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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Put my foot in it there didnt I well yous know what i meant.
  2. Too early for this? cant believe the Prem is back so quickly Given Carr -- Taylor -- Rozenhal -- N'Zogbia Solano --- Geremi --- Milner Smith Viduka ----- Martins 2-1 to the Toon, late goal for us to win it, Anelka will prob score for Bolton, although having said that Sam will know their weaknesses and we will have a good advantage. I read somewhere that Sam said Enrique and Capaca wont be playing unless needed through injury, is this true?
  3. Well if he does ill change my opinion, but if we put together a list of the top 20 managers in WORLD football, would he be in it?
  4. Aye but one of the best in the game? what exactly has he achieved? a good spell at Leicester, then he went to a shit league to manage the best team in it and won alot of silverware. Then he went to Villa and were did they finish last season? To say he is one of the best in world football is wrong on so many levels.
  5. In a list of how many? MON isn't one of the best managers in the game at the moment? Hmmm. No, he isnt
  6. Decky


    Interesting to see a couple of No votes, will the voters post up why?
  7. Decky


    Well another signing today and we have spent about £21million, Sam could put that to about £25 million possibly £30 million by the end of the window. If he doesnt we have still spent a good amount. Consider the spending of other clubs this year, people complained that the likes of Fulham were spending more than us. However IMO our squad before the window was stronger than most, all it needed was a good set up to make it work, something we havent had since Sir Bobby, and that only went as far as the manager. Now we have our good set up, we still have most of those players, ones who have left wont be missed, only now we have more players, all of which im surely not many are unhappy to see here. So based on the business we have done so far, say we sign no other people, will you be happy with the summer?
  8. This been posted yet? http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w279/leonardj1989/enrique.jpg
  9. Thats a good piece? I like it better than the "And the time is now" crap we have had to endure! Its a good piece but its played out something awful these days in every 2nd trailor for some film or TV show.
  10. Ronaldo broken leg, Rooney out for the season, i expect and want to see those headlines later on. I know im a cunt for wishing injuries on people but fuck it
  11. Everytime i see Jim White i always remember how much of a cretin he was when we signed Owen. NEWCASTLE UNITED!!!!!!
  12. Wonder why Fergusion isnt playing ANY of the new signings, i thought Hargreaves would at least get the first half. Anyway who would you be happy to see win? I want Chelsea to win because ill be surrounded by Mancs and i LOVE seeing the cunts suffer.
  13. OMG are they seriously using Requiem for a dream as the SSN music now? thats fucking shocking
  14. Look at the Sky Sports Website, then look at the Official Premier League website, both done up, both look EXACTLY the same.
  15. Its simple, we need to get into Europe to progress as a club in regards to the players we have. I mean by rights with our squad atm we should be in Europe. We have a good manager now and prob the best set up we have had in YEARS.
  16. Thats the funniest thing ive heard all year .... Probably even my lifetime! haha! mackems.gif Are you serious?
  17. Aye and they even went as far as saying Smith wasnt a target.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Enrique_S%C3%A1nchez
  19. Talk Sport say hes signed.
  20. 2 Brazilian defenders? w00t
  21. ............Martins......Viduka Zogbia....Barton/Geremi...........Milner .....................Butt............... Is better, tbh.
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