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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. So most people feel the takeover means sod all in terms of transfer funds? Interesting.


    I don't think that's what most people feel.


    For myself, I think that SA, pending Ashley's review, is proceeding with the kind of budget he would have had under Shepherd. More money will probably materialise, and some kind of "trophy signing" may be on the cards. Or not. If Oba's release clause gets triggered, for example, I imagine enough cash will materialise to buy a top-quality replacement. We may well splash out on a fancy playmaker. And more money will definitely be spent on the defence.


    What he said.


    I like the idea that we aren't running round with our cocks in our hands, throwing money at crap like we used to.


    I just wish we could get a true top class player to partner Owen long term, instead of the fat convict, and stop pretending that Babayaro is anything other than a big heap of jizz.


    Just going on the poll. Most people believe we have £10-15 million to spend.


    By my reckoning that is at best no more than most would have expected from the old regime, which strikes me as a little odd.


    I think there is a lot more available. I'd say £25m would be closer.


    Based on your ind-depth insider knowledge, like your "Roeder will be here next season", or your ability to make up shite, like your "Roeder will be here next season"?

  2. He was on his way anyway, Vic.  And if there are allegations of corruption surrounding the previous regime, all the more reason to hasten his departure.  That's what NM was saying and it makes perfect sense.  I'm guessing you spotted that though, and just decided to try and disagree anyway, you bore.


    it makes perfect sense to sack someone without grounds? yeah, sure :rolleyes:


    this thread is defamationtastic btw




    Please explain how long you think Shepherd will still be at the club, btw.

  3. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.



    eh? even if he's done nothing wrong, Ashley will sack Fred without grounds because no-one likes the cops banging on the door?


    that's some excellent analysis there


    he won't get sacked, he'll just be shuffled out earlier than planned.


    What does he do, Vic? the manager doesn't report to him, he isn't leading the strategic review, he's not in charge of the money. He's on borrowed time and he knows it.


    as for Ashley, i can't see him being happy about the police thing, can you?

  4. And as for Bridge winning the "poll," well, he's a perma crock and I'd look to increase our fitness levels on the left side, not sign Babs v 2.0. 


    well done, thats the stupidest comment of the week so far. Which takes some doing.

  5. Anyone who thought Shepherd would be hanging sround for long is a mug. This can only hasten the pace of our distancing ourselves from him. Whether or not he or anyone else has done anything wrong, no-one wants police raids and inferences of corruption diretoed at their business.


    And thats what this is - Ashley's business, his club. Shepherd isn't in charge of the manager, or the review, or anything else as far as anyone knows. And i very much doubt Ashley got where he is today by keeping people like Shpeherd around for long.

  6. He's Egyptian I'd say. Clue was in the question tttt.


    he lived in egypt for about his first two years, about as long as I spent in germany FFS, and I'm no German, and he doesn't class himself as Egyptian


    he's nearer Egyptian than Geordie :lol:



  7. he already has the budget


    i'm sure he does, i just like the way he hasn't wasted it yet.


    He's clearly a man who knows what he wants.


    no questions asked is what he wants I would guess



  8. Vic's not a Geordie FWIW. He's a cockerknee.


    I am half Geordie, Dave from Leeds


    No, you're not. You're from where you come from, were born/raised etc.



    whatever. I imagine like Stevie most of the people you know have never moved more then a quarter mile in their lives


    pretty sad tbh, and totally ignorant too


    Then you'd imagine wrong, and not for the first time.


    Ignorant? Perhaps, but i prefer to think of it as honesty - i think it's pathetic to pretend to be something you're not. No-one really gives a fuck where you come from, and if you're the kind of person who wants to support a club in a place you don't come from, thats up to you. But i'd rather be honest about it.


    In my opinion, football clubs should be supported by those who come from that place, or have a familial link with it. But supporting a club doesn't magically make you from that place. Doesn't matter of both someones parents were from London, but that person was born and raised in Newcastle whilst supporting his parent's London club, they' still not be a cockney.


    how about living there as well as a familial link? where do you draw the line?


    and of course it matters, because by these daft fuckers definitions on here, you lot a are mackems if I'm a cockney tbh as you live twice as close to mackemland as I have ever lived to a cockney



    Does living there make you FROM there? I don't think so, personally.


    Me, i was born here and i've lived in here for all but 4 of my 30-odd years, so i believe i am a Geordie.


    If you live/have a familial link with somewhere, i think you could support that team, thats a choice thing. But does it make you a Geordie (or whatever)? no, not for me.


    Edited due to godawful spelling


    what about kids who move around like I did? there's an egyptian in here, must be 21, he's lived in about 10 countries already, what does that make him?


    It makes him an egyptian, i guess :)


    kids who move around a lot (except pikeys, they're dirty) are an interesting one. Where did you call "home"? or where were you born, etc?

  9. So most people feel the takeover means sod all in terms of transfer funds? Interesting.


    I don't think that's what most people feel.


