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Everything posted by Decky

  1. The BBC needs to get hits The BBC does not need to report rubbish, it always has enough content to cover. Aye and thats evident, what with the utter garbage they are putting up
  2. James its bullshit, its just rubbish to get clicks on their site, Sam said this just TWO weeks ago: http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=476455&CPID=8&clid=4&lid=&title=Big+Sam+won't+sell+N'Zogbia
  3. He is settled here and Sam said he WANTS N'Zogbia here as he could be our only and best left back, fucking paper talk today is some of the worst ive seen in years tbh.
  4. Why? id rather him than Owen, only Owen is too big a name to even think about selling at this club.
  5. Some craic if this is true like with these comments
  6. Its kinda like SA selling Anelka for funds at Bolton, it just doesnt work, selling a top player for other players when he can work on a small budjet? not even a small one, one at £5million, the price of selling Dyer if it comes to that.
  7. We will end up losing Owen and Oba, Oba wont hold down a place with Owen here and will want out, then Owen will just leave anyway. Not this summer, next or the one after it.
  8. He could have got another goal but for your knee in the face Buffon mate
  9. I think everyone is looking good, even younsters, Carr, Ramage etc are all looking very good. I think the likes of Babayaro wont last here, he is a lazy good for nothing twat and Sam wont put up with him.
  10. Has it been a really weak Juve side? Just come in, seen nowt, read just about the goalscorers. No it wasnt far from their strongest side
  11. Our passing has been excellent, i can only wonder what the score would be if Owen was on to be on the recieving end of these passes.
  12. Pattison is garbage he should have ran through with that, instead he fucks up again.
  13. Of course not. People are laughing at the lack of quality in the replacements. FYP
  14. Geremi off Rozenhal off Martins off Milner off Jesus wept
  15. Dyer is coming on, last game for us tbh Oh and Pattison ffs
  16. Carroll's vision to stay on side and his finishing is showing very good signs of his potiental
  17. NUFC World showing the Setanta testing as the stream doesnt go on breaks
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