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Everything posted by Decky

  1. This has to be a joke tbh
  2. Is there such a thing? how can a billionaire be poor? Isnt that what i said? you said is there such a thing...i said how can a billionaire be poor i was more specific i think I guess i should learn from my mistakes then
  3. Is there such a thing? how can a billionaire be poor? Isnt that what i said?
  4. Rozenhal and Geremi made Sam proud tonight
  5. If you live near Newry me and a few lads are heading out to McGuigans in Newry as its on there, your welcome to come like
  6. Are Sheffield Utd still on their mission or have they accepted defeat?
  7. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=478548&CPID=8&clid=21&lid=2&title=MSI+take+Hammers+to+High+Court&channel=football_home& Its getting ridiculous, when the above is settled there will be something else. I am sick of reading about Tevez and West Ham its boring as fuck now. I heard they might still be docked points for next season, not sure if that is right, what would that say for Sheffield Utd down in the Championship. Wish Tevez never came here or if he did at least under legal terms. Hes a cracking player but he IMO has been one of the worst transfers this league has had.
  8. Why wouldnt they? they just agreed a fee for him to go to their relegation rivals. Also: http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1077070,00.html I hope that isnt Sams plan.
  9. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2132870,00.html We are crying out for a left back so IMO we need to make a bid now for Baines, i will be furious if the Mackems get him and we are stuck with Babayaro all season. What happens when Baba is injured which he will be every other week? Ramage?
  10. Ljungberg (sp?) signing for West Ham, press conference at 2pm
  11. Not sure mate. He must be ringing around trying to find someone who wasnt a complete retard ( I just made it) http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y203/wes5020/orly_owl.jpg mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif
  12. So Vic likes Big Brother whats the big deal like?
  13. Seen a program on TV where these kids got to do up the house, the parents had to go away, and they painted the whole side of the house in black and white stripes Surely someone else here has seen this house?
  14. Still nothing on the interweb about this
  15. Yobo would be very nice but not for this much money
  16. Im pretty sure Heinze has a £6million release clause not £7million
  17. Would i be right is saying Angel probably isnt getting anything near to what he was getting at Villa in terms of wages? Strange move.
  18. Ive an ITK source, he told me that Oba was staying here in the North East but still wants to leave NUFC, he apparently wants to have talks with the Mackems.
  19. They want shot of Defoe is why. I dont understand why they do though unless he is unsettled, i mean hes a pretty good back up for Berb and Keane.
  20. What is it with Spurs that they have to sign Bent for such a massive amount of money when they have Berb, Defoe and Keane?
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