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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Imagine EPL requested disclosure on TV rights etc etc relating to the KSA. NUFC declined as PIF is the part owner. Mini hearing needed to make a disclosure decision. Rinse and repeat countless times and you reach 2022.
  2. Also, why was Ashley present if it was known a delay was coming. I can only think there was a decision to be made on the day or it was a show of strength.
  3. Don't think it ever went away
  4. Yes but under EPL ODT rules he is guilty until he can prove he is innocent. Strange that this case is so confidential, yet so transparent, whereas...
  5. I'm with you. I think both sides have agreed CAT is the bigger case and that arbitration ahead of this makes little sense. Probably both sides unwilling to fully disclose in arbitration if CAT is coming. The EPL will have wanted arbitration to focus on ODT and nothing else so are withholding. NUFC will want to ensure that any evidence of foul play is heard in a public court. The long delay is surely recognition that at the very least CAT disclosure needs to be complete before any arbitration can be heard. Disappointing because we all want this concluded but let's just trust our legal team.
  6. If there was one player who could afford to miss pre-season... It would be Miggy
  7. I have it on good authority that with all the Covid pinging going on the club isn't able to respond to a rush for season tickets so SB has been asked to keep the performance low key.
  8. I think they should look at the 69 minute walk out (or similar). Those that walked out get their season ticket for free that year. Those that didn't have to pay double each year until they protest and organise a walk out. Let's weed out the chaff for the new era.
  9. DeMarco tweets. Fans protest. Staverly on Talksport. All geared to having eyes on the Arbitration on Monday. They clearly think they will win a fair fight and want the scrutiny to ensure it is fair. IMO.
  10. You're posting in the wrong thread. This is positive optimism.
  11. Imo he is saying he needs the arbitration rule book to do his job. Arbitration is about to begin.
  12. IF Dick Masters had been offered the CEO post in the ESL it doesn't prove the EPL didn't legally apply the ODT correctly. But in the court of public opinion he would be finished.
  13. When she said that Newcastle fans deserve transparency she really meant that the Reubens having been funding Boris for a decade and it's time for payback.
  14. I think it is a good thing. Clearly the EPL want to keep their dirty washing private whereas those associated with NUFC think transparency and rules will see them win. Ashley / Consortium are racking up the pressure on the judiciary but also putting a marker down that winning means a new form of EPL.
  15. Well of course it is about the money but this deal is the only way MA can see to leave the club with any sort of dignity.
  16. Especially if Dick Masters has previously made transparency commitments to NUST.
  17. I may get struck down by lightening today. Or I may not. Two outcomes but I bet the chance of me being alive Friday is better than 50/50.
  18. Yes, but how was it all over the press? The PL were proven to be briefing as I recall.
  19. They had no legal reason to know an ODT was ongoing.
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