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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. That list of "Geremi is better at....".....



    Let me guess.....you've watched him play every game he's ever played for his clubs/country/in his back garden......or you take too much notice of Fm2007.......or you just giessed those things......


  2. Only Ashley's.


    riiight. you know how the law works right? job titles are kind of an important thing so I'm told



    Anyone interested enough in the club to have an opinion will be aware that Shepherd is merely being kept on temporarily -- partly out of politeness, partly because of his pay-off, and partly because he knows where the bodies are buried.


    His actual job title is irrelevant.


    so, when he is talking to a develoment company, or the inland revenue, or the FA, he has no legal status with which to do so?


    he won't be doing any of those things. Regardless of his title, he now has no power or responsibility. Allardyce reports to someone else, and there is a new owner.

  3. remember, we offered him a new contract but he went to cardiff(on the advice of Alan Shearer) to get first team football. which probably means we still thought he had a chance of making it.


    I would imagine we saw him as a 4th/5th choice striker.


    aye, cos you'd sell a player you thought was going to have a decent chance of making it.

  4. so he is the chairman, but he isn't really because a couple of mongs on the interenet say he isn't?


    he's still around, but not for long, i think is the top and bottom of it.

  5. All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


    The end product is what matters.


    He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


    . . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .


    he'll stay and see what Allardyce does for us, if he stays at all. Then he'll f*** off if/when we aren't challenging for the CL. And you can't blame the lad for that.


    Logical and correct.


    Applying the same type of logic, and what I hope Sam will do the rest of the close season, I see Owen staying with us for a long long time. It will not be that long before we are challenging at the top end of the league again, only this time, once we have started, our even-greater-than-previously 'financial muscle' should see us stay there.


    top 4? nah. But hopefully we'll be near enpugh to keep Lil' Mikey interested for a season or two.

  6. Sam will not be able to add 5 yards of pace to Luque's game or the courage needed to compete in the PL. I have not seen any player knocked so easily off the ball as Luque & he tackles like a coward.


    He is a player who needs time on the ball & protection from referees; he aint going to get that in PL. I would love to see him do well but that aint going to happen either.


    Watching Luque warm up is soul destroying. Match after match I have watched him trot up & down the line in front of me clearing going through the motions. He has a contract until 2010! We need him out. ASAP.




    Only i see him warming up from an angle, rather than right in front of me.


    He is in front me; running up & down at between say a 45 to 90 degree angle to the front of me, depending upon his running position on the cinder track. OK?


    ......and no matter what angle I see him from he looks like he couldn't give a sh*t. If Sam can make a decent PL player out of him he will deserve a medal. Confidence will not give him pace & I really don't think it will give him courage either. The 30 minutes or so he played against Manure on his debut was deeply disappointing; he clearly wasn't a winger & ducked out of every challenge.


    Allardyce is good with people, we know that, but fucking Luque can't be magically given pace/control/heart/awareness, can he?


    Aside from the kids who think the online showreel is a true reflection of his ability, not many NUFC fans (and even fewer who've actually watched him live) think he can cut it. And they're right, imho.

  7. Shepherd will be gone by Christmas, Mort will not.


    Allardyce does not report directly to Shepherd any more.


    The fucker is here short term now, and thats a good thing on the football side.


    Very good news.  I was one of the most vocal, saying "he is exactly the type of player big clubs don't sell, we should be building a team with him for the next ten years or so", before and during all the ridiculous attempts to sell him to Villa.


    That was bizarre, even by our (old-style) standards.


    Aye! All we have to do now is teach him how to cross properly and score goals!


    He needs to learn those things, but he's still the best right winger we have now that Nobby is all slow and that.

  9. All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


    The end product is what matters.


    He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


    . . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .


    he'll stay and see what Allardyce does for us, if he stays at all. Then he'll fuck off if/when we aren't challenging for the CL. And you can't blame the lad for that.

  10. Sam will not be able to add 5 yards of pace to Luque's game or the courage needed to compete in the PL. I have not seen any player knocked so easily off the ball as Luque & he tackles like a coward.


    He is a player who needs time on the ball & protection from referees; he aint going to get that in PL. I would love to see him do well but that aint going to happen either.


    Watching Luque warm up is soul destroying. Match after match I have watched him trot up & down the line in front of me clearing going through the motions. He has a contract until 2010! We need him out. ASAP.




    Only i see him warming up from an angle, rather than right in front of me.

  11. Good riddance... I f*cking hate nepotism.


    I agree and so does my father, uncle, cousin and brother


    As you didn't state that one of your family have gotten you a job/unfair advantage, that doesn't really work, does it?

  12. Down to him and charlie to battle it out for the left wing spot.


    Mind you, just depends on which formation we play.


    442- Competes with the Zog and possibly Milner whilst duff is out.


    433- Definate option for the left hand side of a front three.


    Isnt good for Away games in a 442 because he is an attacker, like with Souness and Robert, Roeder wanted Luque to be alot more defensive minded.


    Im looking forward to seeing him over the pre season and beyond, he will definately get his chance, its all down to him now.


    ha ha! Here's hoping not.

  13. Why would I want to donate to a site where I can't start a new topic?  That was a stupid decision by the admin people and was not thought through. I even pm'd them and didn't even get a reply. 


    Spot on, mate. Not exactly welcoming for new members is it?


    The reasons are obvious for it on a board this size though.


    The other way we had newbs starting shit threads the whole time, the forum was full of shit threads at times.


    Yeah, starting shit threads should be a job for "established" posters, who know fuck all, not new posters who might have a clue.

  14. just to drag this back to Chopra, the £5m premiership striker:




    i don't begrudge Cardiff the profit, its worth it for the laugh at the thought of the mackems paying that much for a Championship player. As has been said, though, maybe they are just looking ahead to the 2008/9 season?

  15. we should sign some argentinians, there quite good


    We tried with Cordone.


    So we shouldn't sign any English, Scottish, French, Spanish or Welsh players either, then?

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