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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Has Ameobi ever missed a pen? I'd say Ameobi when he's on, if not then probably Solano or Martins at a stretch.


    then lets hope we never have to see that big streak of donkey shite have to try.

  2. Express say SA will make a decision on whether to bid for Shorey this week


    Hasn't he signed a new contract?


    does that make any difference? Just that if it does, it'll be the first time i can recall.

  3. No surprise to anyone abotu the Fat Man going, except presumably the (very very few) people on here who were still giving it the "he's still in charge, he still has a role to play" even up to last week.


    Well done ot Ashley for getting rid, now Allardyce needs to continue HIS clearout, and get rid of the last few pieces of shit we have left.

  4. So if things stay the same who would people prefer us to start the season at left back? Baba, Ramage or Huntington?


    Babayaro, I suppose.



  5. I don't have much doubt that Allardyce wants to keep Dyer. The big question is whether Dyer wants a move. He may prefer the brighter lights of London, and he'll be conscious that he's not the most popular player with our fans. I think he feels a bit under-appreciated, and that's at least partly justified. He may be pushing for this move, I don't know, in which case that could sway the decision.


    I don't want him to go. I'd like to see Barton and Dyer given a good try out in centre mid.


    i liek how everyone KNOWS what Allardyce wants. All of the "dyer is a greta player" brigade have exceptionally short memories, and typical black and white tinted glasses.


    They're talking about £4m on the radio. I'd snap thier hands off for that, for a player with Dyer's limitations.

  6. Juventus's young left back Chiellini is talking about leaving because he doesn't think he'll get enough games this season. He's 22, Liverpool have been linked by Sky Sports. Anyone know if he's any good?

    best LB on FM


    that'll be good enough for some of the 'tards on here.

  7. You liar it didn't say challenging yesterday as you well know. ;)


    yes it did. I've not changed it. least i don't think i have. NAh, i'd remember if i'd done it yesterday. The mentals haven't kicked in THAT bad yet!


    Play safe. :razz:


    either way, we are NOT going to be challenging for 4th, or being 4th, so its moot.

  8. Harper has always been 13, hasn't he?


    Was 12 last season I think.


    Changed from 13 to 12 when Andy Griffin changed from 12 to 2 in his last season for us.

    yeah exactly... some very odd changes I must say ???


    Why Nobby would suddenly revert back? I'm sure he has first choice to keep his own number.... and Harps going back and forth... footballers have too much time I guess.


    :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:


    why would Nobby have first choice? He's not a first choice player any more, clearly.

  9. You liar it didn't say challenging yesterday as you well know. ;)


    yes it did. I've not changed it. least i don't think i have. NAh, i'd remember if i'd done it yesterday. The mentals haven't kicked in THAT bad yet!

  10. Vic has been right about FS uptill now which must be gauling his usual detractors.


    Thank You.

    I must have missed the bit where Shepherd launched a counter bid and stopped the takeover from happening :razz:


    but you have missed the bit where I said shepherd woulc be involved in a future ashley set-up. something I do believe stopped him making a counter bid. Or are you that naive that given the nature of all the other recent take-overs there was absolutely no-one willing to back shepherd against ashley?


    so you think he'll be here at the end of the season, Shepherd?

  11. Well FS sacked Bond off the back of a TV documentary (maybe this was why he was so quick to distance himself from him) so i'm sure police issuing warrants and seizing computers at the club will result in termination of the contracts of whoever is involved. If its Freddy then no 2 year pay off, awww, poor fuker.


    Bond was sacked for no official reason, as per employment law re. unfair dismissal within a year


    To be fair to Vic, he's got that bit spot on


    I wouldn't even bother Liam, these fuckwits won't have it tbh


    soemone get a hanky, there's goign to be tears soon.

  12. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?



    it's already been explained what he does by Mort himself FFS


    which was?


    go and find out, it looks like you need the education




    You don't know, do you??! Brilliant.




