thats what they meant. Not some soft shie who scores in the intertoto.


    Lets not kid ourselves that we're going to have anyone troubling the Premiership golden boot, any more than we'll be needing to buy any brasso for a while.

  11. Fuck off, you overpaid, mediocre little cunt. Hope your career and performances continue down the shitty road they have been for a good while now. You cunt.

  12. Surprised at how much negative press Smith is getting. The lads a good versatile player who can play in midfield and up top. How many points have we pissed away over the years, especially away from home, as our supposed flair players- Dyer, Solano, Robert, Jenas, Pievert, Emre etc have gone missing and bottled it. Smith gives every game 100%.


    Whats more, he's a top pro, never drinks and hardly likely to drag the clubs name through the mud with his off the field antics.


    But he's not actually very good.

  13. Signings!  Signings!  WE WANT SIGNINGS!






    NOT THAT SIGNING!  We want ANOTHER signing!  A DIFFERENT one! 




    Think of squad building lads.  Think of having a player on the bench that can give us options.  Alan Smith will be neither first choice striker nor first choice midfielder, but he WILL give us some added depth to the squad.  Oh and stop fucking whining ffs!


    £6m for a bench player when we have NO left back? Genius.

  14. Smith for Dyer is f*cking madness.


    blueyes.gif  :(


    Before with Dyer we had a lack of goals and end product, with Smith we have a lack of goals, end product and pace. Bad move Sam.


    He can provide the telegraphed, guaranteed-to-foul, fucking stupid 7 yard sliding tackles that we will miss so muvh after getting shot of Parker, mind.

  15. I cant think of a single squad which has 4, 20 goals per season strikers, we have 3, with shla and Carrol in the wings, i'd say we were pretty comfortable in that area, defienelty needs to go to defenders but the only defender we've really bee linked with in the meadia that i saw was the Drame who's gone to Sochaux(?), i'd be livid if Smith turned up here with a £6m prie tag, i dont understand why there doesn't seem to be many links with dfenders in the media, is nufc being super secretive with there pursuits or are they just plain inactive or is it that Smith is actually a genuine link.....


    Shola in the wings??? Get to f***. :lol: :lol: :lol: What a crock of s***.


    If we are talking about LEAGUE goals, which is the only real barometer, and what people always meant when they spoke about "20-a-season strikers", we have none.


    read it differently mate, it makes sense somehow, dint mean shola waiting in the wings, mentioned shola seperately from the 3, 20 goal a seaon strikers AND caroll in the wings,


    yeh but we're not, we're talking bout strikers who can score 20 goals in a season. By your criteria is there many teams who have 20 LEAGUE goal scorers, Drogba? Rnaldo? Emile Heskey???


    There's been between 1 and 4 a season for the past 8 or 9 years.


    I'm not saying we haven't got enough up front, because for a team like us, who should be aiming for the top 10, maybe have a stab at 7th or even 6th with a fair wind behind us, the 3 we have, and Caroll, is probably enough. But lets not pretend we are going to set the world alight.

  16. I cant think of a single squad which has 4, 20 goals per season strikers, we have 3, with shla and Carrol in the wings, i'd say we were pretty comfortable in that area, defienelty needs to go to defenders but the only defender we've really bee linked with in the meadia that i saw was the Drame who's gone to Sochaux(?), i'd be livid if Smith turned up here with a £6m prie tag, i dont understand why there doesn't seem to be many links with dfenders in the media, is nufc being super secretive with there pursuits or are they just plain inactive or is it that Smith is actually a genuine link.....


    Shola in the wings??? Get to fuck. :lol: :lol: :lol: What a crock of shit.


    If we are talking about LEAGUE goals, which is the only real barometer, and what people always meant when they spoke about "20-a-season strikers", we have none.


    Neither do Man Utd.


    I didn't say they did. I said WE didn't, in response to the pile of ridiculousness above.

  17. I cant think of a single squad which has 4, 20 goals per season strikers, we have 3, with shla and Carrol in the wings, i'd say we were pretty comfortable in that area, defienelty needs to go to defenders but the only defender we've really bee linked with in the meadia that i saw was the Drame who's gone to Sochaux(?), i'd be livid if Smith turned up here with a £6m prie tag, i dont understand why there doesn't seem to be many links with dfenders in the media, is nufc being super secretive with there pursuits or are they just plain inactive or is it that Smith is actually a genuine link.....


