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Everything posted by SAK

  1. So, the benefits garnered would be minimal if anything. Not worth the hassle of a tribunal.
  2. It was probably Sudafed Elixir which contains Psudoephedrine to clear chesty coughs. Hardly makes him a cheat.
  3. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    ^^^^^ Not going to get excited by this, we've had yanks, Omani's, malaysians, and Iranians close to buying us.
  4. http://www.subsidesports.com/uk/images/product/xlarge/NewcastleALS9596.jpg
  5. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/7673/mmlhungry2.jpg http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/7437/mmlhungry.jpg Couldn't decide which one to upload as I like both expressions 2nd one is brilliant
  6. So when does his contract with us end and how much more do we have to pay him before his manure contract starts?
  7. Or he could have worn it inside out, being in a rush to seal the deal?
  8. Could be the design of the shirt, fashion and all that?
  9. ^^^^ Turkish fans waiting for vassell http://www.moonunit.org/images/the_wicker_man.jpg
  10. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Second option for the long term.
  11. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    http://rlv.zcache.com/captain_obvious_tshirt-p235164150935880933traj_210.jpg Were you after the materialism thread?
  12. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    Would Ashley et al give a f*** about showing a sponsor around at this stage? Might sweeten the deal for a prospective buyer knowing there was a new/larger income stream?
  13. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    Lets just hope we get something sorted sooner rather tahn later so we can sort out the managerial situation and the squad.
  14. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    Was it white and did it have horns attached to the bonnet?
  15. Can't we just loan out the better players with a view to recalling them once we're back in the premiership? Obviously this only works if we bounce straight back up but they can atleast give us a season to get back up and if we don't then they can move elsewhere or sign for the loaning club.
  16. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    Seriously, just a bunch of clowns. Anyone interested in buying the club will know how to reach the club and I don't see how publishing an email address helps? Just plain embarrassing, we look like an even bigger joke. How the fuck did this guy become a billionaire? Seriously, he has no fucking business acumen whatsoever. Fucking classless wanker.
  17. SAK

    RIP sale thread.

    Hopefully some mega rich investors will want to get in while we're cheap.
  18. Being a Newcastle fan in London work on Tuesday is going to be brilliant. Everyone is going to be lining up to take the piss.
  19. What makes you think we'll rebuild? We might be consigned to the lower leagues from now. See Charlton, Norwich, Southampton, Leeds etc etc. I just don't want to think about us not making it out of that league. We need to make a decison as to who will manage next season and then get in the right players who can handle themselves in the Championship. We also need tro keep the core of the current side as if we loose to many it will be too difficult to build a team.
  20. Those responsible: 1) Mike Ashley (shit managerial choices, shit system that undermined the manager, under funding (we could have bought our way out of trouble in January ala Tottenham). 2) Derek llambias (Just an all round cunt) 3) Kevin Keegan (he could have left at the end of the season, we fell apart after he left) 4) Joe Kinnear (tried but not good enough)
  21. SAK


    8 but If we win our home games we'll be ok.
  22. Its really sad that we're praying for teams like Villa to do us a favour, a team we were ahead of only a few years back. Anyway...COME ON VILLA.
  23. He can can keep his sympathy and concern.
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