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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. James, in terms of wingers, we have Milner, N'Zogbia, Duff, Solano & Dyer can play there. One is out until November, two are expected to leave. Diouf would be ideal.


    And Dyer isn't even a winger (or, if he is, he's the worst of that bunch by a mile).

  2. To be fair NM you're as guilty of exaggeration as the people you are critising here. Nobody thinks Barton is a saint.


    I don't think i fully listed his on or off field misdemeanors (spelling?? fuck knows), but i think its fair to say that he's proven himself to be a nut-job.


    What i'm criticising is people who put the blinkers on. If he's going to do well for us, and keep his nose clean, fantastic, but lets not pretend itsa given JUST cos he plays for us.


    Look at Tim Cahill: strong, gives and takes it physically, smacked one our players in the mouth - he's a cunt.

    Alan Shearer: strong, gave and took it physically, smacke done of our players in the mouth - he's a god to some.


    i'm not saying the two incidents are the same, but if Shearer hadn't played for us, he's be a "dirty bastard".

  3. Diouf is one of the few players I wouldn't want here. He is a totla cunt and has proved it time and time again. WOuld never want to see him in a Newcastle shirt.



    Not so sure about Barton. Barton clearly has anger issues and has times where the red mist comes down and does something incredibly stupid. However I'm not so sure he is a bad person as such and it looks like he is trying to change. On the other hand you have Diouf who dives, spits and just generally acts like a total cunt whenever I see him play and has made no attempt to change his ways.


    Yeah, stubbing a cigar out on a kids eye when you are a senior player doesn't make you a bad person. Spitting does though. Thats totally different.

    Barton was 21 when the cigar incident happened and Tandy was hardly a kid, only a year or two younger than Barton at the time. Not denying Barton has done bad things but atleast most of the time he is alright and doesn't act like a idiot on the pitch.


    He's "stormed out" of the ground after not being picked, started on-pitch brawls, bared his arse, attacked a team mate and had a pop at an Everton fan, resulting in an injury to another team mate.


    He was 22 hen he did the cigar thing, against an 18 year old.


    But hey, he plays for us, so he's DEFINATLEY changed now, and wouldn't do ANYTHING bad now. He's liek Ghandi, Mother Theresa and Dirty Bob Geldof all rolled into one.

  4. Diouf is one of the few players I wouldn't want here. He is a totla c*** and has proved it time and time again. WOuld never want to see him in a Newcastle shirt.



    Not so sure about Barton. Barton clearly has anger issues and has times where the red mist comes down and does something incredibly stupid. However I'm not so sure he is a bad person as such and it looks like he is trying to change. On the other hand you have Diouf who dives, spits and just generally acts like a total c*** whenever I see him play and has made no attempt to change his ways.


    Yeah, stubbing a cigar out on a kids eye when you are a senior player doesn't make you a bad person. Spitting does though. Thats totally different.

    Ya but the difference is Barton knows hes done wrong and is getting help wheres Diouf just keeps on acting the cunt and doesnt give the shit!To be honest we have better talent than him here already especially on the left.Would you prefer to see him playing ahead of Milner,Duff,Zog?I know I def wouldnt!


    Duff has been poor, and i prefer MIlner on the right, but i get your point.


    This smacks to me of another "that player is shite and a wrong 'un cos he plays for someone else, this player is determined/hard but fair/changed now becuase he plays for us".

  5. I can also see when Owen comes back that when Sam plays all three together at some stage, that can cause a lot of teams trouble as when the ball is played through to Viduka, he will have both Owen and Martins buzzing around him waiting to be played in.


    This could cause a lot of panic in the opposing defence as they will have to watch for the ball to either Owen or Martins or Viduka turning and shooting, or laying the ball back for hopefully a oncoming midfielder to have a shot.


    Ever the optimist me like.


    The potential is overwhelming. I agree.


    If a front three of Owen, Viduka and Martins works well it would be delicious. Also, great to know that we could also slot Milner and Zoggy into the wide forward roles occassionally, to give Owen and Martins a break, or to add more width should we need to do so. Fantastic options upfront.


    2 of the front 3 did very well, although i worry about the fat convict in truth. We shoudl have gotten Smith and a younger, decent forward for me.


    Although, obviously, anything that keeps Shola further away from the first team should be applauded.

