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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    New Third Kit?

    Abit bigger http://i40.tinypic.com/pn1g8.jpg Isnt a training top, and its shit
  2. Is it not ok to talk to other clubs in the last 6 months of your contract? Outside of the UK, where he doesn't want to go. Ah right I see
  3. Is it not ok to talk to other clubs in the last 6 months of your contract?
  4. Surely if teams like Villa and Everton were genuinely interested then he would have had contracts long before now? I can honestly only see the likes of Wigan going in for him. Unless of course he is once again holding out for a team like Liverpool.
  5. Must be significant progress in the takeover if the managing director is gone?
  6. Holy fucking shit, I just watched a scene and:
  7. Just seen Mike's scene, fucking cringeworthy Hes standing there like a gimp bobbing his head, then he turns and says "fack owf peeekaaay" to some tard
  8. Wouldnt be overly pissed off, but I would feel fucked off for Shearer. Ashley would only make the fans hate him more with this, but at the same time id trust Curbishley to do a job in the CCC.
  9. Decky

    RIP sale thread.

    Good point, omnibus is on later today aswell, which explains why they arnt doing it today.
  10. Decky

    RIP sale thread.

    Why the fuck are they waiting to Wednesday btw? Why not now, or Monday or Tuesday?
  11. Dont blame him, as a player its in his interest to get a new club ASAP.
  12. Shame he wasn't left-footed like. But why let a little thing like that get in the way eh? Clearly the producers never thought of that when they made it.
  13. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2c/Goal_iiidvdfull.png Fuck me no wonder they chose Robert's freekick against Liverpool for the first Goal movie, the lead bloke looks exactly like him.
  14. Didnt he play shit to decent at NUFC, yet Real wanted to swap Owen for him
  15. Decky

    RIP sale thread.

    FFS hired Ashley to ruin the club, so he could come back as our saviour and win the fans over. Im telling you!
  16. What a dream that would be Never, ever happening
  17. Yes, cant be fucking bothered being negative anymore, new owner, new start for me.
  18. No He was the owner 2 kits later, when we started using this: http://www.fansfc.com/UploadedImages/Players/MichaelOwen_633571733045000000.jpg
  19. I picked my jaw up off the floor when I seen it in the paper. At first I thought Madam Tussauds made a wax work of him! BTW, its not photoshopped, hes in the next one
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