    Shola in the wings??? Get to fuck. :lol: :lol: :lol: What a crock of shit.


    If we are talking about LEAGUE goals, which is the only real barometer, and what people always meant when they spoke about "20-a-season strikers", we have none.

  18. Clearly TT would have no problem with people attacking his car as he leaves his place of work, and then having eggs flung at his house when he gets home. :razz:


    Its a occupational hazard. Being a footballer means much more than kicking a ball about, something Dyer in ten years here hasn't learned, well maybe he did, just took him years to figure it out.


    I'm sure for the millions he's earned for nothing i'd take a few eggs  :razz: But it wouldn't happen to me, as fans would never have a problem with me, i'd respect the club paying my £80kpw far too much to fuk them about.


    End of the day, his past has caught up with him SLIGHTLY, and if that's all that ever happens to him he's got off lightly. I'm not condoning any of it, but can understand why someone would want to abuse him before he left.






    I have to agree, while not condoning what happened and agreeing with Mort in a way that this is not the right type of image we want when trying to lure players here, we also have to take a step back and be a bit sensible about this.


    Ok his house got pelted with some eggs - it shouldn't have happened, but no one was killed, maimed, decapitated, caught the plague ect.


    Some people have very short memories when it comes to Dyer, not so long ago he was dragging our clubs name through the dirt with his handbags crap with Bowyer. Everyone wanted to lynch Bowyer, but Dyer seems to have been conveniently forgiven.


    What about his part in Bobby Robsons departure, yes the details are open to debate but he definitely didn't help matters.


    Plus there's all his off field shanahans, like getting his cock out, burning money in front of fans' faces, home movie debut ect.


    Like it has been said before, if this is SO distressing for poor old Dyer, why hasn't he handed in a TRANSFER REQUEST? Why? because it's got fuk all to do about his family, it's all about him and his agent getting one last big payday.


    To think of all the money that the club's spent on sending him all around the world getting the best doctors to try and sort out his career (not to mention his 60k-80k a WEEK wages). Think of all the games (about 90%) he's played when he looks like he doesn't give a s*** (apart form sunday when he was in the shop window, funny that isn't it?), and what does he do when it at last looks like he might be clear of his injuries? He want's out.  


    And to think of all the people who were calling for Owen to be sold and criticising him for the amount of games he's played for us. At least when he's played he's done the business for us. Ramage get's slated everytime he plays, fair enough he's not good enough but at least he's honest and tries. Dyer HAS the talent, but just uses it when he feels like it and that is worse than any of the others.


    I do think that out squad is dangerously thin and I thought that we should keep dyer to make up the numbers, but the more I think about it I would rather have Harper playing than him (ok, slight eggageration). Seriously though this parasite has bled us dry for 8 years and I think now, enough is enough.  Bye, bye.


    Dyer is about as responsible for the incident with Bowyer as he is for having some cretins chuck eggs at his house tbh.  What the f*** are "off field shanahans" btw? :lol:


    People have wanted him out of the club FOR YEARS.  Now he finally acquiesces and admits he wants to leave and we get "Eh?  But what about all the money we've spend on medical fees, you ungrateful b******?"  He can't f****** win.


    As for Dyer's performances, I think it's pretty clear that for the vast majority of his time here he's been playing injured.  Even when he was brought back into the team, he was never fully fit.  It's only last season that we finally had him at a decent level of fitness for a prolonged period, but by then the damage was done and people have made their mind up to despise him.  And he's been nowhere near as bad as people try to make out when he has played.  Not even close.


    I think it's a shame he's leaving because he can be a good player for us, but I totally understand him wanting to go.  Especially in light of recent incidents and the fact that he must know that trying to win the fans back over is a pointless exercise.


    Aye, sorry, it's all the fans' fault.


    Saint Dyer's so hard done to.


    Ungrateful? For what?


    For the money spent on medical fees?  I was playing the part of the idiots who, having wanted the bloke to leave the club for years, are now slating him for finally succumbing to the pressure and wanting to go himself.