    :lol:  Vic trying the junior school approach.  "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!"


    why should I tbh? I've posted the truth on here many times, yet people still continue to post in error. As if fuckingnorthernmonkey would change his opinion if I put the information in front of his face (the fucking laugh is it's on here already). Like I said, half hoped he wanted to find out himself, but instead he'd rather talk bollocks and make jokes


    pure laziness tbh


    "fuckingnorthernmonkey" :lol:


    You've got the talking bollocks thing almost totally sewn up, mate, so i can only do my best.



  13. So most people feel the takeover means sod all in terms of transfer funds? Interesting.


    I don't think that's what most people feel.


    For myself, I think that SA, pending Ashley's review, is proceeding with the kind of budget he would have had under Shepherd. More money will probably materialise, and some kind of "trophy signing" may be on the cards. Or not. If Oba's release clause gets triggered, for example, I imagine enough cash will materialise to buy a top-quality replacement. We may well splash out on a fancy playmaker. And more money will definitely be spent on the defence.


    What he said.


    I like the idea that we aren't running round with our cocks in our hands, throwing money at crap like we used to.


    I just wish we could get a true top class player to partner Owen long term, instead of the fat convict, and stop pretending that Babayaro is anything other than a big heap of jizz.


    Just going on the poll. Most people believe we have £10-15 million to spend.


    By my reckoning that is at best no more than most would have expected from the old regime, which strikes me as a little odd.


    I think there is a lot more available. I'd say £25m would be closer.


    Based on your ind-depth insider knowledge, like your "Roeder will be here next season", or your ability to make up shite, like your "Roeder will be here next season"?



    Don't know where you're getting that from I'd like to see a quote. Others on this site know I was one of the few that said Roeder wouldn't be here.


    It's clearly a total guess right as is seems we are thinking of £58m for Ronny.


    I see you've changed your sig to "challenging" today. :lol:  Stick to your guns man....Don't be changing shit everyday. :D


    my sig has always said that. We'll never be doing it, so it means fuck all.


    thinking of £58m!!! Christ, this gets funnier.

  14. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?



    it's already been explained what he does by Mort himself FFS


    which was?


    go and find out, it looks like you need the education




    You don't know, do you??! Brilliant.


    I do, but if you're happy not to go educate yourself, it hardly makes me think it's worth the effort to do it for you now does it?


    hahahaahahahahaahaha!!!! Excellent. That really is excellent.


    whatever. like you even want to find out tbh


    if i didn't want to, i'd not have asked, you genius.


    and i'm still waiting to hear you impart your wisdom on how long  the fat man will be with us.

  15. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?



    it's already been explained what he does by Mort himself FFS


    which was?


    go and find out, it looks like you need the education




    You don't know, do you??! Brilliant.


    I do, but if you're happy not to go educate yourself, it hardly makes me think it's worth the effort to do it for you now does it?


    hahahaahahahahaahaha!!!! Excellent. That really is excellent.

  16. Looks like the honeymoon is over, tbh.


    good, now we can all stop pretending the cunt is a better manager than Brian Clough and SAF's love child, and  that he's got the Board whipped into shape, and accept that he's a strong-willed employee of the club who uses the media to his own ends, and doesn't mind whining if it suits him.


    i don't particularly care if "Big" Sam is spooning Ashley under the duvet, or if they have a cold, business-like relationship. As long as NUFC are as successful as possible.

  17. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?



    it's already been explained what he does by Mort himself FFS


    which was?


    go and find out, it looks like you need the education




    You don't know, do you??! Brilliant.



  18. Interesting that Beckham might not play against Chelsea. Apparently he aggravated an ankle injury on the flight over, which sounds a bit strange.


    I don't imagine that the prospect of getting mullered by Chelsea on his debut was a particularly attractive one.


    he's always supposedly injured before big events, though.

  19. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?



    it's already been explained what he does by Mort himself FFS


    which was?

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