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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. .... setting up two games with safc next season
  2. Let's hope the EPL have carried out their annual review of Putin's influence on Abramovich and used the same standards to judge shadow directors there; at Man City; at Palace etc etc If you have a rule it has to be applied consistently.
  3. Think we will probably stick with Jones.
  4. Don't see why people can't wait a few months. We have been waiting close to 100 years to win the league.
  5. It's disappointing to learn we've been spelling Rafa's name wrongly all these years.
  6. Every team without 51pc fan ownership starts the season on -50 points. No need to force share sales or nationalise. No threat to other non sport sectors.
  7. Surely Masters, Hoffman et Al must go if they took part in this plotting
  8. With a slight variation we could lose just two teams and have the 18 team league that we supposedly were aspiring to.
  9. The problem isn't the technology but how it is being used. Worth noting that all sports had teething issues with the introduction of technology that they worked through with time. There is no going back.
  10. The government (s) need to step in and introduce legislation. Couple of ideas for starters: Any revenue from breakaway leagues taxed at 100pc Any club that doesn't have 51pc fan ownership have all income taxes at 100pc
  11. We're going to be rich in September...I hope this doesn't impact transfer business
  12. I'd guess the arrival of the new EPL chairman, mid process, with his background in Barclays.
  13. The People's Judean Front and the People's Front of Judea to name but two
  14. Love Pep. Dias out so in comes...Dallas
  15. This year and last year
  16. How have Fulham got 7 loan players? I thought the maximum was 4.
  17. Do you seriously believe they are concluding the deal in the middle of the Caribbean at a time when people have been told to limit travel? You do realise company purchases like this happen between lawyers in an office, not between the parties face to face? They aren’t buying a car off Auto Trader. Do you seriously realise the deal was originally brokered on a yacht in the Red Sea ? Do you seriously realise people are allowed to travel for business ? Do you realise that it’s a tax haven often used to conclude deals and who’s to say they’re not meeting to restructure a deal as has been previously alluded to. Do you realize That everyone you know someday will die (although I agree with your sentiments)
  18. It will get nodded straight through....in the positive optimism world.
  19. Gone Cancelo...fear Pep rotation though
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