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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. geordie_b


    I was thinking recently how stunning the lack of talent they've had in recent years (20 or so) is. Even Middlesbrough have had players like Juninho and Ravanelli, even Downing and Adam Johnson, Viduka, Hasselbaink and Woodgatek, plenty more too, Sunderland have had Kevin Phillips and Kevin Ball ffs. They've had legends man. How can you forget Milton Nunez, all 5ft5" of him. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/10/06/article-1218559-06B91684000005DC-602_224x332.jpg I remember watching a reserve game at Kingston Park and Nunez got injured. The physio came on and carried him off in his arms like a Dad would with a toddler.
  2. Never heard the SE corner once in the NW howver the singing section spirt did seem to remain in level 7
  3. Just got in and havent read the thread but for me he was MOTM today
  4. Football is back!!! Look at me, what an idiot I am for posting a video with football clips in it!!
  5. So how much of the Fabregas money will Arsenal spend on Tiote then?
  6. Never understood posts like this. Firstly if the topic really doesn't interest you then why bother opening it and then to take the time to actually post on it? So you can only comment if youre part of the Anti Ashley brigade? If those who didnt care about it didnt post then it would give a pretty one sided view on the 'issue'
  7. geordie_b


    I think he would be very good for us, not that its going to happen (jinx)
  8. Who gives a shit really? The only time it will be seen is if something kicks off in which case its bad publicity...
  9. If they cancelled all the games then they would have to extend the season (I would have thought)
  10. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/QsXs31yff6A/0.jpg
  11. geordie_b

    Joey Barton

    and yet Twitter still isnt banned!!!?
  12. geordie_b

    Joey Barton

    your idol, bloody hell!
  13. geordie_b

    Joey Barton

    At Chelski. There's his replacement, younger, cheaper wages & we can sell him on for a profit at the end of the season You don't sell an Ameobi. Ashley would sell the fans if he could and Man City couldnt afford us
  14. geordie_b

    Joey Barton

    Does that not include the relegation season? We didnt win many with any of the players
  15. "The main creative force didnt get a visa" Cabaye or Barton?
  16. Ryan Tayloer got injured after 1 minute
  17. RTG has crashed due to recent events
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