    For myself, I think that SA, pending Ashley's review, is proceeding with the kind of budget he would have had under Shepherd. More money will probably materialise, and some kind of "trophy signing" may be on the cards. Or not. If Oba's release clause gets triggered, for example, I imagine enough cash will materialise to buy a top-quality replacement. We may well splash out on a fancy playmaker. And more money will definitely be spent on the defence.


    What he said.


    I like the idea that we aren't running round with our cocks in our hands, throwing money at crap like we used to.


    I just wish we could get a true top class player to partner Owen long term, instead of the fat convict, and stop pretending that Babayaro is anything other than a big heap of jizz.

  10. Vic's not a Geordie FWIW. He's a cockerknee.


    I am half Geordie, Dave from Leeds


    No, you're not. You're from where you come from, were born/raised etc.



    whatever. I imagine like Stevie most of the people you know have never moved more then a quarter mile in their lives


    pretty sad tbh, and totally ignorant too


    Then you'd imagine wrong, and not for the first time.


    Ignorant? Perhaps, but i prefer to think of it as honesty - i think it's pathetic to pretend to be something you're not. No-one really gives a fuck where you come from, and if you're the kind of person who wants to support a club in a place you don't come from, thats up to you. But i'd rather be honest about it.


    In my opinion, football clubs should be supported by those who come from that place, or have a familial link with it. But supporting a club doesn't magically make you from that place. Doesn't matter of both someones parents were from London, but that person was born and raised in Newcastle whilst supporting his parent's London club, they' still not be a cockney.


    how about living there as well as a familial link? where do you draw the line?


    and of course it matters, because by these daft fuckers definitions on here, you lot a are mackems if I'm a cockney tbh as you live twice as close to mackemland as I have ever lived to a cockney



    Does living there make you FROM there? I don't think so, personally.


    Me, i was born here and i've lived in here for all but 4 of my 30-odd years, so i believe i am a Geordie.


    If you live/have a familial link with somewhere, i think you could support that team, thats a choice thing. But does it make you a Geordie (or whatever)? no, not for me.


    Edited due to godawful spelling

  11. i don't know if this thread is still about steven taylor, but if it is i'd really rather someone else was made captain.


    Who else?


    Given - no chance. Can't control his own back 4.

    Solano - not a season-long player now.

    Rozenhal - too new

    Babayaro - haahahahahahaha!!!

    Carr - see Babayaro

    Emre - nope. Can't have a skipper who keeps going missing

    Barton - jesus.

    Dire - <snigger>

    Martins - no

    Owen - possibly, not sure he's a captain though?

    Viduka - nope

    Duff - no

    The Zog - god no.

    Milner - no

    Butt - possibly, but is he a first team starter?

    Ameobi - <snigger again>

    Geremi - don't think so

    Luque - <swallows tongue>

  12. Vic's not a Geordie FWIW. He's a cockerknee.


    I am half Geordie, Dave from Leeds


    No, you're not. You're from where you come from, were born/raised etc.



    whatever. I imagine like Stevie most of the people you know have never moved more then a quarter mile in their lives


    pretty sad tbh, and totally ignorant too


    Then you'd imagine wrong, and not for the first time.


    Ignorant? Perhaps, but i prefer to think of it as honesty - i think it's pathetic to pretend to be something you're not. No-one really gives a fuck where you come from, and if you're the kind of person who wants to support a club in a place you don't come from, thats up to you. But i'd rather be honest about it.


    In my opinion, football clubs should be supported by those who come from that place, or have a familial link with it. But supporting a club doesn't magically make you from that place. Doesn't matter of both someones parents were from London, but that person was born and raised in Newcastle whilst supporting his parent's London club, they' still not be a cockney.

  13. Vic's not a Geordie FWIW. He's a cockerknee.


    I am half Geordie, Dave from Leeds


    No, you're not. You're from where you come from, were born/raised etc.



    whatever. I imagine like Stevie most of the people you know have never moved more then a quarter mile in their lives


    pretty sad tbh, and totally ignorant too

    You'd think you two would get on, what with the Forest Hall connection and everything.


    You'd think, yes.

  14. I heard at the match once that his wife takes it up the 'rse. Some bigger boys were chanting it at him. I don't believe they'd even met her, so i don't know how they knew. I think it was made up.

  15. According to the Shields Gazette, which gets its info from the Chronicle, Sam is looking at Palermo defender Andrea Barzagli.




    Between him and Big Time Charlie, the club shop is going to have to order some extra 'z's in.

  16. Oh my!


    I think all the mods know the story here.


    Any chance of giving us ordinary mortals a clue as to what it might be?


    Nope, sorry.




    Teh mark of someone who knows f*** all?






    "ooh, ooh, i know, but i can't say. But i do knwo though. Honest".


    If you know, you could find a way of getting across the facts.



    Will you retract that if I tell you?




    Is it something to do with claiming 11 years worth of Greggs' bills on expenses?

  17. Oh my!


    I think all the mods know the story here.


    Any chance of giving us ordinary mortals a clue as to what it might be?


    Nope, sorry.




    Teh mark of someone who knows f*** all?






    "ooh, ooh, i know, but i can't say. But i do knwo though. Honest".


    If you know, you could find a way of getting across the facts.


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