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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    Loïc Remy

    Maybe they're confused with the Daily Mail article that says the same a few posts up.
  2. He's got no left foot to make that square pass.
  3. Disillusioned, after the bad run we've been on I don't care about cup games.
  4. On the decline better start planning his replacement.
  5. If its the last 10 years then Bellamy and Robert should be in there we became genuine title contenders with them in the side.
  6. Fell apart after Bigi taken off. Need a CB and R. Santon was pretty rubbish today and Tiote although played well overall he loses possession in dangerous areas. Cisse was tidy in possession but wasted on wing. Individual errors cost us today like Simpsons throw in which lead to an Arsenal goal.
  7. Yep coin, hope the fucker who did it gets done for it.
  8. Can't we just sack the pleb now?
  9. Needs to be dropped as he's rubbish with the ball at his feet and panics and makes poor pass selections. Good at carrying the ball forward and winning free kicks but doesn't know what to do when players close him down but don't come in for the tackle. Cabaye, Tiote, and Anita should be the midfield from when Tiote' suspension is over.
  10. Don't think we do as we do our scouting over the course of a season and sometimes monitor players for a few years. Pretty sure it was stated we don't sign players on the back of a good tournament.
  11. Should have broke the fucker in half.
  12. Another gaff by the Olympic organisers. (not that major though) http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/olympics/18997930
  13. Very decent turn out for a women's match but the non team gb games are gonna be like this Colombia v PRK match, I.e. played in front of one man and his dog.
  14. God that stadiums practically empty. Should've given the tickets to school children.
  15. Maybe in a business sense it's fine. But, I never really like it when managers talk about other players. We hate Redknapp for it and Rodgers for now chatting about it. Would seem pretty hypocritical if we liked it when Pards did it Modified my post to state that afterwards.
  16. Unsettling the player and ramping up the pressure on Liverpool to sell? However doing what we criticise other managers doing i.e. talking about a player through the media.
  17. SAK

    Loïc Rémy

    At least let us dream man. :'(
  18. SAK

    Curtis Good

    On the basis of exceptional talent maybe? His parents or grandparents are of British descent. That answers that.
  19. SAK

    Curtis Good

    On the basis of exceptional talent maybe?
  20. SAK

    Loïc Rémy

    Plays wide, quick, athletic and has improved his finishing. n. Ben Arfa-ish the..would his style on the wing compliment a local, tall, lanky, long haired centre forward? or is he more about quick interplay with the likes of Cisse? Don't think he is, actually. He's closer to a Demba Ba, imo. More Thierry Henry I reckon.
  21. SAK

    Other clubs' transfers

    He's a good player, neat and tidy. What really sets him apart from other British players is that he can retain possession under pressure and still make a good pass.
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