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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Local Saudi team buy Messi then loan him to nufc for peanuts etc etc Once you own ten clubs (like Citeh do) and have corporate influence all over the globe there is no stopping you.
  2. Guess you are innocent until proven otherwise...but if he's told his CEO that he's going to plead guilty then that's different.
  3. We have to trust the process apparently
  4. I hope we send NDM as our rep together with a tape recorder
  5. I'm not sure Rafa would want to work under a DoF type model
  6. We should offer them the use of Aramco SJP if they get a home draw to help them out
  7. We have a team that finished 12th last season. A good manager can turn us round.
  8. The club are going to be under increased scrutiny and can't afford to not respond to comments from organisations like Kick Racism Out of Football
  9. As he did at Roma where in true tradition his team wasn't built in a day
  10. I think Lewis might get his chance with Fonseca. Whether he can take it...
  11. They had a scheduled day off
  12. Really as long as we get to 17th we can progress but even without new signings I'd expect a competent manager to get us mid table
  13. Although AP seemed to be a hit with the WAGs
  14. Which Roma players will he go back for do you think?
  15. Peter Graves on twitter, since deleted. Various itk including here.
  16. There should be some sort of new manager bounce but it is important that the new manager can say what be is essential in January to stay up.
  17. Think they passed that about 50 years ago
  18. They share the same IQ so no accident
  19. Staveley should fine him two weeks wages for that PR disaster and make it clear that this will be an ongoing action
  20. A £100m player on a five year contract is £20m pa in the accounts. That is £40m in the next two years. Money goes further than you think.
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