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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Spurs are quality up front, Keane and Berbatov would both walk into alot of teams, also Defoe and Bent as back ups proves the quality. Midfield im not convinced, Lennon and Steed are good players but im unsure of the rest, maybe the fee for Bent should have been spent on a real quality central midfielder. They have a quality defense aswelL, Chimbonda, Dawson, King, Bale, thats not bad at all. Robinsons a good goalkeeper aswell. I think they can attract world class managers, they are the closest club to the top 4 and none of these big name managers will get a jop in the top 4 as none of the managers are on their way out. So if Lippi etc want a job in the Premier League then Spurs will prob be their only attractive club. Before someone mentions us, Sam isnt going anywhere.
  2. I like that, id have Viduka just behind Owen and Martins rather than have them on the wings.
  3. For those that got this mental image out of their head, here you go.
  4. the_guv_nor Your a genious mate
  5. London - Arsenal, very entertaining, plus i have alot of respect for their manager. Birmingham - Villa, good side, hate Brum City FC Liverpool - Liverpool, cant stand Everton Manchester - Man Utd Sheffield - Wednesday Glasgow - Celtic Wild card - dunno honestly cant think of one.
  6. Decky

    Euro 2008

    And an Aston Villa player to control midfield for 180 minutes. Yep, and it makes you think, teams outside the top 4 and all that.
  7. Decky

    Euro 2008

    Looks like McClaren is getting something right, although the team desperately needed a Newcastle United player to get them out of a rut.
  8. Decky

    Euro 2008

    Are some of them actually compairing Owen to Chopra?
  9. Decky

    Euro 2008

    5 in 3 and a half for Owen so far
  10. Decky

    Euro 2008

    Aye, but he hasnt got full match fitness yet.
  11. Decky

    Euro 2008

    4 games 4 goals
  12. Havent been impressed with Viduka so far, maybe he needs a rest. Martins has to play, we were crying out for him through most of the Wigan game.
  13. I actually fear that he cant be left out due to the money we spent on him compaired to our other spending in the summer, how Enrique has hardly been used. Not only that but Ashley has some kind of liking for Smith.
  14. There were always question marks on his signing.
  15. Wouldnt have him on my bench tbh: Harper Barton Emre Viduka Faye Mixing those with the players in my starting 11. Its good for squad depth because Smith and Taylor are players i would have in there but cant.
  16. Im hoping for a few things tbh: - no 4 4 3 - Cacapa to start in defence with Beye, Enrique and Rozenhal, no Faye yet. - N'Zogbia to start - Martins and Owen to start up front - Some news on Emre and Barton particularly Emre who has played for Turkey.
  17. Abit early but im bored, i was just curious to know if Barton and Emre will be back for this one? this would be MY formation: Given Beye Rozenhal Cacapa Enrique Milner Geremi Butt N'Zogbia Owen Martins Quite a strong side tbh, putting Barton and Emre on in the 2nd half as i cant see them doing 90 minutes. Think Sam will play SOMETHING LIKE this though: Given Beye Rozenhal Faye N'Zogbia Geremi Butt Smith Martins Owen Milner Either way an easy(ish) win. Hope our old omen doesnt return and we lose because we would have lost this last year under Glenda
  18. £10million AT LEAST when you look at the likes of Bale signing for that price.
  19. http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/tm_headline=liverpool-prepare-taylor-bid%26method=full%26objectid=19759313%26siteid=93463-name_page.html
  20. Decky


    Hes pretty good looking though innit, and you need a good looking squad of players, to woo the opposition
  21. With the investment he gaves us ie transfer budjets etc this is brilliant for them
  22. Decky

    Euro 2008

    Im fucking depressed, the pub i was in DIED when Ireland conceeded, thank God we are good in the Rugby World Cup its all we have tbh
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