  6. Diouf is one of the few players I wouldn't want here. He is a totla cunt and has proved it time and time again. WOuld never want to see him in a Newcastle shirt.



    Not so sure about Barton. Barton clearly has anger issues and has times where the red mist comes down and does something incredibly stupid. However I'm not so sure he is a bad person as such and it looks like he is trying to change. On the other hand you have Diouf who dives, spits and just generally acts like a total cunt whenever I see him play and has made no attempt to change his ways.


    Yeah, stubbing a cigar out on a kids eye when you are a senior player doesn't make you a bad person. Spitting does though. Thats totally different.

  7. Come on Tron.


    You can't disagree with any decision made by newcastle managers because they know more than you do. That is your argument, right?


    Who said you can't disagree? Feel free to disagree, just pointing out that successive managers from Robson through to Allardyce now, have seen fit to put Shola in their squad. That doesn't make them right or you wrong, just a professional manager's opinion will have more weight than Johnny down the pub. But Johnny's entitled to his opinion just like anyone else.


    especially when the managers were wrong.


    says Johnny down the pub...


    Correct. Which, as you say, is my right.


    Personally, i wouldn't let Shola onto the bench even, but if he has to be there, so be it. As long as we don't have to play the useless pile of steaming donkey shite.

  8. I think Dyer and Solano going should be seen as an opportunity for the club. Solano has been a really good player for us but he can't have many seasons left in him (I doubt he'd have been given a new contract  - even a 12 month one - next season) and Dyer is one of those players who never really has been a consistent performer (and he is no longer a kid). If getting these two off the wage bill and generating cash sees a new, hungry player or two arrive then I'll be happy enough.


    Yeah, especially in the case of Dyer. I'd have snapped that £6 million out of West Ham's hands so quickly and brutally that they couldn't w*** again, personally.


    me too. Its about double what he's worth, and what we dod was f****** stupid.


    I was happy with £5m but hopefully Curbishley's stupid enough to give us £7m for Solano and Dyer which will get the deal done.


    i'd take £5m for the pair of them. Dyer isn't worth that, and i'd let Nobby go for nowt if he is depserate to leave.


    Mind, we HAVE to get a first team RB in sharpish, and Nobby leaving makes this even more obvious.


    What an utter cunt. He starts it, he takes it to another level, he gets petty while SA remains dignified and now he says its unhealthy and wants to call a truce?


    Fuking sad wanker.


    It was Gartside who foraced SA hand by not supporting him in the transfer market, he's the reason it went stale, and appointing Sammy Lee will now see them playing terrible football with poor results, just about what they deserve, and certainly what the fans who dare call SA for his efforts deserve.


    I pray they go down.




    you don't like people who do their talking in the media?

  10. Diouf is one of the few players I wouldn't want here. He is a totla cunt and has proved it time and time again. WOuld never want to see him in a Newcastle shirt.



  11. I think Dyer and Solano going should be seen as an opportunity for the club. Solano has been a really good player for us but he can't have many seasons left in him (I doubt he'd have been given a new contract  - even a 12 month one - next season) and Dyer is one of those players who never really has been a consistent performer (and he is no longer a kid). If getting these two off the wage bill and generating cash sees a new, hungry player or two arrive then I'll be happy enough.


    Yeah, especially in the case of Dyer. I'd have snapped that £6 million out of West Ham's hands so quickly and brutally that they couldn't wank again, personally.


    me too. Its about double what he's worth, and what we dod was fucking stupid.

  12. What did anyone expect him to say?


    Oh, and before he joined us, lets face it, there were plently of us mocking Allardyce for the allegations of worngdoing, style of play, having a MASSIVE head, etc.


    I'd expect him to keep his big gob shut and let the talking be done on the pitch.  Didn't do his club any favours by bad mouthing him, they got played off the pitch. 


    I see your point, though.




    you really think that him (admitedly stupidly) opening his mouth affected the outcome? Because it didn't.


    And here WE are, saying Ashley shoudl come out and state his intent, then slaughtering a chairman who comes out and bigs up his existing team and management staff, at the expense of a man who left. Good on him i say, you have to look forward, and support your staff.


    If only we could all be as positive as you, NM.


    Or as incisive as you. But we can't, so we'll have to live with it. Too bad for us.

