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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'll sign when we get to p400
  2. Disagree with wullie as I thought Barton was the only decent midfielder. Thought we edged the first half but that CH showed his inexperience with his substitutions and change of formation. The first change was too slow in coming and should have been Ben Arfa through the middle for me. What we saw next is that Nolan cannot play in CM in 442 - they should have scored sooner on the break as a couple of times they had extra men - and this was with 25 mins left. Then to bring on Shola on the left(!!), Lovenkrands on the right(?), with Nolan and Ben Arfa behind Carroll just gifted them the ball too much. We did make chances but all shape and quality went. Jonas and Enrique were as poor as I've seen them in a long while and I'd be surprised if Perch lasts as a RB. PS Had money on Williamson at 28-1 for the first goal - couldn't believe it when the ball hit the post and stayed out. That type of day.
  3. Shola, Best, Ranger, Xisco are all cover for Caroll Kadar, Perch, Raylor are cover for Enrique No in an ideal world the cover may be better but it is adequate for now. We need quality not cover. Personally I think we are missing a first choice RB above all else.
  4. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think we're all getting a bit too obsessed with picking a 'best' XI. The team will evolve as the season progresses and the new signings find their feet (hopefully) but in the meantime injuries, suspensions and rotation against different quality teams, home or away will all be a factor. I'm looking for a common shape with a big striker, player in the hole, pace out wide and a holding player in midfield, I think the personel playing this system can be flexible and we'll only find out CH's best XI on Cup Final day!
  5. I'm not sure how much of an end product HBA has but I reckon we'll win a few more pens this season beginning a week Saturday.
  6. I don't think the Halls would have sold their stake for £35m never mind £17.5m. A good is worth what someone is willing to pay and the Halls knew someone would come along eventually and pay too much.
  7. He's got pace and strength and showed with his block against Villa he also has a nose for danger. I'm sure he'll improve and learn to stay on his feet in the box. Still wish we'd moved for Hutton to mirror the raids of Jose.
  8. I also noticed the ommission of MacDonald / Gowling which not only had the high goal haul but almost delivered silverware in 1976
  9. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    ........the replacement for Peter Beardsley at last..............hoping
  10. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'd normally agree with Gorilla but if you saw the MOTD analysis of Lee Dixon you'll have seen the two class, and different, balls from Nolan from Caroll flicks - one back to Caroll, one to Routledge. Also a good run when Smith was tripped. He does flatter to deceive sometimes but Sunday he was good.
  11. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think Tiote/Smith will be used away from home or against the top teams. Just like last season you can see us being more expansive once we are secure in the league. Agree with the comments that this gives CH options. Exciting times. Does anyone think that HBA will push this through having seen the 6-0 and thinking it would have been 9-0 if he'd played!!!
  12. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nolan will drop back and play with Barton in midfield leaving HBA to play behind Caroll - but he can also use HBA out wide to rotate Routledge and Jonas. All we need now is Hutton at RB - on a loan of course
  13. I think we are close to getting the right numbers but are missing class and pace. I'd go for a playmaker (HBA) and a right back (Hutton) or players of their ability. But no point adding to the squad for the sake of it eg Simpson, Perch and Raylor all have their merits at RB but are probably not top half material. Do think we will miss Routledge or Jonas if they get injured as Lovencrands, Guthrie, Barton etc are not the same. Also if we are to play one striker most of the time then Shola, Best, Xisco and Ranger as back up seems OTT. Sell Best or loan out Ranger.
  14. morpeth mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Oslo tonight, medical tomorrow, press conference 3pm Friday, off the bench after 70 mins on Monday with us losing 2-0, sun and cloud for 3 days, winning lottery numbers 2,21,42.............
  15. A right back than can tackle is going to be a novelty and don't anyone kid themselves, we'll be defending quite a bit next season.
  16. We need a Right Back, he was good at SJP and at least Hughton got the man he wanted. All else can wait till we've seen him a few times.
  17. morpeth mag

    Luis Suárez

    All these things are about crime and punishment and in particular when the punishment does not match the benefit of the crime. In Rugby the officials can award a penalty try where they suspect a team has deliberatly fouled to stop a score - seems to me that this option would have produced a more fair outcome. As this rule is not in place a think UEFA should give Suarez a minimum two game ban for the red card so that he cannot personally prosper.
  18. Powerplay- you are allowed play a 12th man for 10 minutes during which time there is no offsides!
  19. Twenty metre penalty for a yellow card offence if the offence occurs outside the penalty box - will stop niggling fouls Also think the clock should be for the time the ball is in play to stop time wasting - injured players to be treated on the pitch with the game continuing unless the referee decides a major injury may have occured. Make the game metric and increase the goal size to 8m not 8 yards
  20. Pires. Was so-so in his first season and then......
  21. Why was everyone in the post match talking about it being his first goal anywhere when he scored for Levante early in his career?
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