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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Lets not start taking things for granted. I remember last year people saying we wouldn't go down because Hull were worse than us and look what happened.
  2. I hope Jonas has washed that mask, hasn't been out in a while.
  3. Lets hope we can make this happen. Hopefully the chance of playing time will sway his decision in our favour rather than the Prem boys where he would be a sub at best with the bigger clubs.
  4. Free ESPN! Fuck you Sky and your "special heights team", two months and three missed appointments later I still don't have a dish after moving home. All the time still billing me for my subscription.
  5. its not signed until its signed. and until it is, you can do anything you like tbh. Not that I'm a legal expert or anything but transfers go like this: We fax offer to Portsmouth and they fax back saying they accept (I understand that's how transfers are done?). Wouldn't that be a binding contract for the sale of the players registration? Couldn't we seek damages for breach of contract for them not fulfilling their end?
  6. i read that story a few months ago alright no telling how true it is Why Algerians? Beat Egypt in a play off for a World cup spot. Lot of ill feeling during the course of the two game tie.
  7. Diamanti of West Ham? he's nothing special.
  8. Missed the first half as was in the Uni library. We looked decent in patches in the second half and stand out players for me were Enrique, Kadar, and Carroll. Wasn't sure about throwing on Harewood on as a third striker when we were hanging on in the end should have replaced Gutierrez for another midfielder as everything was just coming back at us in the last few minutes.
  9. All this expectation on a lad who's only involvement in the first team was 5mins against leicester. Not having a pop at you in particular.
  10. Opportunity for the younger lads to impress the boss. Good luck to them.
  11. Cant stand all the JT and Stevie G nonsense these presenters babble on about. They've got their heads well jammed up their arses.
  12. Thrilling game though controversy aside.
  13. We;ve gone into the magical extra time manure always get when they need it.
  14. Bellamy bursting through and squeezing the ball past the keeper from a tight angle has made me all nostalgic.
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^ The wonders of good management and coaching.
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