    As for "Saint Dyer", he's done a LOT less than people make out.  A couple of regrettable incidents that I'm sure he wished he hadn't been involved in, and then being a long term injury sufferer.  Oh and he got well paid, big deal, he's a professional footballer


    Ask yourself this though - if he HADN'T been injured as often as he has, if we'd got 40 games a season out of him over all these years, would people still despise him like they do for an incident with the captain's armband, and for having a piss in the street?  I bet they f****** wouldn't, which just shows how ridiculous the whole thing is.  In the main he's despised for having been injured.  The other incidents are nothing in the grand scheme of things.


    So would you also say that Owen should have left as soon as he recovered from his injury or were you one of the people who thought he should show us some loyalty, because by your account Dyer has never been fully fit, so surely he should show us some loyalty too?


    Nope, I said at the time that Owen was perfectly entitled to leave if he wanted to.  In fact, in the immediate aftermath of last season I said that if I was him I'd be telling my agent that his holidays were cancelled as he was going to be working his arse off finding me a way out of the shambles that is NUFC.


    Which slightly messes up your point. :razz:


    Not really, fair enough you don't think loyalty should be part of a footballers character, I however think it should. I thought Owen should show us some loyalty, and I thought Dyer should as well.


    But as soon as he's fully fit he want's out. Fair enough that's his decision, I don't personally agree with it.


    Do you not think he knows that most of the fans want "the dirty skank/f****** w******/little arsehole/etc etc" out though?  Do you think that might have some bearing on his decision?


    He gets booed by his own fans, and you then expect him to show them loyalty?  How much loyalty would you feel like showing under those circumstances?


    I'm not painting him as the victim in all this btw, but it's preposterous to suggest that he should show loyalty to a crowd that (in some cases, literally) is baying for his blood.


    Yeh but mate, what came first? Dyers inept displays? or the crowd getting on his back?


    I've never know the crowd to boo a player unless they feel he's not giving everything he can. And you can't say for one minute that Dyer has giving 100% in all the games he played for us can you?


    It's very rare that I've seen a Kieron Dyer performance that's lacked effort.  I just don't think that he's ever been guilty of that, and there are plenty that agree with me (generally the people not blinded by hatred).  I've seen a bloke that clearly wasn't fit trying to get through games on occasion, but I just don't think the lack of effort accusation sticks with Dyer.


    Tehn in the opinion of many fans, you'll be wrong.




    I did make specific reference to people NOT blinded by hatred tbf.  I think we know where you fall in that respect. :razz:


    Yes, he's been great, loads of effort, loads of good games, loads of output. not.


    Man, I thought I was getting somewhere until you threw the "not" at me.  Party on, Wayne!


    Indeed. When Dyer goes to his next club, and provides his annual 3 assists, we'll see how loved he is, or if it IS just the case of us being relatively stupid for falling for the phoney "potential" line.

  19. After years of paying KD's vast salary while he underwent one kind of treatment or another, it now seems to be common knowledge that the club are willing to let Dyer go. Wouldn't it be wise to try and get something back on the pitch from him in return for our patience and outlay ?


    Every manager Dyer has worked under considered him as an automatic first choice, England coaches and just a couple of days ago Big Sam also praised his contributions to the team.  Are a bunch of sheep brained charvas and nufc.com more qualified to decide what Dyer contributes to a football team ? I think not.


    Dyer often covers more ground than any other player over 90 mins - lazy little get - don't think so.

    When Dyer runs at defenders, he has an almost unique ability to take 2 or 3 with him, creating space for his team's forwards rarely offered in the Premiership.

    He earns a fortune - sure - but finding a replacement will cost at least as much.


    I say stick with Dyer, lets see what a full season of playing ( ??? ) brings out of him, support him as we should support every player who wears black and white and lets see if he can finally make the prolonged and positive contribution to our cause which we have waited for.


    He's not good enough to either justify his wages, or make up for 8 years of mediocrity.


    Fucks sake, some people still seem to think he's some kind of world class player. :lol:


    Who does?


    So no-one then?


    There are plenty who even last season saying he's worth keeping, a great player, yadda yadda, in the face of all available evidence.


    There are even some now who want to keep him, despite his wages being 3 or 4 times greater than his ability.

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