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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Think at his age and after being a first team choice for a few years now he wouldn't want to be on the bench as he could get first team football at a mid table club.
  2. SAK

    Papiss Cissé

    Thought his first touch looked a little off compared to other games. Normally plucks the ball out of the air but didn't seem to work for him today resulting in City closing him down fast.
  3. Time to get the french contingent here to work their magic on him.
  4. That was an awful article Agreed, a load of s**** but I do get a "lets keep 'em down" vibe in the media with articles like this and the selling off of our players in the media. As soon as one plays well they're quick to say "oh, they'll have trouble keeping hold of him blah, blah, blah".
  5. SAK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=12414930&postcount=31 Love the name they've given Ben Arfa.
  6. 15mins plus stoppage time and we will be fourth with a point advantage over spurs. Come on QPR don't fuck it up now.
  7. SAK

    Papiss Cissé

    Nice run and finish with his weaker foot (though he's very good with his left).
  8. Done, but tried the Google Incognito window and it didn't let me vote twice?
  9. SAK

    Papiss Cissé

    I quite like Coleman but he was being a c*** all game. Yeah going on about Vorm being off his line more than a brilliant finish. Also looking around other club forums why do other fans think we'll flog him so soon after signing him? As if all a big club has to do is put in a bid and his gone. Just love the way some of them are burning with envy.
  10. SAK

    The England Thread

    Good win against the best side in the world. Was impressed with Scott Parker as he retained possession under pressure and made good passes to team mates.
  11. This really. Utterly unacceptable. Useless c***s. They had all summer but still failed. No excuses.
  12. Think they have a late signing of the Real Madrid winger, he has been on merseyside all afternoon Pedro Leon? Gone to Getafe I think.
  13. SAK

    Bryan Ruiz

    He never knows anything Brace yourself....for nothing.
  14. SAK

    Bryan Ruiz

    He's not an out and out striker is he though? Is he what we need?
  15. All summer and the Ashley & llambias can't get a decent striker in. Messing about with Erding when he wasn't interested for ages, should have been pursuing multiple targets at a much earlier stage.
  16. http://www.angryasianman.com/images/angry/vancouver_riot01.jpg
  17. The inability to sign a quality striker (so far) has spoilt what could have been a good window overall. We're about 3 players away from being a very good side. Just need a striker, central defender, and a left footed left back so we can play Santon at right back.
  18. The rest of us would regard it as investing.
  19. Yeah and them three quite a few then, I'll get my coat! How about any decent Italian defenders that have played in the prem? Materazzi Can't remember if he was s*** or not tbh. Shit for Everton but brilliant for Inter.
  20. If it comes off I guess we''l find out if he's the real deal. Would prefer a left footer as well so we can upgrade both our current fullbacks.
  21. If true they're only letting him go because he didn't turn out to be the player they first thought he would be. Hence the loan to Cessena.
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