  13. Come on Tron.


    You can't disagree with any decision made by newcastle managers because they know more than you do. That is your argument, right?


    Who said you can't disagree? Feel free to disagree, just pointing out that successive managers from Robson through to Allardyce now, have seen fit to put Shola in their squad. That doesn't make them right or you wrong, just a professional manager's opinion will have more weight than Johnny down the pub. But Johnny's entitled to his opinion just like anyone else.


    especially when the managers were wrong.

  14. Except that he wasn't really effective... on a few occasions when there was finally chance for some restbite he needlessly fouled their players giving possession straight back to them.


    Disrupting flow of game/causing unrest in home ends and winding down the clock. We were 3-1 up and comfortable, if they were allowed to build any momentum however, things could have become extremely uncomfortable.


    He did what I'm in no doubt was expected of him, from the bench. To go and jump all over Faye and be a complete nuisance in the most crudest of ways.


    Its a fair point like. But at the same time, youve gotta question why the hell cant he bust a gut more when running-jogging, altho thats the point, its not running, he just jogs. Im not saying why isnt he fast, but simply when have you seen him actually sprint?? I backed his case for a while personally and thought he got unfair stick to begin with, but he has had so many chances to shine since bieng here and hasnt taken them, he's been so poor for so long now imo, its crazy he's still here.


    Never seen Viduka sprint...


    I think people are being extremely harsh here, he came on for a few minutes, he's hardly figured in pre-season and hasn't played much football at all for more than 6 months, and people expect a player who isn't quick to start with, to start sprinting about chasing things?


    You obviously didn't watch the match on Saturday then. Made a few darting sprints withthe ball at his feet down the middle of the pitch.


    He did a bit of aimless running, certainly. Nothing to write home about.

  15. imagine the delight at chelsea over this one. 


    If it takes torres time to settle then we only have to beat chelski for the title :p


    (arsenal still look shaky atmo)


    Torres? ha ha.


    Liverpool were never going to threaten Chelsea and Man Utd for the title. And they still won't.

  16. What did anyone expect him to say?


    Oh, and before he joined us, lets face it, there were plently of us mocking Allardyce for the allegations of worngdoing, style of play, having a MASSIVE head, etc.


    I'd expect him to keep his big gob shut and let the talking be done on the pitch.  Didn't do his club any favours by bad mouthing him, they got played off the pitch. 


    I see your point, though.




    you really think that him (admitedly stupidly) opening his mouth affected the outcome? Because it didn't.


    And here WE are, saying Ashley shoudl come out and state his intent, then slaughtering a chairman who comes out and bigs up his existing team and management staff, at the expense of a man who left. Good on him i say, you have to look forward, and support your staff.

  17. Agree strongly with one of the points in this thread, whilst it can be (depending on your viewponit) acceptable to boo the team, booing an individual is indefensibleand massively counter-productive.


    booing an individual DURING THE GAME is wrong. Booign a player after the game can be the only way to publically voice frustrations, and i have no problem with that.


    On the knee-jerk thing, what i worry about is the Dyer/Bramble/Luque effect - fans publically had such high hopes, and bought ino thte hype so much, that when they were found out, a number of supporters were unable to accept that the reality differed from their first thoughts. Some of those supporters to this day stick to their guns. If we end up being a mid-table team, will the "we'll be 4th" brigade refuse to accept that we just aren't that good, and continue to be blinkered? OR, if we DO end up breaking into the top 5, will the doubters (liek me), accept that it's not a fluke.


    I've said it before, football fans are stupid, and i accept i often don't differ from that truism.


    Barton is misunderstood. Dabo had a fly on his face. Barton should be rewarded.  :angel:


    Sure. Well, according to pictures, it seems like there were several flies.


    What I don't understand is how Barton was able to inflict so much damage to Dabo's face.  Why the fuck

    did another City player not pull him off?  Did Dabo have it coming? 




    Aye, he had it coming. Barton should get a medal.


    Jesus wept.

  19. mackems.gif Not living in Newcastle? What happens to your ultra uber suppa fan best fan most loyal fan in 40 years la di dum  mackems.gif


    You are not qualified to support Newcastle United - shut up then !!!


    Well done, now you look like even more of a cretin that you did before. Bravo you.

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