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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. I hope to god that's not true. Of course it is...but we're getting Abdennour on loan from Barca :-)
  2. Why just over £5m? Douglas info is that we are to expect one more signing over 10m and the remainder will be around the 5m mark He doesnt say that though, just says one could be eight figures. How do you know that isnt the CB? has to be Abdennour :-)
  3. Now I got it...you were the "Mbemba...congo" guy. Now it's clear! Both politically uncorrect, but that's it.
  4. Yes, I did. Not often, but yes I did. That's just the way I am... :-)
  5. Is there any need for that, really? Agreed. I'd have gone for slag myself. I don't know why I quoted it as it was clear that this would be the reaction... :-(
  6. Is there any need for that, really?
  7. Abdennour? (I would be excited to say the least)
  8. Abdennour hopefully (even though I am just dreaming)
  9. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/3469687/drift-trike-o.gif :-)
  10. On his way to Porto then. It's okay (if it's only Mitrovic) if you ask me. Don't care that much about this guy but would love NUFC to get Mbemba.
  11. What's that little box all about after Newcastle - Charlie Austin? A thumb up sign
  12. Swissmag

    Charlie Austin

    I'd prefer that the other way around.
  13. This tbh...now watch us go for Chamakh :-)
  14. Swissmag

    Steven Taylor

    What a brainless idiot!!!
  15. Apparentely they need to sell first because the need more money. Might free up that Matip bloke.
  16. You sound like a woman. 'When do you ever take me out' Gets taking out 'Babe, this is too expensive, we should have went to Nandos and Cinema' seems like his nickname suits him... :-)
  17. Why? Some absolute w***** is joining another w***** at a w*** club. It will end in tears. Cause for celebration tbh. This tbh
  18. But he doesn't lose the ball that often. Abeid under Carver was much worse for that. People here just spout any crap. I provide logic. If you think Tiote doesn't lose the ball often, your logic is as sound as your opinion of Cabella's towering height. Tiote - 81.7 Anita - 81.1 He might lose the ball more times a match due to having the ball more. But he doesn't lose it more often. Is that pass completion? Does that include all the times he holds on to the ball, spins around a bit beofre being tackled? rates are similar. Tiote gets dispossesed once on average per 90 minutes. Anita 0.8. Tiote gets "fouled" a lot when he fannies on the ball. And he must make some passes under extreme pressure that don't help build a rhythm. But Tiote losing the ball often? Myth. f***ing stats man, just watch the f***ing matches for once and you'll see Anita taking the more ambitious pass and you'll see Tiote passing backwards. See Tiote comit a foul or be out a position and you'll see us having already lost the central battle. You'll also see us being prone to cards and giving away key free kicks that force danger situations in our own half. He hasn't been himself since the first two seasons we had him and it's a another Alan Pardew ruined career. Howay man, forget what you see with the naked eye; his stats are very good. it's all about stats if you ask me ;-)
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