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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. This friendly might actually be worth watching because the "first teamers" like Lampard, Terry, Rooney, Cashley, Joe Cole etc. won't be playing. Gives the likes of Bentley, Young, Walcott a chance to do something.
  2. Predikshun: 1-1, dire performance from England, insufferable Yanks chanting U-S-A, half empty Wembley and bad tabloid headlines that could have been avoided had they not played a pointless friendly and stuck to a training session.
  3. Nicely covered. Indeed. Second hand source, not falsifiable....textbook ITK bollocks. Well played sir.
  4. How can you judge our transfer policy until we actually sign players and the window is closed? It'll be a bit late to worry about it when the window is closed tbf. And a bit early before it opens.
  5. So basically "other clubs' summer transfers" are Spurs rumours then? Nobody is doing any business (except the Modric deal) but people are pissing themselves over our inactivity?
  6. I still don't understand the controversy. If there are disagreements within the club (and I don't doubt that there are) then is there any chance that Keegan, Wise, Ashley, Vetere, Jimenez etc. could do what the rest of us do with the colleagues we have occasional disagreements with and compromise? Or is that a stupid suggestion? This all just seems like a collective hysteria to do with losing out on Modric and failing to sign this Turkish player before the transfer window even opens. And if it's this bad now then I dread to think what it's going to be like if we haven't signed anyone by - shock and horror - mid June. Relax FFS.
  7. So some 21 year old FM geek from Spain is doing our continental scouting?
  8. Well done Doncaster. Played well and thoroughly deserved it.
  9. Well said. In fact, didn't Emre & Parker sign for us instead of Everton in the summer they finished 4th? I seem to recall remember Moyes complaining about it at the time. Mid table is mid table when it comes to signing foreign players, and money will be the decider 9 times out of 10 not whether you finished 6th or 12th. It doesn't mean that all players are necessarily greedy, but that is simply how it works when you are making a career decision. Having said that, a healthy dose of realism (not pessimism) is a good thing so people don't get carried away. As in 25 pages of nail biting over some Turk that nobody has heard of for example. Or pissing ourselves because we haven't signed anyone on the 22 May.
  10. They seem to get more satisfaction out of taking the piss out of Terry & Grant than they do winning the Champions League.
  11. chicago_shearer


    Last summer, Custis says we are flogging Owen. This summer, Martins. I will never understand how sport journalists in the UK get away with this stuff, even if it is The Sun. You can lie through your teeth, never cite a source (ever) and not only get it past an editor and printed but earn a fortune in the process. Great work I suppose.
  12. Ashton looks a bit like Shearer therefore he must be good.
  13. chicago_shearer

    Arda Turan?

    20 pages on some Teamtalk bullshit about a player 98% of us had never heard of until his name was linked. While it does look like Spurs transfer policy this summer is "buy all the players our rivals are interested in" I can't say I can't understand all this worry about one player. Be cool. I'm waiting until at least July 1 to hit the panic button.
  14. Bought the Toronto top a few weeks ago with Robert 32 on the back. It's a shame the Chicago one looks like a Boro kit.
  15. Would earn a load of money and considering their current top scorer is Danny Dichio I think he would do fairly well. Go for it Shola!
  16. I hate Manchester United with a fury that will never, ever die.
  18. My summer is made if Ronaldo misses. Bonus if he cries.
  19. Terry should take one. Can't see him missing.
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